psych unit 3 def

Social Group - refers to two or more people who interact with each other and are aware of having something in common

Crowd - simply a collection of people who have come together for a specific purpose 

Ex,. travel, downtown, concert

Primary Gorups - a small group whose members have personal, often emotional, relationships with each other

Secondary Groups - are more interpersonal and formal than primary groups. Members generally have temporary and short-term relationships

Ex. school, athletic team, 

  • Judge each other by what they can do and offer

Social Category - has one thing in common but unaware in a personal sense 

Ex. teenager, female, unemployed, teacher, student

Norm - the rules within a group that indicate how members should behave

  • Normal behavior in that group (acting differently with friends and family)

Roles - A named social position that includes expected behaviors 

  • Asking to go to the bathroom in school

Sanction - the means by which the group rewards or punishes members to control their behavior 

  • “I like your shirt”; encouraging and manipulating behavior

Conformity - changing opinions or behaviors to match those of another person or group

Obedience - following the direct request of another

Clique - an exclusive group that includes a small number of chosen members 

Social loafing - when an individual’s effort is less as a member of a group than when alone

Social facilitation - when the presence of others improves an individual's performance

  • More people to blame: diffusion of responsibility

  • The task should be simple and well-learned otherwise it diminishes

  • Improves simple or well-learned tasks. It inhibits complex tasks that are not well-learned

Localized - in one place

Dispersed - scattered, spread over a wide area

Hysteria - excessive and uncontrollable emotion

Cult - a group, usually with religious or spiritual beliefs, that is organized around a charismatic leader

Manipulated - skillfully managed for a particular purpose 

Propaganda - systematic efforts to influence public opinion, often through lies or distorted information

Hysteria - excessive and uncontrollable emotion

Culminated - reached a point of intensity and competition

  • Panic is more localized (ex when a bar burns down and panic in that area)

  • Mass hysteria - is like when it became the year 2000 or alien invasion
