Anti-Campaigns (Three and Five)


  • 3 anti-campaign launched in 1951 to target business ppl in order to tax and distribute wealth

    • Targeted members of the ccp, old gmd members, bureaucrats 

  • 5 anti-campaign during the korean war, aimed to be rid of private property (very anti-bourgeois)

  • Helped enforce the CCP’s rule on China

  • Caused mass psychological scares on China’s people and businesses as well as many deaths through execution/suicide

Boxer Rebellion & Taiping Rebellion


  • A group called “boxers” rallied to drive foreigners from China. The original aim was to destroy the Qing dynasty and the westerners that supported the opium wars. 

  • The Taiping rebellion, starting in 1850 was a large scale rebellion against the Quing dynasty by peasants. The death toll reached 20-30 million and when the Qing dynasty won, there was a huge loss of economic and political stability. 

  • The Taiping Rebellion resulted in mass death and starvation

  • The boxer Rebellion resulted in a stronger sense of nationalism in China

    • The people started to have great pride in their county and community

CCP (Chinese Communist Party) 


  • The Chinese Communist Party, created by Mao Zedong, is the controller of modern China. 

  • It models after Marxism and is composed of the lower class peasants that bond together in fight for equality of economics and life status. 

This is the party that fought against the nationalists in the Chinese Revolution that focused on distribution of foods, clothes, and goods as well as land reform which strongly appealed to the peasants 

Comfort Women


  • Comfort women were women forced into sexual activities by the Japanese Imperialist army during the Chinese Civil war 

The Japanese army would rape and force sex slavery on to women as a way to assert dominance in the towns and control northern China. The soldiers had almost no remorse for this → Chpt 2 of the rape of Nanking "Perhaps when we were raping her, we looked at her as a woman," Azuma wrote, "but when we killed her, we just thought of her as something like a pig.”



  • A communist organization started by the Soviet Union that advocated for world communism 

Parts of the CCP were seen as extensions of Comintern. It shows the Russian influence on the Chinese government. 



  • Popular religion in china that prevailed society

  • Taught how stuff is classified between yin and yang 

Led to dehumanization of women as they were classified as yin and inherently must submit to men as they are yang

cooperative and collective farms (define and distinguish the difference between)


  • Cooperative - land has owner but everyone works the land

  • Collective - land was owned and maintained by collective

  • Not necessary but funny- Lysenkoism (using traditional farming practices) was touted as multiplying yields by 16 times 

  • Part of the push to communism/socialism and away from private ownership.

  • Got pushed too far during the great leap forward and ended up starving much of the peasantry

Cultural Revolution 


Removal of the four olds (thought, culture, practices, customs)

Used by Mao to purge the party of his detractors 

Students got a lil out of control (public confessions, beatings, and destruction of monuments)and police were ordered to not intervene

Denunciation / Humiliation / Purges (Begins 1949)


  • Practices like public struggle sessions implemented during 3 anti campaigns made people report on eachother.

  • Political adversaries were constantly purged through continuous revolution  and insubordinate groups were purged through things like anti-rightist campaign and cultural revolution

  • Allowed Mao to keep and maintain complete control over the CCP and China

  • Number of informants allowed mao to have more control over population than any other dictator in history

Double Tenth and the Qing Dynasty


  • 1911 revolution that overthrew the qing dynasty

  • Result of unhappiness with weakness of qing dynasty and inability to stop foreign influence

  • Ended thousands of years of imperial rule 

  • Installed republic of china

Five Year Plans


  • The first Five Year Plan - emphasized rapid industrial development and it was heavily funded, the agricultural side was forced to rely on its own capital. Iron and steel, electric power, coal, heavy engineering, building materials, and basic chemicals were given first priority; in accordance with Soviet practice.

  • The second Five Year Plan - the policy of the Great Leap Forward was announced. In agriculture this involved forming communes, abolishing private plots, and increasing output through greater cooperation and greater physical effort. 

  • Determined social/economic reforms and enforced principles of communism. Followed the USSR model.

  • Instead of stimulating the economy, the five year plans and great leap forward resulted in 35-40 million deaths from starvation and famine.

Foreign Enclaves (aka: concessions; Treaty of Nanjing; end of the Opium War)


  • Territories belonging to one country that are totally surrounded by another

  • China - territories ruled by foreign powers

    • Ex. shanghai, tianjin, hong kong(?)

