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ecology exam4 studyguide

Chapter 13: competition

  • Interference: direct and or aggressive interaction between individuals

  • Intraspecific: competition with members of own species

  • Intraspecific competition among herbaceous plants: plant growth rates and weights increase in low density populations.

  • Competition for intense at higher population densities

  • Usually leads to morality among competing plants”self-thinning”

  • Intraspecific competition among arthropods:

  • The degree of competition is due to population aggregations,rapid growth,and the mobile nature of food supply.

  • Result of limited resources.

  • Interspecific: competition between individuals of more than 2 species

  • Gause: principle of competitive exclusion

  • Two species with identical niches cannot coexist indefinitely

  • In a given set of conditions,one will be a better competitor and thus have higher fitness,eventually excluding the other.

  • Grants found differences in beak size among ground finches translates directly into diet

  • Size of seeds eaten can be estimated by measuring beak depths

  • Individuals with deepest(southwest)beaks are fed on the hardest seeds.

  • The niches are multi-dimensional

  • Two species may have complete overlap on one or more dimensions

  • Two species cannot have complete overlap on all dimensions

  • If there were complete overlap in all dimensions then they would be the same species

  • Competition occurs where niches overlap with regard to limited resources

  • Gause demonstrated resources composition with paramecium caudatum and p.aurelia in presence of two different concentrations of preys ( Bacillus pyocyaneus)

  • When grown alone, carrying capacity determined by intraspecific competition

  • When grown together,p.caudatum quickly declined, reduced resource supplies increased competition.

  • Flour beetles(tribolium spp.) infest stored grain products

  • T-confusum and T. castaneum demonstrated interspecific competition under varied environmental conditions.

  • Growing the two species together suggested interspecific competition restricts the realized niches of both species to fewer environmental conditions.

  • Connell studied interspecific competition in barnacles.balanus plays a role in determining lower limit of chthamalus within intertidal zone.

  • Niche restriction were well understood

  • Upper intertidal zone: removal of balanus has little effect on chthamalus N; suggests little competition.

  • Middle intertidal zone: removal of Balanus has a major effect on chthamalus N; competitive effect is significant.

  • Balanus does play a role in determining the lower limit of chthamalus within the intertidal zone.

  • Fundamental niche restrictions were well understood but did not account for all actual pattrents: actual realized niche.

  • Competition restrict species to their realized(or actual ) niches spaces

  • If competitive interactions are strong and pervasive enough they may produce an evolutionary adaptive response in the competitor population.

  • A change in the fundamental niches

  • Competition is always bad for the individual but may drive an adaptive change for the population.

  • Competition and niches of small rodents:

  • Hypothesis: if competition among rodents is mainly for food, then a small carnivorous rodent population would increase response to removal of larger granivorous rodents.

  • Reference: insectivorous rodents would show little or no response

  • Did the results support the hypothesis?

Chapter 14: Exploitative interactions

  • Exploitative interactions weave populations into a web of relationships that defy easy generalization

  • predators , parasites, and pathogens influence the distribution,abundance and structure of prey and host populations

  • Predator-prey host parasite and host pathogen relationships are dynamic

  • To persist in the face of exploitin, hosts and prey need refuges.

  • Models incorporating the ratio of prey to predator numbers better predict predator functional response in many ecological circumstances.

  • An increased exploitation of resources, or an interference with resource acquisition

  • Exploitation competition: indirect inhibitory effects arising from reduced availability of resources; the competitor is a more effective exploiter/user

  • Only happens when the resource in question is limiting “use it or lose it”

  • Interference competition: direct inhibitory effects arising from reduced use of resources or reduced.

  • Territoriality,allelopathy

  • Reduced success for any individuals involved

  • Interaction between populations that enhances fitness of one individual while reducing fitness of the exploited individual.

  • Predation:killing and or consuming

  • Carnivory

  • Herbivory : granivores, frugivores

  • Pathogens: induce disease; may kill host

  • Parasitism: consume, but killing the host is not the aim.

