Common Materials
Aluminum: 980 lb (445 kg)
Copper: 42 lb (19 kg)
Tungsten: Trace amounts in lightbulbs
Gold: Trace amounts in electrical systems
Iron and Steel: 2124 lb (965 kg) in frame
Molybdenum: 1 lb (0.5 kg)
Quartz: 85 lb (37 kg), used to make glass
Vanadium: 1 lb (0.5 kg), alloyed in steel, gears, and axles
Monday Lab: Minerals Lab on Wednesday 2/24
Module 3 – The Geosphere
Rock Forming Minerals: 2/26
Mineral Resources: 3/3
The Rock Cycle & Plate Tectonics
Volcanic Resources & Hazards: 3/5
Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics
The Rock Cycle Lab: 3/10
Spring Break
Weathering and Soils: 3/24
Sedimentary Rocks & Carbon Cycle: 3/26
Bring a ziplock of soil from spring break!
Key Topics:
Definition and properties of minerals and their formation
Relationship between minerals and the biosphere
Examples and concerns about mineral resources in modern society
Rock cycle, volcanoes, climate impacts, earthquakes, and life
Sedimentary rocks and soil importance
Composed of Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O)
Known as rock-forming minerals; make up about 92% of Earth’s crust due to the abundance of silicon and oxygen.
Common examples include:
Quartz: SiO2
Pyroxene: Fe2Si2O6
Potassium Feldspar: KAlSi3O8
Olivine: Mg2SiO4
Mineral Distribution:
Sulfides: Containing sulfur
Pyrite (FeS2): Known as fool's gold, ore for iron
Galena (PbS): Ore for lead
Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O): Used for drywall and plaster
Note: Ore refers to minerals mined for economically valuable metals.
Calcite (CaCO3): Used in concrete and antacid tablets; primary mineral in limestone
Halite: Table salt
Fluorite: Used for fluoride treatments.
Concentration Factors:
Mineral deposits are not evenly distributed
Formation influenced by geologic processes:
Rock cycle, igneous processes, metamorphism, sedimentation
USGS notes major mineral deposits
Driven by Earth's internal heat affecting plate tectonics and weathering.
Formation Processes:
Rare Earth elements often concentrated by hot water movements around magma chambers
Lithium concentrated through pegmatite-forming processes.
Concentration via Weathering:
Weathering can create economically viable concentrations of minerals (secondary enrichment).
Example: Bauxite: Aluminum ore that forms in heavily weathered, rainy tropical climates.
Importance of pyrite, as chemical weathering produces sulfuric acid, aiding in metal dissolution.
Impact of Mining:
Most metal ores (gold, copper, etc.) are associated with pyrite deposits.
Mining exposes sulfides to water/air, producing sulfuric acid and dissolving surrounding rock, leading to water contamination.
Case Study: Berkeley Pitt, Butte, Montana
Recognized as a Superfund site; water is acidic (pH 1-2) and contains dissolved metals.
Remediation practices include pumping water to prevent groundwater contamination and using lime to raise pH and precipitate metals.
Lithium Extraction:
Lithium ore not typically a sulfide; thus, less acid mine drainage risk.
Involves large evaporation pools for lithium refinement.
Discovery Context:
New lithium deposit discovered on Oregon-Nevada border from a volcanic eruption 16.4 million years ago, possibly the largest in the world.
Consideration of environmental effects of mining and refinement processes.
Medical Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor; minerals should not be considered as health improvement tools. Positive effects may be subjective.
Mineral Effects:
While many minerals are harmless, certain ones like galena (lead sulfide) can affect human health negatively.
Minerals with high concentrations of mercury, arsenic, and uranium can be harmful.
Cinnabar: Mercury sulfide, Realgar: Arsenic sulfide, Uraninite: Uranium oxide.
Asbestos Hazards:
Defined by specific crystal shapes causing carcinogenic effects.
History of use in construction materials; inhalation is most dangerous.
Antibacterial Clays:
Clay minerals attract cation metals and bacterial surfaces, potentially harming bacteria.
Research hints at benefits, especially in non-organic systems.
Minerals and Resources:
Minerals are non-renewable resources; consider examples of renewable vs. non-renewable resources.
Importance of understanding mineral distribution and concentration processes.
Address concerns regarding acid mine drainage and mining sustainability, particularly for lithium mining.
Non-Renewable Resources: These are resources that do not replenish naturally at a sufficient rate compared to their consumption. Other examples include:
Fossil Fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
Nuclear Fuels (uranium)
Renewable Resources: These are resources that can be replenished naturally. Examples include:
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Non-renewable resources like minerals need to be managed properly to avoid depletion, making sustainability critical in resource management.
On the other hand, renewable resources offer a sustainable alternative that can help minimize environmental impact.
Minerals can become concentrated as ores through various geologic processes, such as weathering or hydrothermal processes.
For example, Bauxite becomes concentrated in heavily weathered tropical climates, typically forming in areas with high rainfall.
Acid mine drainage occurs when mineral ores are exposed to air and water during mining. This exposure allows for the oxidation of sulfide minerals, especially pyrite (FeS2), producing sulfuric acid and leading to pollution.
Pyrite is most commonly associated with acid mine drainage because it reacts to form acids.
Concerns related to lithium mining include:
Land use changes due to large evaporation pools for lithium extraction, affecting local ecosystems.
Water use, as lithium extraction often requires significant amounts of water, impacting water availability in the area.
To make lithium mining more sustainable, practices such as reducing water usage, improving waste management, and adopting more efficient extraction techniques can be implemented.
