Sardonic Definitions: 1.)disdainfully or skeptically humorous: derisively mocking 2.) marked by the use of wit that is intended to hurt feelings.
Sardonic Forms: 1) Sardonic (adjective) 2) sardonically (adverb)
Sardonic Synonyms: acerbic, acid, barbed, biting, caustic, sarcastic, satiric, scalding, scathing, sharp, snarky, tart.
Sardonic Antonyms: NONE
Enigma Definitions: 1.) something hard to understand or explain 2.) an inscrutable or mysterious person 3.) an obscure speech or writing
Enigma Form: Enigma (Noun)
Enigma Synonyms: conundrum, mystery, puzzle, riddle, secret
Enigma Antonyms: NONE
Abet Definitions: 1.) To actively encourage and second (something, such as an activity or plan) 2.) to assist or support (someone) in the achievement of a purpose 3.) to encourage, aid, or support with criminal intent in attempting or carrying out a crime- often used in the phrase “aid and abet”
Abet Forms: 1.) Abet (Transitive Verb-- needs direct object) 2.) abetment (noun) 3.) abettor/er (noun)
Abet Synonyms: brew, ferment, incite, instigate, provoke, raise, aid, assist, back, support, help
Abet Antonyms: Hinder
Enervate Definitions: 1.) (for adjective form) lacking physical, moral, or mental vigor 2.) (verb) to reduce the mental or moral vigor of 3.) (verb) to lesson the vitality or state of
Enervate Forms: 1.) Enervate (adjective and verb) 2.) enervatingly (adverb) 3.) enervation (noun)
Enervate Synonyms: castrate, damp, dampen, deaden, dehydrate, devitalize, petrify, debilitate, soften, weaken, tire, waste
Enervate Antonyms: brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, strengthen, fortify
Precipice Definitions: 1.) a very steep or overhanging place 2.) a hazardous situation--- brink
Precipice Form: 1.) Precipice (Noun)
Precipice Synonyms: bluff, cliff, crag, escarpment, scarp
Precipice Antonyms: NONE
Vex Definitions: 1.) to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to 2.) to bring physical distress to 3.) to irritate or annoy by petty provocations 4.) to puzzle or baffle 5.) to shake or toss about
Vex Forms: 1.) Vex (transitive verb)
Vex Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, irritate, irk, baffle, bamboozle, bewilder, confuse, confound, muddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle
Vex Antonyms: NONE
Acute Definitions: 1.) characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset 2.) having a sudden onset, a sharp rise, and short course 3.) being, providing, or requiring short-term medical care 4.) lasting a short time 5.) ending in a sharp point: such as *being or forming an angle less than 90 degrees *composed of acute angles 6.)of an accent mark:having the mark ’ 7.) marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions 8.) felt, perceived, or experienced intensely 9.) requiring urgent attention
Acute Forms: 1.) acute (adjective) 2.) acutely (adverb) 3.) acuteness (noun)
Acute Synonyms: delicate, fine, keen, perceptive, quick, sensitive, sharp, burning, urgent, critical, dire, imperative, pressing, deep, excruciating, fierce, intense, profound, violent, explosive, dreadful
Acute Antonyms: noncritical, nonurgent, light, moderate, soft
Countenance Definitions: 1.) facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling 2.) look or expression 3.) mental composure 4.) calm expression 5.) bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction: moral support 6.) archaic: aspect, semblance, pretense 7.) obsolete: bearing, demeanor 8.) (verb definition) to extend approval or toleration to: sanction
Countenance Forms: 1.) countenance (Noun and Transition Verb) 2.) countenancer (noun)
Countenance Synonyms: cast, expression, face, look, visage, face, collectedness, composure, calmness, coolness, serenity, accept, approve, favor, okay, accept, endure, handle, stomach support, tolerate
Countenance Antonyms: agitation, discomposure, disapprove, discountenance, disfavor
Terse Definitions: 1.) using few words: devoid of superfluity 2.) smoothly elegant
Terse Forms: 1.) Terse (adjective) 2.) tersely (adverb) 3.) terseness (noun)
Terse Synonyms: brief, compact, concise, curt, laconic, pithy, succinct, crisp
Terse Antonyms: verbose, wordy
Duplicity Definitions: 1.) contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action 2.) the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or actions 3.) the quality or state of being double or twofold (two-faced!) 4.) law: the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (such as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal actions
Duplicity Form: 1.) duplicity (noun)
Duplicity Synonyms: cheating, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, deceit, deception, dishonesty, fraud, dupery, fakery
Duplicity Antonyms: artlessness, forthrightness, sincerity
WORDS THAT HAVE ONLY ONE FORM: Duplicity (noun), Vex (transitive verb), Precipice (noun), Enigma (noun),
WORDS WITH MULTIPLE FORMS: Countenance (noun and transition verb), Enervate (adjective and transitive verb)
WORDS WITHOUT ANTONYMS: Vex, Precipice, Enigma, Sardonic
TRANSITIVE VERBS: enervate, countenance, vex, abet
NOUNS: countenance, precipice, enigma, duplicity