  • Complex interactions

  • Parasites may alter host behavior

  • Spiny-headed worm( acanthocephalans) alters behavior of amphipods-> make it more likely to be eaten by a vertebrate host.

  • Infected amphipods swim towards light, which is usually indicative of shallow water and thus closer to predators.

  • Their intent is to get into their next host; getting the previous host killed is a side effect

  • Blister beetle larvae & burrowing bees

  • Larvae mimic female pheromones

  • Swarm into male bee during mating attempt

  • Then swarm into female during later mating effort

  • Return to burrow,consume pollen & nectar stores and eggs & larvae

  • mojave:> 11 high on grass

  • oregon:<4 high on grass

  • Modified pheromones

  • • Parasitoids: consume and kill the host

  • The predator/ Prey paradox

  • The predator directly influences the growth and survival of the prey Nh;prey density influences the growth and survival of the predator Np

  • The joint evolution of the two or more taxa

  • Usually involves reciprocating selection pressures

  • A game of adaptation and counter adaptation; an arm race

  • Exploitation competition: the presence or absence of a protozoan parasite (Adelina tribolli) influences competition in flour beetles (Tribolium)

  • Adelina lives as an intracellular parasite

  • Reduces density of T.castaneum but has little effect on T.confusum

  • T.castaneum is usually the strongest competitor however in the presence of adelina t confusum outcompetes

  • Exploitation affects distribution, abundance, and community structure

  • – Larvae can represent up to 25% of the biomass of benthic animals.

  • – But such high numbers reduce the abundance of their own food supply.

  • Lindstrom et al. (1994) examined the spread and effects of mange mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) on foxes in Sweden and, indirectly, on the foxes’ prey.

  • Mange →Hair loss, deterioration, and death in foxes.

  • – Fox populations declined by 70%

  • Mountain hares (Lepus timidus), increased 2-4 times after the predator population declined.

  • SO: relationships between predators and prey are temporally dynamic

  • Abundance cycles of snowshoe hares and their predators

  • Hares: boreal forest habitat dominated by conifers. Dense growth of understory shrubs

  • Winter browse: buds and stems of shrubs and saplings

  • Shoots produced after heavy browsing can increase levels of plants' chemical defenses. Reducing unstable food supplies

  • Elton proposed abundance cycle driven by variation in solar radiation

  • Keith suggested “overpopulation theories”

  • Decimation by disease and parasitism

  • Physiological stress at high density

  • Starvation due to reduced food

  • Snowshoe Hares-Role of predator

  • Predation can account for 60-98% of mortality during peak densities.

  • Hare populations increase; their food supply decreases →starvation and weight loss lead to increased predation.

  • All of the above decrease hare population

  • Utida: reciprocal interactions in adzuki bean weevils callosobruchus chinensis over several generations.

  • Adzuki bean

  • Bean weevil

  • Parasitoid wasp

  • Most laboratory experiments have failed in the most have led to the extinction of one population within a relatively short period.


  • More than one type: spatial/physical, escape,size,numbers

  • To persist in the face of exploitation, hosts and prey need refuges.

  • Gasue attempted to produce population cycles with p.caudatum and didinium nasutum.

  • Didinium quickly consumed all paramecium and went extinct (both populations extinct)

  • Added sediment for paramecium refuge.

  • Some paramecium survived after Didinium extinction

  • Six-spotted mite ( eotetranychus sexmaculatus

  • Predatory mite ( typhlodromus occidentalis

  • Wooden post launching pads maintained population oscillations spanning 6 months

  • Living in a large group can act as a “refuge.”

  • Predator’s response to increased prey density

  • Prey consumed (predator) X predators(area)= prey consumed (area)

  • Prey can reduce individual probability of being eaten by living in dense populations

Chapter 15: Mutualisms

  • Mutualisms-: interactions beneficial to both species

  • Facultative: where species survive without the interaction

  • Obligate: where both species require the interaction for survival

  • Symbiosis: specialized form of mutualism where the species become physiologically integrated. These interactions may be facultative or obligate.

