Scarcity -The demand for something whether it be a service or good that is greater than the availability of that good or service.
Barter- Exchange for other goods or services without using money.- Taylor
Capital in economics: In economics, capital refers to wealth or assets used to produce more wealth, such as money, buildings, or machinery.
Opportunity Cost- money or benefits lost by not selecting a particular option during the decision-making process
GDP - GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given time
GDP Per Capita-Our economic output per person, shows more of an accurate depiction
Traditional Economy- A traditional economy is an economic system that is rooted in culture, location, customs, tradition and needs rather than being centered around making a profit. It usually consists of small groups where the production of goods is done to sustain the group. Bartering/ trading. Driven by religion and customs
Command Economy- an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government
Capitalist Market Economy- The citizens and private people, the concept is the invisible hand (whatever people want people will make)
Mixed Economy - An economy with both market and command economy systems.
Karl Marx - Communism - a social, political, and economic theory that examines the effect of capitalism. It advocated for a classless system in which all property and wealth are owned communally rather than privately owned.
Adam Smith - Free Market Capitalism - a market that is free from all forms of economic privilege, monopolies and artificial scarcities
John Maynard Keynes - Mixed Economy- Government helps the economy stabilize, started being used after the Great Depression
Invisible Hand- A metaphor for the unseen forces that move the free market economy.
Monopoly- the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service(sole supplier of good or service)
The government can intervene if necessary
Perfect Competition - occurs when there are many sellers and buyers control the price.
Monopolistic Competition - is when many different companies offer products that are similar to each other but not exact substitutes
Law of Demand - is a product has a higher price, consumers will demand a lower quantity or amount of a good
Equilibrium Price - A condition or state in which economic forces are balanced
Globalization - how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place
Equilibrium Price- Equilibrium quantity is when there is no shortage or surplus of an item. The supply matches demand, prices stabilize and, in theory, everyone is happy.
Globalization - the process where a business or other organization develops internationally
Comparative Advantage -Pranav - an economy's ability to produce a particular good or service more efficiently and economically than others
Absolute Advantage -The ability of an individual, company, region, or country to produce a greater quantity of a good or service with the same quantity of inputs per unit of time.
Tariff - a tax that has to be paid on an imported good
NAFTA - The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America. It allows companies to ship goods to Canada and Mexico.
Fiat Currency - it is government-issued currency that is not physical such as gold or silver, like bitcoin
Exchange Rate - Appreciation - is the increase in the value of one currency relative to another. For example, if dollars to euros exchange rate moved from 1.00 to 1.15, the euro appreciated by 15% against the dollar
Fiscal Policy to control inflation - to reduce the total level of spending, the government increases taxes.
Monetary Policy to control inflation - monetary policy can increase interest rates which makes borrowing more expensive and reduces the total cost. Federal reserve
Consumer Price Index - an index with variation in prices typically paid by a consumer for retail goods and other items. How do we know inflation is occurring? Measure of inflation. The average price of goods in a country.
Trade Union - an organized association of workers in a profession or job, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
Business Cycle Diagram - a graph that shows the rise and fall in output of production of goods or services over time. Expansion, peak, contraction,
Budget - a plan that is written down to help decide how to spend money each month and what you can afford
Stock Index - the SNP 500. A bunch of stocks that are weighed differently to show how the stock market is doing
Regressive Tax - taxes everyone the same, “flat tax”
Excise Tax - cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, destroying environmental products
Scholarship - money awarded to go to college that does not need to be paid back
Credit Score Make-Up: the most important thing is your payment history
Loan Term - the amount of time it takes to pay back a loan
Stock - A stock represents a share in the ownership of a company
Diversification - Varying out your investments.
Paycheck Deductions - things that get taken out of your paycheck; taxes, 401K
Dependants a person who depends on another person in a family, usually the kid. This is for other financial support
Insurance Deductible - the maximum you have to pay when something happens to you or your property; once you reach your deductible count for one full year you do not have to pay anything
In Network - a place such as a healthcare provider that is covered by your insurance provider
Collision Insurance - insurance for when someone damages your property, covers your car
Liability Insurance - insurance for when you are responsible for damaging someone
else's property covers everything else
Copay- How much do you have to pay for your prescriptions or minute clinic care?
World Trade Organization - Try to lower trade barriers
International Monetary Fund - handles monetary (money) making sure economies are stable.
Tight Policy and Loose Policy - Tight money policy the government wants to take money out of the system. Loose policy is loose money giving money away to the public
Patent - Similar to a copyright or trademark. Document declaring that an idea or invention is yours no one can copy it.
Externalities - Side effects Mostly negative some positive– Ex: Pollution (from driving your car)
Refundable Tax Credit - Give the government too much tax money in the end they give you the money back.
Indirect Tax - Tax that gets added indirectly through the process of building the product (all the money that is added to the initial value of the product due to taxes)
Net Pay - One’s income after taxes and deductibles.
FAFSA - Federal student aid form to help pay for college.
FICO - Your credit score
Amortization Table - the entire payment schedule for your lone
Capital Gains Tax - Taxes on the money you earn through interest, crypto, bonds, stocks, and property. (cash on assets that you earn outside your normal income)
W-4 - It tells you the amount of credits, other income, and deductions; claim your dependents.
W-2 - A federal wage and tax statement that is given to an employer
Down Payment - 20% of money on a car or a house.
Private Mortgage Insurance - protects the lender—not you—if you stop making payments on your loan.
Debt to Income Ratio- the amount of money you earn versus the amount of money you are in debt. Is used to show loans
Disposable Income - It is the total personal income minus current income taxes, money after taxes
Social Security Number - Tracks social security benefits.
Payroll Tax -The taxes employees and employers pay on salaries.
Financial Award Letter - A document sent to a student from a college or university that shows how much financial help a student can get.
Fixed Interest Rate - A loan where the interest rate doesn't change during the time of the loan.
Variable Interest Rate- An interest rate that changes over time
Supply Chain- The sequence and process of production of a product
Regulatory Agencies - Independent government established by the legislative act to set standards in specific fields
Compound Interest- Interest made up of a big sum.
401K- Employer-sponsored personal pension account.
Safe Investments (Bonds, Savings Account)- Investments with a good return on investment and low risk.
Scam - Bait and Switch