Lecture ReVISION part 4

Lecture ReVISION part 4

Page 1: Introduction


  • Program: Computer Science

  • Partnership: Liverpool John Moores University

  • Presenter: Dr. Ali Baydoun

Page 2: Relational Databases

  • Data is organized into tables (relations) consisting of rows and columns.

  • Rows: Identified by a unique key (primary key).

  • Columns: Represent attributes that provide values for the rows.

  • Each table typically represents one entity type (e.g., customer, product).

  • Rows are instances of the entity type, while columns store specific details (e.g., name, price).

Page 3: Getting Data Out of a Relational Database (SQL)

  • Data extraction is performed using Structured Query Language (SQL).

  • SQL is designed to manage structured data that includes relationships among entities and variables.

Page 4: Relational Database Example

  • Relational Constraints: Primary Keys (PKs) and Foreign Keys (FKs).

  • Important principles include ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

  • Transactions can be cascaded.

  • Queries are often relational and JOIN-based.

Page 5: Issues with Relational Databases

  • Scalability: Poor performance across multiple servers.

  • Challenges with resource elasticity.

  • Difficulty in modeling certain data types without major restructuring (Normalization required).

  • Databases may be ineffective or inefficient.

Page 6: Shortcomings of the Relational Model

  • Relational approaches are becoming limited due to the massive increase in data production.

  • Recent advances aim to address these limitations, but challenges remain with large datasets needing distributed databases.

  • The emergence of diverse data types (tweets, video, etc.) makes structured schemas inadequate.

  • This has led to the development of NoSQL database approaches.

Page 7: NoSQL Databases

  • NoSQL stands for "NOT SQL" or "Not Only SQL."

  • Characterized by a flexible approach to data storage suitable for handling "big data."

  • Various types of NoSQL databases:

    • Key-Value

    • Graph

    • Column

    • Document

Page 8: NoSQL Database (Key-Value)

  • Flexible Structure: Key-value databases are an alternative to relational databases, lacking predefined schemas.

  • Values: Can be a wide range of data types (numbers, strings, JSON, etc.).

  • Functionality: Accessed through unique keys; no query language exists.

  • Operations: Basic functions include:

    • Put: Adds/updates key-value pairs.

    • Get: Retrieves values for given keys.

    • Delete: Removes key-value pairs.

Page 9: Key-Value Database Functionality

  • Data Types: Can store any data type including BLOBs.

  • Similar to a dictionary with unique keys indexing values.

  • Enables rapid retrieval of values regardless of database size.

Page 10: Key-Value vs. RDBMS

  • Key-value databases treat values as single opaque collections with varying fields.

  • Provides flexibility similar to object-oriented programming.

  • Memory-efficient storage leading to performance gains.

Page 11: NoSQL Databases - Graph

  • Graph Databases: Use graph theory for storing and querying relationships.

  • Comprised of nodes (entities) and edges (connections).

  • Unique identifiers and properties define each node.

Page 12: Applications of Graph Databases

  • Suited for analyzing connections, especially in social media data mining.

  • Useful in business data that involves complex relationships (e.g., supply chain management).

  • Concept attributed to mathematician Leonhard Euler.

Page 13: NoSQL Databases - Document

  • Document Databases: Store data in JSON-like documents.

  • Facilitates data storage that mirrors application code, flexible and semi-structured.

  • Adaptable to application evolution, supporting catalogs, user profiles, etc.

Page 14: Document Database Uses

  • Ideal for Content Management Systems (e.g., blogs, video platforms).

  • Allows for easy updates and changes without schema updates or downtime.

Page 15: Document Database for Catalogs

  • Efficient for storing product catalogs; handles diverse attributes without relational inefficiency.

  • Each product can be described in a single document, enabling easier management and reading.

Page 16: Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data

  • Flexible Design: Reduces schema design requirements.

  • Encourages reduced constraints on database querying, simplifying access.

Page 17: Who Uses NoSQL Technologies?

  • Massive web applications (e.g., Amazon) catering to large user bases.

  • Big Data Applications: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook manage high-frequency updates and data distribution.

  • Content Management Systems: NoSQL databases provide flexibility for managing diverse content types and structures, enabling rapid development and deployment.

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