  • Mycorrhizae - a fungus / plant root association. • Plant provides fungus with carbohydrates

  • • Fungus provides plant with P and increases absorbing power of the roots Most are facultative All are symbiose

  • • AMF: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi

  • •Arbuscules – sites of material exchange

  • •Hyphae – filamentous growth; the body of the fungus

  • •Vesicles – storage organs

  • • Ectomycorrhizae

  • •Form “mantle” around roots

  • •Both increase access to immobile nutrients

  • Allen and Allen: water relations of Agropyron smithii.

  • – Associated plants: higher leaf water potentials.

  • • An effect of greater P access?

  • Nutrient Availability and the “Mutualistic Balance Sheet”

  • – Resource availability controls plant allocation

  • – Fertilization→ less root allocation

  • – Reduced root allocation → selection for better M.F. competitors

  • Johnson:

  • More mutualistic: fungal partner provides plants with greater quantities of nutrients in trade for less photosynthetic product.

  • – Less mutualistic: fungal partner receives equal or greater quantity of photosynthetic product in trade for low quantity of nutrients.

  • In nutrient-poor environments, many plants will invest disproportionately in roots.

  • – Found higher root investment in low N soils.

Chapter 16: Species Abundance & Diversity

  • • Abundance & rarity

  • • Both richness and evenness determine diversity

  • • Environmental complexity affects diversity

  • • Intermediate levels of disturbance can positively impact diversity

  • Communities: Association of interacting species inhabiting a defined area

  • • Community Structure: Incorporates # of species, relative abundance, spp. diversity, etc.

  • • Guild*: Group of organisms that all “make their living” in the same fashion

  • • Life form*: Structure & growth dynamics

  • • *Functional traits: shared function in the community or ecosystem

  • An ecological community: is an assemblage of plant and animal populations that interact and influence one another.

  • Communities can be structured in four ways:

  1. Physiognomic - physical structure (mostly re: plants)

  2. Species composition - diversity

  3. Trophic - energy transfer, functional groups

  4. Temporal - seasonal or diurnal activity

  • Abundance and Rarity

  • There are regularities in the relative abundance of species in communities that hold regardless of the ecosystem

  • Frank Preston developed concept of distribution of commonness and rarity.

  • Lognormal Distribution of Abundance

  • – Lognormal Distributions : Bell-shaped curves. – In most lognormal distributions, only part of the curve is apparent.

  • » Sample size has large effect.

  • » Significant effort to capture rare species


  1. • Climatic stability

  2. • Resource division

  3. • Predation

  4. • Disturbance

  • • Hutchinson:

  • – Phytoplankton communities:

  • – Appear paradoxical because they live in relatively simple environments and compete for same nutrients

  • Environmental heterogeneity may account for significant portion of the diversity

  • • Jordan:

  • – Diversity in tropical forests organized in two ways:

  • • Large number of species live within most tropical forest communities.

  • • Large number of plant communities in a given area, each with a distinctive species composition

  • Disturbance Characteristics:

  1. • size - area of impact

  2. • frequency - # events per unit time

  3. • turnover - time between disturbances

  4. • intensity - physical force of the event

  5. • severity - impact on the biota

  • Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis

  • ❖ Both high and low levels of disturbance reduce diversity.

  • Intermediate levels promote higher diversity.

  • ➢ Given sufficient time between disturbances, a wide variety of species may colonize, but competitive exclusion is prevented.

  • • No / rare disturbance → only good competitors succeed

  • • Efficient species / good interference competitors / K-selected species

  • • Intermediate disturbance → a variety of species colonize, but competitive exclusion is prohibited • Severe / frequent disturbance → only tolerant species succeed;

  • competitive exclusion likely prohibited / r-selected species favored

ecology exam4 studyguide

Chapter 13: competition

  • Interference: direct and or aggressive interaction between individuals

  • Intraspecific: competition with members of own species

  • Intraspecific competition among herbaceous plants: plant growth rates and weights increase in low density populations.

