o E. Australia
§ Captain James Cook – first to conquer
§ Plan A: Prison Colony -> did not last long
§ Gold Rush (1851)
· Settlers + missionaries
· Civilizing influence in Aboriginies
§ Australia becomes British Commonwealth (1901)
o F. Ireland
§ Status quo = English absenteeism (English owned lands)
§ The “Irish Question” -> what should England do; free, unite?
· Act of Union of 1800
· Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829
§ Great Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852)
· Population devasted (1000s die)
§ Materialist ideas erode Victorian values (matter; not Bible matters)
· 1. Darwinism
o On Origin of Species (1859)
o Life evolves = natural selection
· 2. Socialism
o State owns means of production
o Utilitarianism (early 19th cent)
§ Jeremy Benthem, John Steward Mill (idealistic)
· -“Greatest happiness for greatest numbers”
o Fabian society (late 19th cent)
§ Founded 1884
§ G.B. Shaw, Sidney, + Beatrice Webb
· “Evolutionary Socialism” -> slow change
· 3. Modernism
o Theological liberalism
§ from German “higher criticism”
§ Bible merely a “beautiful myth”
· III Beginning of Britain’s Decline
o If Bible gave success, lack of Bible caused fall
· Chapter 21: Reaction, Revolt, Romanticism
· I. The Power of Ideas
o A. New Ideologies
§ 1. How you came to present
§ 2. Evaluates present and role
§ 3. Program to change present
o B. Revolutionary Nationalism (ideology)
§ “Natural boundaries” (racial politics, languages, culture, history)
§ Replaces religion
§ The “other” -> xenophobia (fear of outsiders/others)
· 1. Moves away from local gov
· 2. Antiscriptural
· 3. Destroys old, builds on rubble
§ Catalyst: Reaction from Napoleon empowering foreigners over other countries
o C. German Philosophy
§ 1. Immanuel Kant – Idealism (humble beginnings)
· Morality without Christianity
o How? -> Reason
o “Categorical Imperative” -> “if everyone did it would society suffer”
· Phenomenal (experience)
· Nominal (reason)
o Critique of Pure Reason (book); relativism
· 3/3/2025
o 4 accomplishments of the Congress of Vienna
§ 1. Reinstate monarchies
§ 2. Encircle France
§ 3. Compensate land loss
§ 4. Establish balance of power (among great European pwrs)
· II. The Conservative Order
o A. Congress of Vienna (1815)
§ 4. Metternich’s conservatism
· No liberalism or nationalism
· Institutions + elitism
§ 5. Action items
§ 6. Concert of Europe
§ 7. Age of Metternich (1815-1848)
· Conservatism wins, but for how long?
o B. Latin America - beginning of the Breakdown
§ Creoles (Spanish-American) and mestizos (Spanish+Indian)
· No allegiance to Napoleon’s Spain
§ Independence for Mexico (1821)
§ Independence for South America
· Simon Bolivar (The Liberator)
§ By 1825 most of Latin American had won independence from European rule
o C. Failure of the Concert
§ Monroe Doctrine (1823)
§ Greek independence
· Treaty of Adrianople (1829)
o Unofficial end of Concert of Europe
· III Revolution and Reform (19th century part II)
o A. 1830 Revolutions
§ France
· Napoleon -> Louis XVIII
· Charles X’s tyranny
· July Revolution
o Louis Phillipe and “July Monarchy” (Kinda normal guy); “Citizen king”
§ 1 in 30 men could vote
§ 1. France = “July revolution” -> Louis Phillipe
§ 2. Belgium – Independent but Neutral country
§ 3. Italy, Germany – national unification? NO
§ 4. Poland – Independence? No
o Revolutions of 1848
§ 1. Several European nations were swept by simultaneous revolutions
§ 2. These revolutions generally failed and conservatives regained power
o B. Revolutions of 1848
§ I. France
· A. February: Louis Phillippe OUT
· B. “Provisional Government” established
o National Workshops - Government-sponsored public works programs
§ Fail
· C. “June Days”: 10,000 dead in Paris riots
· D. November: Second French Republic
o 1848: President Louis Napoleon (nephew of emperor)
o 1851: Emperor Napoleon III
§ 2. Austria
· Metternich flees (1848)
· Czar Nicholas I intervenes
· Metternich returns (1851)
§ 3. German Confederation
· Frankfurt Parliament attempts unification but rejected by Prussia’s king Frederick William IV
§ Revolutions of 1848: No permanent Change without Violence
o C. Unification of Italy
§ Goal: Drive out Austria and France + unite the Italian states
§ 1. Key figures:
· Giuseppe Mazzini – nationalist; “Young Italy”
o Incited small acts of insurrection around Italy to help unify
· Giuseppe Garabaldi – Commander of the Red Shirts
· Count Cavour – Sardinian Diplomat; assisted England and France during Crimean War
· Popular violence + political diplomacy
§ 2. Three wars for independence
§ 3. Victor Emmanuel II
· 1st king of a unified Italy (1861)
· 3/5/25
§ 4. Capture of Rome (1871)
o D. Unification of Germany
§ Most important political development in Europe between 1848 and 1914
§ I. German Conf. – Austria dominant, Prussia rising
· Modern, industrialized military (Prussia’s key to growing influence)
§ 2. Otto von Bismarck
· Chancellor of Prussia
· -Goal: Strong, unified German state under Prussian dominance (wants Prussia to be leading power)
· -Realpolitik = politics of power
o Realism > Idealism
o Results:
§ 1. Domestic policy = State Socialism
· Bans socialist party; Sponsors Europe’s first social welfare programs
§ 2. Foreign Policy = “Blood and Iron”
· Skilled diplomat; would do whatever necessary
o War will unify the German States
· The Plan; War with Denmark, then war with Austria
o Wants to demonstrate Prussia’s strength vs Austria weakness
o War with France
§ War was started because Napoleon III received an offensive telegram from Bismarck’s people; France attack, Prussia “defends” itself
o -Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Prussia
§ Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
· Germany united, victorious
· France must pay reparations (for being aggressor)
· Germans set up tents in Versailles
· Proclamation of the German Empire in Versailles, 1871
o Kaiser
o Bismarck now Chancellor of Germany
o E. Austria-Hungary
§ 1. “Dual Monarchy”
§ 2. Francis Joseph I
o F. The Third French Republic
§ 1. Domestic affairs
· Paris Commune (1871)
o Modest growth despite Marxism
o High turnover
· “La Belle Epoque”
o Prosperity in art, science, and culture
§ 2. Foreign Affairs
· Triple Entente (1907)
o France + England + Russia
o G. Growth of Modern Socialism
§ Places responsibility on the state to distribute wealth/goods
· Means of production should belong to the collective
· The state acts in the collective’s best interest, distribution
· Louis Blanc – you, and everyone else benefit from your hard work
§ 1. Utopian Socialism
· Small, ideal communities (were setup to prove)
o Most collapsed
§ 2. Democratic Socialism
· Publicly-owned + controlled industry
§ *no socialism works well
· Chapter 22 WWI
· I A new Century
o A. Science and Technology
§ I. Physics
· Albert Einstein
o Theories of Relativity
§ 2. Chemistry and Medicine
· George W. Carver
o Agricultural science
§ Turned peanut into many other products
· Dr. Walter Reed and William Gorgas
o Yellow fever vaccine