9b-MineralResourcesCV (1)
Common Materials
Aluminum: 980 lb (445 kg)
Copper: 42 lb (19 kg)
Tungsten: Trace amounts in lightbulbs
Gold: Trace amounts in electrical systems
Iron and Steel: 2124 lb (965 kg) in frame
Molybdenum: 1 lb (0.5 kg)
Quartz: 85 lb (37 kg), used to make glass
Vanadium: 1 lb (0.5 kg), alloyed in steel, gears, and axles
Monday Lab: Minerals Lab on Wednesday 2/24
Module 3 – The Geosphere
Rock Forming Minerals: 2/26
Mineral Resources: 3/3
The Rock Cycle & Plate Tectonics
Volcanic Resources & Hazards: 3/5
Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics
The Rock Cycle Lab: 3/10
Spring Break
Weathering and Soils: 3/24
Sedimentary Rocks & Carbon Cycle: 3/26
Bring a ziplock of soil from spring break!
Key Topics:
Definition and properties of minerals and their formation
Relationship between minerals and the biosphere
Examples and concerns about mineral resources in modern society
Rock cycle, volcanoes, climate impacts, earthquakes, and life
Sedimentary rocks and soil importance
Composed of Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O)
Known as rock-forming minerals; make up about 92% of Earth’s crust due to the abundance of silicon and oxygen.
Common examples include:
Quartz: SiO2
Pyroxene: Fe2Si2O6
Potassium Feldspar: KAlSi3O8
Olivine: Mg2SiO4
Mineral Distribution:
Sulfides: Containing sulfur
Pyrite (FeS2): Known as fool's gold, ore for iron
Galena (PbS): Ore for lead
Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O): Used for drywall and plaster
Note: Ore refers to minerals mined for economically valuable metals.
Calcite (CaCO3): Used in concrete and antacid tablets; primary mineral in limestone
Halite: Table salt
Fluorite: Used for fluoride treatments.
Concentration Factors:
Mineral deposits are not evenly distributed
Formation influenced by geologic processes:
Rock cycle, igneous processes, metamorphism, sedimentation
USGS notes major mineral deposits
Driven by Earth's internal heat affecting plate tectonics and weathering.
Formation Processes:
Rare Earth elements often concentrated by hot water movements around magma chambers
Lithium concentrated through pegmatite-forming processes.
Concentration via Weathering:
Weathering can create economically viable concentrations of minerals (secondary enrichment).
Example: Bauxite: Aluminum ore that forms in heavily weathered, rainy tropical climates.
Importance of pyrite, as chemical weathering produces sulfuric acid, aiding in metal dissolution.
Impact of Mining:
Most metal ores (gold, copper, etc.) are associated with pyrite deposits.
Mining exposes sulfides to water/air, producing sulfuric acid and dissolving surrounding rock, leading to water contamination.
Case Study: Berkeley Pitt, Butte, Montana
Recognized as a Superfund site; water is acidic (pH 1-2) and contains dissolved metals.
Remediation practices include pumping water to prevent groundwater contamination and using lime to raise pH and precipitate metals.
Lithium Extraction:
Lithium ore not typically a sulfide; thus, less acid mine drainage risk.
Involves large evaporation pools for lithium refinement.
Discovery Context:
New lithium deposit discovered on Oregon-Nevada border from a volcanic eruption 16.4 million years ago, possibly the largest in the world.
Consideration of environmental effects of mining and refinement processes.
Medical Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor; minerals should not be considered as health improvement tools. Positive effects may be subjective.
Mineral Effects:
While many minerals are harmless, certain ones like galena (lead sulfide) can affect human health negatively.
Minerals with high concentrations of mercury, arsenic, and uranium can be harmful.
Cinnabar: Mercury sulfide, Realgar: Arsenic sulfide, Uraninite: Uranium oxide.
Asbestos Hazards:
Defined by specific crystal shapes causing carcinogenic effects.
History of use in construction materials; inhalation is most dangerous.
Antibacterial Clays:
Clay minerals attract cation metals and bacterial surfaces, potentially harming bacteria.
Research hints at benefits, especially in non-organic systems.
Minerals and Resources:
Minerals are non-renewable resources; consider examples of renewable vs. non-renewable resources.
Importance of understanding mineral distribution and concentration processes.
Address concerns regarding acid mine drainage and mining sustainability, particularly for lithium mining.
Non-Renewable Resources: These are resources that do not replenish naturally at a sufficient rate compared to their consumption. Other examples include:
Fossil Fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
Nuclear Fuels (uranium)
Renewable Resources: These are resources that can be replenished naturally. Examples include:
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Non-renewable resources like minerals need to be managed properly to avoid depletion, making sustainability critical in resource management.
On the other hand, renewable resources offer a sustainable alternative that can help minimize environmental impact.
Minerals can become concentrated as ores through various geologic processes, such as weathering or hydrothermal processes.
For example, Bauxite becomes concentrated in heavily weathered tropical climates, typically forming in areas with high rainfall.
Acid mine drainage occurs when mineral ores are exposed to air and water during mining. This exposure allows for the oxidation of sulfide minerals, especially pyrite (FeS2), producing sulfuric acid and leading to pollution.
Pyrite is most commonly associated with acid mine drainage because it reacts to form acids.
Concerns related to lithium mining include:
Land use changes due to large evaporation pools for lithium extraction, affecting local ecosystems.
Water use, as lithium extraction often requires significant amounts of water, impacting water availability in the area.
To make lithium mining more sustainable, practices such as reducing water usage, improving waste management, and adopting more efficient extraction techniques can be implemented.