Descubrir la literatura infantil-Ximena Troncoso Araos A


  • Article Overview

    • Title: Discovering Children's Literature

    • Author: Ximena Troncoso Araos, PhD in Latin American Literature, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile.

    • Purpose: To promote the appreciation of children's literature among adults to foster reading interests in children.

Importance of Children’s Literature

  • Developing Literary Taste

    • Critical to stimulate interest in literary reading from an early age.

    • Involves not only teachers but also parents and caregivers.

  • Rediscovery by Adults

    • Adults should engage with children's literature not just as mediators but as genuine readers to understand its richness.

  • Classic Works

    • Many literary classics are found in children's literature.

    • The article emphasizes reading high-quality literature that encourages dialogue between child and adult readers.

The Reading Crisis

  • Perception of Reading

    • Common belief that reading is in crisis despite an increase in book publications and literacy rates.

  • Cultural Values

    • Society’s materialistic values often overshadow the importance of reading. Author Luis Pescetti comments on the dissonance between promoting reading and societal values that prioritize quick success.

  • Reframing the Discourse

    • Challenging the narratives that dismiss children's willingness to read.

    • Encouragement towards experiential reading rather than didactic promotion of reading as a good virtue.

Mediators in Children’s Reading

  • Role of Adults

    • Adults, including family and educators, play a crucial role in recommending reading materials to children.

    • Emphasis on the dual nature of the reader—both adult and child.

  • Children’s Choices

    • Children are increasingly exercising their right to choose what to read, leading to a more engaged reading community.

Quality in Children's Literature

  • Criteria for Literary Quality

    • Discusses the importance of selecting high-quality works rather than broad consensus classics.

  • Key Features of Quality Literature

    • Polisemia: Incorporation of multiple meanings into the text enhances interpretative depth.

    • Language Craftsmanship: The use of language must be refined, imaginative, and fittingly evoke emotions and experiences.

    • Humor: Humor can lighten the reading experience and serve various narrative functions.

    • Aesthetic and Ethical Commitment: Writers should respect the child’s intelligence and address social issues thoughtfully.

Dialogue Between Reader Types

  • Creating Spaces for Encounter

    • Quality children’s literature fosters meaningful connections between child readers and adults.

    • Importance of sharing reading experiences aloud and discussing texts collectively to inspire a mutual appreciation of literature.

Impact of Psychoanalytic Theory

  • Insights from Psychoanalysis

    • Influential works by Bettelheim and Pinkola Estés provide deeper understandings of child psychology and literary value in children's texts.

  • Connection of Childhood and Adulthood

    • Literature acts as a bridge, linking the experiences of childhood with adult perspectives, allowing for personal and communal resonance.

Classic Works in Children’s Literature

  • Examples of Classic Titles

    • Focus on classics like "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen to illustrate the multifaceted nature of childhood experiences as portrayed in literature.

  • Narrative Depth

    • How stories resonate across age groups, revealing lessons about identity and acceptance.

The Role of Gabriela Mistral and Marcela Paz

  • Gabriela Mistral's Contributions

    • Mistral’s works encapsulate the essence of childhood and the importance of retaining literary quality beyond educational norms.

  • Marcela Paz's" Papelucho"

    • Highlights offer a rich portrayal of childhood, addressing complex themes through humor and authentic voice. Discusses how "Papelucho" challenges normativity and constructs a reality both familiar and relatable for young readers.


  • Literary Engagement

    • Emphasizes the need to engage with children's literature authentically, promoting quality texts that resonate with both children and adults.

  • Encouragement for Adults

    • Suggests that adults take the time to connect with quality literature and share their experiences to encourage a more vibrant reading culture for children.


  • Include notable works discussed, such as those by Gabriela Mistral, Marcela Paz, and critical literature on child psychology and reading promotion.
