Dynastic Cycle

  • Mandate of heaven = one absolute ruler that has approval from the heavens

    • No time limitations

    • Did not have to be of noble birth

    • Could lose mandate

      • Series of disaster occurred → lost heavens’ approval

        • Common people were then justified to rebel

  • Dynastic cycle:

  1. New dynasty gains power → claims mandate of heaven

  2. Now a strong and established dynasty → considered mandate of heaven

  3. Dynasty becomes corrupt → taxes are raised → power = weaker

  4. Disasters (floods, famines, revolts, invasions)

  5. Dynasty has lost mandate → rebellion is justified

  6. Dynasty is overthrown through rebellion + bloodshed


  • Tang dynasty

  1. Emerges after Sui dynasty is gone

  2. Expands territory + influence; major trading power

  3. Requires an expansion of bureaucracy → regions become more powerful than centralized government

  4. Wars between different regions

  5. Dynasty is disliked

  6. Overthrown
