Criminal Investigations Final

  • An inference is a process of reasoning by which a fact may be deduced 

  • Spontaneous statements uttered by a suspect at the time of a crime concerning and closely related to actions involved in the crime are called res gestae statements (blazing offense) 

  • At a death scene, what is of immediate concern? 

  • Preserving the scene 

  • Crime mapping focuses on hot spots where crime occurs 

  • One of the disadvantages of photographs is that they do not show actual distances

  • Body cameras are most likely to cause privacy issues 

  • Photographs should be taken before anything is observed 

  • Admissible photographs must be material 

  • The top of a sketch should always be oriented north 

  • Disposition of the case is stated in the final 

Midterm questions

  1. Latent prints have been collected from human skin 

    • TRUE

  2. This case supposed the officers right to conduct a patdown or a frisk if they believe the person might be armed and dangerous 

    • Terry v Ohio

  3. This happens when evidence is no longer needed

    • Auctioned off, returned, or destroyed

  4. Consent to search is valid only if given under these conditions

    • Voluntarily

  5. The photographic technique in which a scene is photographed clockwise, with the first picture showing a specific object on one side of the photo and the next picture showing the same object on the other side

    • Overlapping

  6. This case established that a search incidental to a lawful arrest must be made simultaneously with the arrest

    • Chimel decision

  7. The doctrine that established with probable cause automobiles may be searched based on their obvious mobility

    • Carroll doctrine

  8. In Nix v. Williams, the court said that if illegally obtained evidence (a statement, in this case, which led to a little girl’s body) would, in all likelihood, eventually have been discovered, legally it may be used. This is referred to as this exception to the exclusionary rule

    • Inevitable discovery doctrine

  9. In United States v. Leon, the court established that illegally obtained evidence may not be admissible if the police were truly not aware they were violating a suspect’s fourth amendment rights. This exception is called..

    • Good faith doctrine

  10. This identification system includes a written description,complete measurements, and a photograph of a person

    • The bertillon identification system

  11. The term which describes a logical process in which a conclusion follows from specific facts

    • Deductive reasoning

  12. How, when, and where a criminal usually operates

    • Modus operandi

  13. The courts have ruled that when police take custody of a vehicle or other property, the police may do this

    • Inventory the property

  14. All admissible photographs must be what?

    • Material 

  15. Securing the crime scene is a major responsibility of this person

    • First responding officer

  16. Emergency circumstances (such as officers hearing shots fired or screams) that allow officers to enter a home without a warrant are referred to as this

    • Exigent circumstances

  17. Investigators have used lip prints and lip impressions to solve cases

    • True

  18. Evidence may be placed in any type of container, as long as it does not touch other evidence 

    • False 

  19. Deoxyribonucleic acid is an organic substance contained in a cell's nucleus

    • True 

  20. DNA is extremely durable and generally unaffected by heat,sunlight, moisture, bacteria, or mold 

    • False

  21. The direction in which the top of a sketch should be oriented 

    • North 

  22. This rule states that courts will not accept evidence obtained by unreasonable search and seizure

    • exclusionary rule

  23. The types of prints taken of persons with reason to be at a crime scene location 

    • Elimination prints 

  24. Due process disclosure of this type of evidence must be determined and made by the prosecutor 

    • Exculpatory information 

  25. Officers should write reports in what person?

    • First person 

  26. This type of camera is most likely to cause privacy issues 

    • Body worn cameras 

  27. Spontaneous statements uttered by a suspect at the time of a crime, concerning and closely related to actions involved in the crime, are referred to as this type of statement 

    • Res gestae

  28. This type of light is good for finding trace evidence such as semen or fibers

    • Uv light 

  29. The latin term which means “to track” or “trace” and relates most closely with contemporary police investigations 

    • Vestigare

  30. The fourth amendment to the us forbids this type of searches and seizures

    • unreasonable 

Not a recommended interrogation technique


Show-up must be close in time 

Pretextual stop - stop for minor infraction with the intent

Psychological profiling 

Tenesee v Garner (fleeing felon rule)

