Know the following people.
E. Randolph
1st attorney general
“The govts law firm”
J. Adams
1st VP
2nd Pres
A. Hamilton
GW secretary of treasury
Reports on public credit
Killed in duel w Burr
A. Burr
Killed hamilton
Lost to jefferson in pres race
H. Knox
1st sec of war
A. Jackson
Battle of new orleans
O.H. Perry
“we have met the enemy and they are ours” b. of lake erie
P. Buttigieg
Sec. of transportation- ensures fast and safe transportation
J. Madison
Father on constitution
4th pres
Pres during war of 1812
J. Marshall
Marbury v. madison - Supreme court can declare acts unconstitutional
Chief justice of supreme court
J. Jay
1st chief justice
J. Yellen
Current sec. Of treasury- ensures economic prosperity security
H. Clay
JQ Adams
peace maker at treaty of ghent
A. Blinken
Current sec of state - implementing foreign policy
J. Monroe
negotiate treaty of ghent / madison sec. of stare
W. Clark
Corps of discovery w lewis
Explored louisiana purchase to pacific north west
Helped guide lewis and clark
F. S. Key
Wrote star spangled banner
Watched b. Of baltimore on british ship
D. Madison
saved washington’s portrait
Great native american leader
Killed battle of thames
D. Haaland
Sec. of the interior- protect natural resources, wildlife, and honor native amercians
Know the presidents 1-4 in order.
1 gw
2 adams
3 jefferson
4 madison
Know the Hamiltonian legacy.
-strong central gov
-economic development
-national bank
What is significant about the Election of 1800.
1st peaceful transition of power
12th amendment added
Why was the US government interested in buying Lousisian?
Double the size of the country
Make farmers pay less in taxes to cross french territory
What was the Embargo Act?
No trade w foreign countries to stay neutral w britain and france
What was the impact of the Marshall Court?
Declared judicial branch as a prominent force in goverment
Why did the US declare war in 1812?
Impressment, attacking of us ships, british arming natives
What is the importance of the Hartford Convention?
-resulted in a declaration calling on the Federal Government to protect New England
-supply financial aid to New England's bad trade economy
Why did Jefferson send Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
See what animals was there
See fertility there
Find out what type of people were there
What branch of government is the Cabinet in?
Why was the US capital moved South?
-Compromise of 1790
-southerns agreed to hamiltons debt bill if capital moved south
Where is Ghent?
Explain war hawks.
Advocates to go to war w/ britain
What is the purpose of the national bank?
-control credit
-make loans
What is an excise tax?
a tax is imposed on the sale of specific goods or services, or on certain uses
Why did political parties develop?
-parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787
-increased as attention shifted from the creation of a new federal government to the question of how powerful that federal government would be
What do most historians consider the greatest legacy of the Washington Presidency?
His decline to run for a third term or become king
You will be asked to read and analyze primary sources from this chapter.
Extra Credit? Capitals!
The capital of Alabama is Montgomery.
The capital of Alaska is Juneau.
The capital of Arizona is Phoenix.
The capital of Arkansas is Little Rock.
The capital of California is Sacramento.
The capital of Colorado is Denver.
The capital of Connecticut is Hartford.
The capital of Delaware is Dover.
The capital of Florida is Tallahassee.
The capital of Georgia is Atlanta.
The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu.
The capital of Idaho is Boise.
The capital of Illinois is Springfield.
The capital of Indiana is Indianapolis.
The capital of Iowa is Des Moines.
The capital of Kansas is Topeka.
The capital of Kentucky is Frankfort.
The capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge.
The capital of Maine is Augusta.
The capital of Maryland is Annapolis.
The capital of Massachusetts is Boston.
The capital of Michigan is Lansing.
The capital of Minnesota is St. Paul.
The capital of Mississippi is Jackson.
The capital of Missouri is Jefferson City.
The capital of Montana is Helena.
The capital of Nebraska is Lincoln.
The capital of Nevada is Carson City.
The capital of New Hampshire is Concord.
The capital of New Jersey is Trenton.
The capital of New Mexico is Santa Fe.
The capital of New York is Albany.
The capital of North Carolina is Raleigh.
The capital of North Dakota is Bismarck.
The capital of Ohio is Columbus.
The capital of Oklahoma is Oklahoma City.
The capital of Oregon is Salem.
The capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg.
The capital of Rhode Island is Providence.
The capital of South Carolina is Columbia.
The capital of South Dakota is Pierre.
The capital of Tennessee is Nashville.
The capital of Texas is Austin.
The capital of Utah is Salt Lake City.
The capital of Vermont is Montpelier.
The capital of Virginia is Richmond.
The capital of Washington is Olympia.
The capital of West Virginia is Charleston.
The capital of Wisconsin is Madison.
The capital of Wyoming is Cheyenne.