healthcare provision

public healthcare provisions 1918-45


  • Wealth = health, high quality healthcare was only accessed through private doctors

    • Lack of organisaiton and provision in less affluent areas

    • Reliance on workhouses

    • ‘Friendly societies’ — cheap health insurance

    • Charities — child welfare

  • National health insurance 1911

  • Fabian society promoted reorganisation of healthcare and pressured government on laissez faire

  • Spanish flu (220,000 killed in Britain) and Gilles facial treatment highlighted need for gov to pay for healthcare

Ministry of health 1919:

  • WW1 lead to expansion of gov role in healthcare

  • Coordinated health at a regional level and administered national health insurance funds

Tuberculosis act 1921:

  • Gov set up TB sanatoria to slow spread pre-WW1

  • Ministry of health act created MRC in order to research the cause of TB, publicly funded but not under gov control

  • TB act made TB sanatoria compulsory by local authorities

  • Cases begin to decline every year from 1920-38

Local gov health act 1929:

  • Made responsibility of poor law hospitals county-controlled

  • Law infirmities turned into public hospitals

  • Local authorities made responsible for venereal disease clinics, child welfare, dentistry and school medical services and meals

  • Single health authority created to control healthcare in counties

  • Didn’t lead to cheap, modern healthcare

Pioneer health centre/’peckham experiment’ 1935:

  • Local residents (950) paid 5p a week to receive annual health check up and access to leisure facilitie