Force necessary during arrest (reasonable force) 

Scott v harris (ramming in pursuit as use of force doctrine)

Excited delirium (dying in  police custody)

Probable cause (established before an arrest is made) 

5 classifications of death 

Non criminal homicide (justifiable homicide) 

Murder is a (criminal homicide) 

Criminal or non, felonious or non by another person or agency (homicide)

Staging (position and manipulation of the body) 

  1. (searches) This is completed upon the seizure of any vehicle or other property by law enforcement

    • Property inventory 

  2. The tension building phase, battering episode and honeymoon phase

    • Cycle of violence 

  3. (DI) Under normal atmospheric conditions, this is the time frame in which rigor mortis is at its maximum 

    • 12-14 hours 

  4. (CL) The supreme court case that says any party who is present has the authority to object to a search, then police cannot conduct the search on the party that gave consent 

    • Georgia v Randolph 

  5. (CL) In this case, the court said if it legally obtained evidence, a statement which led to a little girl's body would in all likelihood eventually be discovered. Legally it may be used (inevitable discovery)

    • Nix v Williams (christian burial case)

  6. (Invest) The process of reasoning by which a fact may be deduced

    • Inference

  7. (DI) The positioning of the victim's body and the manipulation of the scene around the body

    • Staging 

  8. (DI) natural, accidental, suicide, homicide, criminal and non criminal and the undetermined are these types 

    • Classifications of death 

  9. (DI) This may occur if a bodies been exposed to extremely Hot and dry climates

    • Mummification  

  10. (CL) this decision established a search incidental to a lawful arrest must be made simultaneously with the arrest, and that the search must be confined to the area within the suspect’s immediate control 

    • Chimel rule 

  11. (searches) Required before using a thermal scanning device 

    • Obtaining a search warrant

  12. (101) Period of time when most criminal investigations are lost 

    • Within the first hour 

  13. The first step of an interview that entices an individual to volunteer information

    • Develop rapport 

  14. This type of interview techniques, calls for a secluded, quiet place that is free of distractions and effective for obtaining information from victims who are having difficulty remembering events 

    • Cognitive interview

  15. This is considered the  the most effective interview technique to uncover deception

    • What is reputation 

  16. This case supports officers right to do a pat down and frisk if they believe the suspect is Armed and dangerous 

    • Terry v ohio 

  17. Once its been determined that a crime has been committed, this is the primary goal of an investigation 

    • Identifying a suspect 

  18. (assaults) Hit and runs, harassing telephone calls and prior offences involving the suspect and victim

    • Indicator crimes → domestic → petty evolution crimes

  19. (101) At a death scene with no injury, this is the area of the most immediate concern

    • Securing the scene 

  20. Every Lawful arrest is accompanied by a search of an arrested person to protect the arresting officers, and to prevent what?

    • Preventing the destruction of evidence 

  21. The process in which detectives use maps to understand hunting patterns of serial criminals to determine where they might live and to identify their next likely target

    • Crime mapping 

  22. (CL) California v Greenwood the supreme court ruled this about Open container left on open property  

    • Search without a search warrant 

  23. Relentless follow up and assessment is a characteristic of this crime analysis tool 

    • Compstat 

  24. Doctrine which allows law enforcement to search a vehicle on public roadways without a warrant 

    • Carol doctrine 

  25. When law enforcement gets a confession without miranda rights then provides the suspect with miranda rights and records the confession again, this is called?

    • Beachheading

  26. Preliminary questioning that happens spontaneously on the street 

    • What is a field interview 

  27. (DI) criminal or non criminal, felonious or non felonious taking of a life by another human, or agency such as the government 

    • Homicide 

  28. (assaults)An unlawful attack by one person on another in order to inflict severe bodily injury, in which often involves the use of a dangerous weapon

    • Aggravated assault 

  29. (assaults)Latin term for in place of a parent an example would be a teacher allowed to use force to maintain discipline

    • Iloco parintus 

  30. Barring personal weapons, the type of weapon that is most frequently used in domestic assaults

    • Blunt force objects 
