Physical Geography | the study of natural processes ant the distribution of features in the environment |
Human Geography | the study of the process of how humans understand, use, and alter Earth |
Spatial perspective | Geographical perspective that focuses on how people live/organize themselves and why certain human history occurs where it happens |
Ecological Perspective | the relationship between a living thing and its environment |
Location | the position that a point occupies |
Absolute Location | The location of an object, usually expressed in in coordinates of longitude and latitude |
Relative Location | A descriptions of where a location is in relation to other places |
Place | A location of earth identified by its people of feature |
Mental Maps | internalized maps |
Site | A places absolute location as well as physical attributes |
Situation | the location of a place in relation to the proximity of other places |
Space | Area between two or more things |
Distribution | to arrange within a given space |
Density | the number of things-people, animals, or objects- in a specific area |
Pattern | The way in which thing are arranged in a space |
Flow | Movement of people, goods, or information that has economic , social, political, or cultural effects on societies |
Environmental Determinism | The idea that behavior is strongly affected, controlled, or determined by physical envorient |
Distance Decay | A statement that one the farther one thing is away from another, the less those two thing will interact |
Time-Space Compression | A key geographic theory that modern transportation of ideas has made transporting ideas faster |
possibilism | theory that humans have the control to adapt an environment around them |
Sustainability | The use of the earth natural resources to ensure their availability in the future |
Scale | the area of the world being studied |
Region | An area on earth with unique characteristics that differentiates itself from other areas |
Formal Region | An are that has one or more shared traits |
Functional Region | An area organized around its function around a focal point, or the center of interest or activity |
Node | Focal point if a functional region |
Suburbs | less densely populated areas surrounding commercial and city areas |
Perceptual Region | a region type that reflects peoples feeling and attitudes about the place |
Vernacular region | same as a perceptual region |
Globalization | the expansion of economic, cultural, and political processes on a world wide scale |
Theory | a system of ideas designed to explain some occurence |
World System Theory | categorizing countries or regions by core, periphery, and semi-periphery |
Core | Classification of a country or region that has wealth , higher levels of education, more advanced technologies, many resources, strong militaries, and powerful allies |
Periphery | An overall poor country in any standard |
Semi-periphery | Classification of a country or region the has qualities of both core and periphery areas and is often is in the process of industrializing |
Sustainable Development | development that meets the needs of future generations |