  • Many foreigners would use this to their advantage to violate/undermine Chinese law

  • Contributed to china’s dislike of foreigners and imperialism

The Fourth of May Movement


  • cultural/anti imperialist political movement

  • Grew out of May 4 1919 student protests in tiananmen square in which students protested the government’s lack of response to the japanese empire retaining territory in shandong (treaty of versailles)

  • Led to nationwide protests, increase in nationalism, political mobilization away from cultural activities, move towards populism/away from elites

  • Marked turning point in the cultural revolution


(aka: Guomindang, sometimes KMT)


  • “Nationalist Party of China” - right-wing political party

  • Sole ruling party of republic of china 1928-1949 

    • Not a lot of control over territory due to civil war w/ ccp

  • Defeated by ccp in 1949, retreated to taiwan

  • Opposing party that fought against the CCP during the civil war

Great Leap Forward



  • economic/social campaign led by CCP to reform country from agrarian (agricultural) society to industrialized society through formation of people’s communes

  • Led to the great chinese famine, which killed millions (largest in human history)

  • Very unsuccessful, badly implemented

  • Wanted to remodel China under the CCP

  • Follow communist values

Guerilla Warfare

(blockhouses; mobile defense; strategic retreats)


  • Military action carried out by a small force/army

  • Tactic of performing smaller attacks (greater in quantity)

  • Fought by non-members of a government’s military

    • Individual forces

  • Fast moving attacks

  • Preferred method of attack for Mao’s CCP

  • Used against nationalist forces due to their weak/lack of military strength

  • contributed to the rise of the CCP due to their ability to pick up recruits to join the party in attacks

    • Used to take down the GMD

Jiangxi Soviet (1927-1934)


  • Soviet area governed by ccp

  • Largest component of the chinese soviet republic, home to its capital (Ruijin)

  • Encirclement campaigns from the GMD targeted this area

  • Defeated by GMD encirclement campaign 1933-1934, caused the Long March

Long March (1934-1935)


  • Military retread by chinese red army and ccp from GMD forces from october 1934-1935

  • 100k troops retreated from Jiangxi Soviet to Yan’an

    • 8k troops survived

  • Allowed ccp army to recuperate/rebuild in the north

  • Gave CCP a positive reputation among the peasant class, which was then used by the CCP to win the war

  • Used as propaganda by the CCP

Mukden Incident


  • Japan lightly explodes their own rail way and uses it as pretext to invade China

  • Start of second sino-japanese war

Sun’s Three Principles


  • Nationalism

  • democracy

  • livelihood of the people

  • Pretty good principles that he thought up but was never in control long enough to execute. GMD also failed to deliver leading to lack of support from the people

Treaty of Versailles


  • The treaty which ended World War One, signed on June 28th, 1919

  • Known for its harsh repercussions for Germany, including military cuts, economic damages, and war guilt

  • Intended to prevent further conflict but sewed the seeds for the Second World War

  • Played a significant role in fueling widespread resentment and nationalism in China due to its decision to hand over former German territories in Shandong Province to Japan

    • This was perceived as betrayal by the Japanese people 

  • This lead to the May the Fourth movement and further instability within the country 

    • This created conditions that allowed for the rise of political factions that led to the civil war 

The Twenty-Eight Bolsheviks

(aka Best Name for a Band Ever)

  • Group of Moscow graduates that briefly led the CCP. 

  • Took control from yuan yixian. 

  • Formally removed during zunyi conference. 

  • They tried to conventionally warfare their way out of the 5th encirclement which did not work so well. 

  • Represented the immense amount of effort the comintern was putting into the CCP

United Front


  • Alliance bwtn gmd/ccp to unify china

  • First was against warlords

  • Second was against japan when jiang jieshi was captured

  • First - ended the warlord era, unified china

  • Second - ccp used to perfect guerilla warfare, did not fully remove japanese

Warlord Era



  • Time after the republic of china but before the first united front where regional warlords and their militias had control of china

  • Background for first united front

  • An era of political instability/ transition where the power in china was up for grabs

White Terror



  • GMD ends the United front by killing communists

  • In the end around 250 000 dead

  • Communists forced up into the Jiangxi mountains to escape 

  • Official start of the civil war
