Chapter 23 and 24 Vocabulary

1. %%**Entropy**%%- A measure of the dispersal of energy or disorder of a system. The system becomes energetically more stable when disordered.
2. %%**System**%%- The particular investigation (the reaction itself).
3. %%**Surroundings**%%- In enthalpy changes, anything other than the chemical reactants and products, for example the solvent, the test tube in which the reaction takes place, the air around the test tube.
4. %%**Spontaneous Changes-**%% Changes that tend to happen naturally continually.
5. %%**Standard Molar Entropy**%%- At standard conditions (p of 10^5 Pa, temp of 298K, and each substance involved in reaction is in its normal physical state) units are J\*K^-1\*mol^-1.
6. %%**Feasibility**%% (of reaction)- In entropy, whether or not the reaction will occur spontaneously.
7. %%**Gibbs Free Energy**%% (ig you could say how likely the rxn is going to **Gibb** us energy)- The energy change that takes into account both the entropy change of a reaction and enthalpy change; reactions are likely to be feasible if the value of the Gibbs free energy change of reaction is **negative**; the Gibbs free energy change of reaction is given by the relationship \[delta\]G\[naught\]=\[delta\]H\[naught\] - T\[delta\]S\[naught\].
8. %%**Standard Molar Gibbs Free Energy of Formation**%% (\[delta\]G\[subscript f\]\[naught\])- The free energy change that accompanies the formation of one mole of compound from its elements in their standard states; units KJ/mol.
9. %%**Standard Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction**%% (\[delta\]G\[naught\]=\[delta\]H\[naught\] --T\[delta\]S\[naught\], T is in K not celsius, the Gibbs free energy change when the amount of the reactants in the stoichiometric equation react to give products (must be standard so 298K, 10^5 Pa, reactants in normal states).

Chapter 24 (metals! 🚄)
10. %%**Transition Element**%%**-** A d-block element that forms one or more stable ions with an incomplete d sub shell.
11. %%**Variable Oxidation State**%%- A property of transition elements, the ability to form more than one ion.
12. %%**Ligand**%% - A molecule or ion with one or more lone pairs of electrons available to donate to a transition metal ion.
13. %%**Complex (ion)**%%- A central transition metal ion surrounded by ligands.
14. %%**Co-ordinate Number**%% - The number of co-ordinate (dative) bonds formed by ligands to the central transition metal ion in a complex.
15. %%**Bidentate**%% 🦷🦷(ligands)- Ligands that can form two co-ordinate bonds from each ion or molecule to the central transition metal ion, for example water (the Mickey Mouse ears, or whatever you call them).
16. %%**Monodentate**%% 🦷(ligands)- Ligands that can only form one co-ordinate bond from each ion or molecule to the central transition metal ion, such as ammonia.
17. %%**Stereoisomers**%%- Compounds whose molecules have the same atoms bonded to each other but with different arrangements of the atoms in space.
18. %%**Geometric** **Isomers**%%- Complexes with the same molecular formulas but different geometrical arrangements of their atoms (same thing as stereo).
19. %%**Optical** **isomers**%%- Two compounds which contain the same number and kinds of atoms, bonds, and different spatial arrangements of the atoms, but which have non-superimposable mirror images (and can’t be rotated b/c the molecules around complex twist, so they still look different even when rotated).
20. %%**Stability** **Constant**%% (K\[stab 🔪\])- The equilibrium constant for the formation of the complex ion in a solvent from its constituent ions or molecules.
21. %%**Degenerate**%% 😔 (orbitals)- Atomic orbitals at the same energy level.
22. %%**Non**%%**-** %%**degenerate**%% 😃 (orbitals)- Atomic orbitals that have been split to occupy slightly different energy levels.