  • Competition for intense at higher population densities

  • Usually leads to morality among competing plants”self-thinning”

  • Intraspecific competition among arthropods:

  • The degree of competition is due to population aggregations,rapid growth,and the mobile nature of food supply.

  • Result of limited resources.

  • Interspecific: competition between individuals of more than 2 species

  • Gause: principle of competitive exclusion

  • Two species with identical niches cannot coexist indefinitely

  • In a given set of conditions,one will be a better competitor and thus have higher fitness,eventually excluding the other.

  • Grants found differences in beak size among ground finches translates directly into diet

  • Size of seeds eaten can be estimated by measuring beak depths

  • Individuals with deepest(southwest)beaks are fed on the hardest seeds.

  • The niches are multi-dimensional

  • Two species may have complete overlap on one or more dimensions

  • Two species cannot have complete overlap on all dimensions

  • If there were complete overlap in all dimensions then they would be the same species

  • Competition occurs where niches overlap with regard to limited resources

  • Gause demonstrated resources composition with paramecium caudatum and p.aurelia in presence of two different concentrations of preys ( Bacillus pyocyaneus)

  • When grown alone, carrying capacity determined by intraspecific competition

  • When grown together,p.caudatum quickly declined, reduced resource supplies increased competition.

  • Flour beetles(tribolium spp.) infest stored grain products

  • T-confusum and T. castaneum demonstrated interspecific competition under varied environmental conditions.

  • Growing the two species together suggested interspecific competition restricts the realized niches of both species to fewer environmental conditions.

  • Connell studied interspecific competition in barnacles.balanus plays a role in determining lower limit of chthamalus within intertidal zone.

  • Niche restriction were well understood

  • Upper intertidal zone: removal of balanus has little effect on chthamalus N; suggests little competition.

  • Middle intertidal zone: removal of Balanus has a major effect on chthamalus N; competitive effect is significant.

  • Balanus does play a role in determining the lower limit of chthamalus within the intertidal zone.

  • Fundamental niche restrictions were well understood but did not account for all actual pattrents: actual realized niche.

  • Competition restrict species to their realized(or actual ) niches spaces

  • If competitive interactions are strong and pervasive enough they may produce an evolutionary adaptive response in the competitor population.

  • A change in the fundamental niches

  • Competition is always bad for the individual but may drive an adaptive change for the population.

  • Competition and niches of small rodents:

  • Hypothesis: if competition among rodents is mainly for food, then a small carnivorous rodent population would increase response to removal of larger granivorous rodents.

  • Reference: insectivorous rodents would show little or no response

  • Did the results support the hypothesis?

Chapter 14: Exploitative interactions

  • Exploitative interactions weave populations into a web of relationships that defy easy generalization

  • predators , parasites, and pathogens influence the distribution,abundance and structure of prey and host populations

  • Predator-prey host parasite and host pathogen relationships are dynamic

  • To persist in the face of exploitin, hosts and prey need refuges.

  • Models incorporating the ratio of prey to predator numbers better predict predator functional response in many ecological circumstances.

  • An increased exploitation of resources, or an interference with resource acquisition

  • Exploitation competition: indirect inhibitory effects arising from reduced availability of resources; the competitor is a more effective exploiter/user

  • Only happens when the resource in question is limiting “use it or lose it”

  • Interference competition: direct inhibitory effects arising from reduced use of resources or reduced.

  • Territoriality,allelopathy

  • Reduced success for any individuals involved

  • Interaction between populations that enhances fitness of one individual while reducing fitness of the exploited individual.

  • Predation:killing and or consuming

  • Carnivory

  • Herbivory : granivores, frugivores

  • Pathogens: induce disease; may kill host

  • Parasitism: consume, but killing the host is not the aim.

