HTML basics (copy)

\* \*\*Page structure\*\* \* the page structure follows a hierarchy of tags the order is: \* Html \* Head \* Title \* Body \* h1 \* p \* All the mentioned above with their respective closing tags. \* \*\*web browsers\*\* \* the browser’s based on the HTML tags to determine how to display the document. \* \*\*HTML\*\* \* stands for Hypertext markup language. \* \*\*HTML element\*\* \* defined by a start and end tag \* The whole code, tags, and text are elements \* \*\*Tags\*\* \* Tags usually look like this \* “ Content goes here... ” \* \*\*\*\* \* Defines that a document is an HTML5 document. \* \*\*\*\* \* element is the root element of an HTML page \* \*\*\*\* \* contains meta information about the page. \* \*\*Headings\*\* \* These are defined with tags from h1 to h6 \* this also follows a hierarchy being 1 the most important and 6 the least important. \* \*\*Paragraphs\*\* \* this one are defined by the tag “

“ \* \*\*href\*\* \* is used for hyperlink references this is used with the corresponding tags for links. \* \*\*Links\*\* \* links are defined by the tag: “[ text that contains the link ](link)” \* \*\*images\*\* \* this one is defined with the tag, other attributes that are used are, src, alt, width, and height. \* \*\*SRC\*\* \* is the tag used to help the img tag to identify the picture location that should be on the website. \* \*\*ALT\*\* \* is the tag used to implement alternative text in case your picture doesn’t show up or for visually impaired people. \* \*\*Buttons\*\* \* “text inside the button ” \* is the tag to implement buttons on the website \* \*\*lang\*\* \* is used inside the HTML tag and is used to identify the language of the page. \* \*\*Attributes\*\* \* are used to give extra information on the elements. \* \*\*style\*\* \* is usually used to add styles like color and font size. \\