What is environmental geography?
The diversity of natures - Nature as culturally and spatially located creation.
Changing nature - Nature as temporally located creation
The construction of nature as environment
So, is ‘Nature a social construction’?
‘Nature’ is shaped by ecological conditions culture, politics, and history
Enlightenment: Nature as a machine:
Francis Bacon: (1561-1626): Science should ‘put nature on the rack and extract her secrets’.
Romanticism: Nature as pure and sublime:
‘Ah dear nature - the mere remembrance, after a short forgetfulness, of the pine woods! I come to it as a hungry man to a crust of bread’ - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring: Idea of how we affect the environment, in this book birds are highlighted = pesticide = no birds = silence = silence in a sign of ecological damage
1960s Onwards: Modern Environmentalism
Nature in risk environment:
1970s Onwards: Global Issues
Hole in the ozone layer (tackled through Montreal Protocol, 1987)
Acid Rain (reduction in coal fire power stations)
The resurgence of nature could indicate the an emerging new way of thinking about environments or nature.
Environmental geography: An Integrative and holistic discipline
Nature is a social construction spatially located and with a particular history
What we know as the environment is the product of a particular way of understand nature.
Extremely linked to the ideas of a Nature in risk, environment and environmental problems can vary over time, reflecting shifts in scientific knowledge but also social, political and economical factors.
Tutor group:
3 Factors:
Income per capita, levels of urbanisation and % of people working in agriculture
“Development is always political”
Power relations
3 factors stated above
Definitions for example: development is never neutral
Experiences of development: for example growing up poor and in an area unsupported by AID or NGO or government vs an area supported by NGOs or systems.
Development: Development as a goal or process
End Goal: Development is not neutral
Look at the philipines during the cold war: AID NGOs Support from America
The Companion to Development Studies: Emil Dauncey, Vandana Desai , Robert B. Potter
Africa is not a country
THe world bank the east Asian miracle