  • Complex interactions

  • Parasites may alter host behavior

  • Spiny-headed worm( acanthocephalans) alters behavior of amphipods-> make it more likely to be eaten by a vertebrate host.

  • Infected amphipods swim towards light, which is usually indicative of shallow water and thus closer to predators.

  • Their intent is to get into their next host; getting the previous host killed is a side effect

  • Blister beetle larvae & burrowing bees

  • Larvae mimic female pheromones

  • Swarm into male bee during mating attempt

  • Then swarm into female during later mating effort

  • Return to burrow,consume pollen & nectar stores and eggs & larvae

  • mojave:> 11 high on grass

  • oregon:<4 high on grass

  • Modified pheromones

  • • Parasitoids: consume and kill the host

  • The predator/ Prey paradox

  • The predator directly influences the growth and survival of the prey Nh;prey density influences the growth and survival of the predator Np

  • The joint evolution of the two or more taxa

  • Usually involves reciprocating selection pressures

  • A game of adaptation and counter adaptation; an arm race

  • Exploitation competition: the presence or absence of a protozoan parasite (Adelina tribolli) influences competition in flour beetles (Tribolium)

  • Adelina lives as an intracellular parasite

  • Reduces density of T.castaneum but has little effect on T.confusum

  • T.castaneum is usually the strongest competitor however in the presence of adelina t confusum outcompetes

  • Exploitation affects distribution, abundance, and community structure

  • – Larvae can represent up to 25% of the biomass of benthic animals.

  • – But such high numbers reduce the abundance of their own food supply.

  • Lindstrom et al. (1994) examined the spread and effects of mange mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) on foxes in Sweden and, indirectly, on the foxes’ prey.

  • Mange →Hair loss, deterioration, and death in foxes.

  • – Fox populations declined by 70%

  • Mountain hares (Lepus timidus), increased 2-4 times after the predator population declined.

  • SO: relationships between predators and prey are temporally dynamic

  • Abundance cycles of snowshoe hares and their predators

  • Hares: boreal forest habitat dominated by conifers. Dense growth of understory shrubs

  • Winter browse: buds and stems of shrubs and saplings

  • Shoots produced after heavy browsing can increase levels of plants' chemical defenses. Reducing unstable food supplies

  • Elton proposed abundance cycle driven by variation in solar radiation

  • Keith suggested “overpopulation theories”

  • Decimation by disease and parasitism

  • Physiological stress at high density

  • Starvation due to reduced food

  • Snowshoe Hares-Role of predator

  • Predation can account for 60-98% of mortality during peak densities.

  • Hare populations increase; their food supply decreases →starvation and weight loss lead to increased predation.

  • All of the above decrease hare population

  • Utida: reciprocal interactions in adzuki bean weevils callosobruchus chinensis over several generations.

  • Adzuki bean

  • Bean weevil

  • Parasitoid wasp

  • Most laboratory experiments have failed in the most have led to the extinction of one population within a relatively short period.


  • More than one type: spatial/physical, escape,size,numbers

  • To persist in the face of exploitation, hosts and prey need refuges.

  • Gasue attempted to produce population cycles with p.caudatum and didinium nasutum.

  • Didinium quickly consumed all paramecium and went extinct (both populations extinct)

  • Added sediment for paramecium refuge.

  • Some paramecium survived after Didinium extinction

  • Six-spotted mite ( eotetranychus sexmaculatus

  • Predatory mite ( typhlodromus occidentalis

  • Wooden post launching pads maintained population oscillations spanning 6 months

  • Living in a large group can act as a “refuge.”

  • Predator’s response to increased prey density

  • Prey consumed (predator) X predators(area)= prey consumed (area)

  • Prey can reduce individual probability of being eaten by living in dense populations

Chapter 15: Mutualisms

  • Mutualisms-: interactions beneficial to both species

  • Facultative: where species survive without the interaction

  • Obligate: where both species require the interaction for survival

  • Symbiosis: specialized form of mutualism where the species become physiologically integrated. These interactions may be facultative or obligate.

