SAT #8

circumspect (inspect) - In his usual _____ manner, Frank first assured himself against all losses before making a decision.

circumspectly (inspect) - Pat's five year old _____ looks both ways before crossing the street.

circumspect (inspect) - Because the judge was _____, he was usually considered impartial.

abstract (contract) - Though Joshua thought his ideas were sound, we considered them _____.

abstractions (contract) - Dad's paintings were _____ - we couldn't tell what they were.

abstract (contract) - Christopher's directions to his house were so _____ we were lost for two hours.

defunct (junk) - Latin is a _____ language.

defunct (junk) - Although Shakespeare has been dead for centuries, his plays will never be _____.

defunct (junk) - In Moby Dick, Ishmael tells the story of a _____ whaling ship, the Pequod.

succinctly (sink) - When Joe was called upon, he _____ paraphrased what the teacher had just explained.

succinct (sink) - Benjamin Franklin's aphorisms are so _____ that they are still used today.

succinct (sink) - The mother's reprimand was _____ but effective.

palpable (pal the bull) - The _____ imagery helps make the poem more realistic.

palpable (pal the bull) - The answer is as _____ as the nose on your face.

palpably (pal the bull) - Fear ran _____ through the crowd as the man wielded a pistol.

accountable (count the bulls) - Timothy was _____ for counting the votes after the election.

accountable (count the bulls) - Laura said she was not _____ for the problems her sister had created.

accountable (count the bulls) - You can't hold the cat _____ for the mess it made because the dog chased it through the kitchen.

ostensibly (sensible) - _____ the purpose of the assignment is to teach students to do research.

ostensible (sensible) - The _____ reason that Mr. Jones became a substitute teacher was because he needed the money.

ostensible (sensible) - The _____ purpose of this book is to improve the reader's vocabulary.

pliability (fly bull) - Students demonstrate their _____ when they remain open to new ideas.

pliable (fly bull) - Putty is a _____ material that can be easily shaped.

pliable (fly bull) - Bob was always _____ to Brenda's demands.

adroit (Detroit) - Many fourth graders are more _____ on the computer than their parents.

adroitly (Detroit) - Mr. Smith _____ removed Eric from the class before he could cause a problem.

adroit (Detroit) - Sebastian always wins at cards because he is so _____ at counting the cards that have been played.

baubles (bull) - Never one for _____, Diane always wore real diamonds.

baubles (bull) - Mixed among the precious gems in Jennifer's jewelry box were costume jewelry and other _____.

bauble (bull) - The child was delighted with the _____ she received from her aunt.