Sensitivity is the ability to respond to a stimulus (change)
Nervous System of Mammals:
Central Nervous System (CNS) - brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - cranial nerves, spinal nerves from spinal cord and sense organs.
Receptors are sense organs that receive stimuli.
Effectors are muscles.
Sensory neurons - transmit impulses from sense organs to CNS.
Relay neurons - transmit nerve impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons - found in CNS.
Motor neurons - transmit nerve impulses from CNS to the effector.
Synapse is the junction b/w two neurons.
Human Brain:

Reflex Actions:
Is an immediate response to a specific stimulus without conscious control.

Spinal and Cranial Reflexes:
Reflex Arc
consists of:
a receptor or sense organ
receptor neuron
reflex centre
an effector neuron
an effector (muscle or gland)
Conditioned Reflex:
Is a reflex action acquired from past experience or learning with a stimulus which is originally ineffective in producing the response.