  • Mycorrhizae - a fungus / plant root association. • Plant provides fungus with carbohydrates

  • • Fungus provides plant with P and increases absorbing power of the roots Most are facultative All are symbiose

  • • AMF: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi

  • •Arbuscules – sites of material exchange

  • •Hyphae – filamentous growth; the body of the fungus

  • •Vesicles – storage organs

  • • Ectomycorrhizae

  • •Form “mantle” around roots

  • •Both increase access to immobile nutrients

  • Allen and Allen: water relations of Agropyron smithii.

  • – Associated plants: higher leaf water potentials.

  • • An effect of greater P access?

  • Nutrient Availability and the “Mutualistic Balance Sheet”

  • – Resource availability controls plant allocation

  • – Fertilization→ less root allocation

  • – Reduced root allocation → selection for better M.F. competitors

  • Johnson:

  • More mutualistic: fungal partner provides plants with greater quantities of nutrients in trade for less photosynthetic product.

  • – Less mutualistic: fungal partner receives equal or greater quantity of photosynthetic product in trade for low quantity of nutrients.

  • In nutrient-poor environments, many plants will invest disproportionately in roots.

  • – Found higher root investment in low N soils.

Chapter 16: Species Abundance & Diversity

  • • Abundance & rarity

  • • Both richness and evenness determine diversity

  • • Environmental complexity affects diversity

  • • Intermediate levels of disturbance can positively impact diversity

  • Communities: Association of interacting species inhabiting a defined area

  • • Community Structure: Incorporates # of species, relative abundance, spp. diversity, etc.

  • • Guild*: Group of organisms that all “make their living” in the same fashion

  • • Life form*: Structure & growth dynamics

  • • *Functional traits: shared function in the community or ecosystem

  • An ecological community: is an assemblage of plant and animal populations that interact and influence one another.

  • Communities can be structured in four ways:

  1. Physiognomic - physical structure (mostly re: plants)

  2. Species composition - diversity

  3. Trophic - energy transfer, functional groups

  4. Temporal - seasonal or diurnal activity

  • Abundance and Rarity

  • There are regularities in the relative abundance of species in communities that hold regardless of the ecosystem

  • Frank Preston developed concept of distribution of commonness and rarity.

  • Lognormal Distribution of Abundance

  • – Lognormal Distributions : Bell-shaped curves. – In most lognormal distributions, only part of the curve is apparent.

  • » Sample size has large effect.

  • » Significant effort to capture rare species


  1. • Climatic stability

  2. • Resource division

  3. • Predation

  4. • Disturbance

  • • Hutchinson:

  • – Phytoplankton communities:

  • – Appear paradoxical because they live in relatively simple environments and compete for same nutrients

  • Environmental heterogeneity may account for significant portion of the diversity

  • • Jordan:

  • – Diversity in tropical forests organized in two ways:

  • • Large number of species live within most tropical forest communities.

  • • Large number of plant communities in a given area, each with a distinctive species composition

  • Disturbance Characteristics:

  1. • size - area of impact

  2. • frequency - # events per unit time

  3. • turnover - time between disturbances

  4. • intensity - physical force of the event

  5. • severity - impact on the biota

  • Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis

  • ❖ Both high and low levels of disturbance reduce diversity.

  • Intermediate levels promote higher diversity.

  • ➢ Given sufficient time between disturbances, a wide variety of species may colonize, but competitive exclusion is prevented.

  • • No / rare disturbance → only good competitors succeed

  • • Efficient species / good interference competitors / K-selected species

  • • Intermediate disturbance → a variety of species colonize, but competitive exclusion is prohibited • Severe / frequent disturbance → only tolerant species succeed;

  • competitive exclusion likely prohibited / r-selected species favored
