Roles of organisational Psychologists
Types of Organisations
Measuring Individual, group and Organisation Performance
Right person for the job and right job for the person ( diversity/inclusion in job descriptions)
Recruitment strategies
Culture and Climate
Organisational Psychology is the branch of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organisations, businesses and workplaces
It studies how human behaviour and psychology affect work and how they are affected by work
OP addresses the emotional and motivational side of work, including topics as attitudes, fairness, motivation, stress, leadership, teams, and the broader aspects of organisational and work design
The aim of OP is to enhance the organisations performance and improve emplooyee satisfaction and wellbeing
→ Individual (selection, training, leadership, job satisfaction, wellbing, stress, personality, attitudes and motivation)
→ Group (group composition, decision making, work group, effectiveness, inter and intra group behaviour, conflict and leadership)
→ Organisational (design, culture structure, change and developmnent, exercise of power)
→ Testing people and theories
→ Talking and listening to people, assessing attitudes and behaviours
→ Watching what happens in a workplace, assessing performance and employee wellbeing
Roles can indlude:
→ Recruiting and selectng, job suitability
→ Job training and devlopment
→ Work life balance, mental and physical wellbing of employees
→ Ergonomics
—> Performance appraisal
→ Leader ship and team work training
Must be appropriate
Must be stable
Must be practical
→ Play
→ Be there
→ Make their day
→ Choose your attitude