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Chapter 27 Empire and Expansion 

US Imperialism

  • Farmers and Industrialists looked to shores for expansion

  • “Expand or explode”

  • Reasons

    • Religion

    • Boyish adventure

    • Money

    • “Bring values to the backward people”

    • All the other modern countries were doing it (Britain France Spain Japan)

  • Roosevelt and henry lodge interpret Darwinism to mean that earth belongs to the strong and fit (USA)

  • New steel navy

  • Manifested in Garfield and Harrison administrations through the desire to rally Latin America into American leadership (in trade)

  • 1889 first pan-American conference to discuss mutual tariff reductions

    • James G. Blaine published big sister and presided over the conference

    • Sketched vague plan

    • Opened doors for future discussions

  • 1880-1890 near wars and diplomatic crisis

    • American and german navies nearly duke it out over Samoan islands

    • American and Italy: 11 lynched Italians in New Orleans 1891 (America paid compensation)

    • America and chile (2 American sailors die in chile port no war caused chilies forced to pay

    • America Canada seal hunting

      • Americans are very bloodthirsty and very willing/ eager for war


  • Yellow journalism makes up Cuban atrocities

  • William R Hearst vs Joseph Pulitzer compete for biggest “scoops”

  • Claimed Spanish-American costumes brutality undressed and searched an American women

    • Readers didn't know it was a woman who did that in Spanish customs (traveling)

  • Spain lightly talked of letting Cuba govern itself but was opposed by Spaniards in Cuba and led to riots so we sends our main to evacuate Americans if need be

  • Tenseness grows when Hearst revealed a private letter from a Cuban minister

    • He had stolen it from his mail

    • Called president Mckinley an ear-to-the-ground politician who lacked good faith

    • Caused uproar Cuban minister forced to resign

  • Main mysteriously blows up killing 260 men

    • 2 investigations take place one led by the Spanish 9 not allowed near reck) and one by the Americans investigating on their own

      • Americans take least likely route and decided it was caused by a submarine mine

      • 1997 released it was caused by spontaneous combustion of a coal bunker next to ammo storage ( what the Spanish had deduced in 1898

  • Americans go to war

  • Remember Maine to hell with Spain

Mahan and Seapower

  • European naval forces declined except for Britain

  • Military sea and commercial sea should be interdependent

  • Control the sea control the world

  • Dominant economic military and political power divided by the sea

  • USA should be a world power + need to control the sea = need a powerful navy

The Spanish-American war

  • The US won

  • 1898

  • Mckinley criticized for not wanting a war and allowing Spain to meet demands for a peaceful solution

    • ‘Backbone of a chocolate eclair”

    • Maine sent by McKinley

  • Theodore Roosevelt wants war desperately

  • Eventually gave people what they wanted because of a lack of faith in Spanish promises to end reconcentration camps in Cuba

  • Teller Amendment and war declared

    • Teller amendment stated that the USA would give Cuba freedom when they won

The territory gained from war

  • Gained Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam from Spain

  • King of Hawaii (annexed )

  • Purchased Philippines for 20 million

  • shows the US becoming a world power

TR’s Roughriders

  • Made of polo players, college buddies, cowboys hunters, and native Americans

  • Walked for a weak ‘

  • 17000

  • Lots of confusion upon disembarkment for Cuba

  • Participated in 2 major battle

Chapter 27 Empire and Expansion 

US Imperialism

  • Farmers and Industrialists looked to shores for expansion

  • “Expand or explode”

  • Reasons

    • Religion

    • Boyish adventure

    • Money

    • “Bring values to the backward people”

    • All the other modern countries were doing it (Britain France Spain Japan)

  • Roosevelt and henry lodge interpret Darwinism to mean that earth belongs to the strong and fit (USA)

  • New steel navy

  • Manifested in Garfield and Harrison administrations through the desire to rally Latin America into American leadership (in trade)

  • 1889 first pan-American conference to discuss mutual tariff reductions

    • James G. Blaine published big sister and presided over the conference

    • Sketched vague plan

    • Opened doors for future discussions

  • 1880-1890 near wars and diplomatic crisis

    • American and german navies nearly duke it out over Samoan islands

    • American and Italy: 11 lynched Italians in New Orleans 1891 (America paid compensation)

    • America and chile (2 American sailors die in chile port no war caused chilies forced to pay

    • America Canada seal hunting

      • Americans are very bloodthirsty and very willing/ eager for war


  • Yellow journalism makes up Cuban atrocities

  • William R Hearst vs Joseph Pulitzer compete for biggest “scoops”

  • Claimed Spanish-American costumes brutality undressed and searched an American women

    • Readers didn't know it was a woman who did that in Spanish customs (traveling)

  • Spain lightly talked of letting Cuba govern itself but was opposed by Spaniards in Cuba and led to riots so we sends our main to evacuate Americans if need be

  • Tenseness grows when Hearst revealed a private letter from a Cuban minister

    • He had stolen it from his mail

    • Called president Mckinley an ear-to-the-ground politician who lacked good faith

    • Caused uproar Cuban minister forced to resign

  • Main mysteriously blows up killing 260 men

    • 2 investigations take place one led by the Spanish 9 not allowed near reck) and one by the Americans investigating on their own

      • Americans take least likely route and decided it was caused by a submarine mine

      • 1997 released it was caused by spontaneous combustion of a coal bunker next to ammo storage ( what the Spanish had deduced in 1898

  • Americans go to war

  • Remember Maine to hell with Spain

Mahan and Seapower

  • European naval forces declined except for Britain

  • Military sea and commercial sea should be interdependent

  • Control the sea control the world

  • Dominant economic military and political power divided by the sea

  • USA should be a world power + need to control the sea = need a powerful navy

The Spanish-American war

  • The US won

  • 1898

  • Mckinley criticized for not wanting a war and allowing Spain to meet demands for a peaceful solution

    • ‘Backbone of a chocolate eclair”

    • Maine sent by McKinley

  • Theodore Roosevelt wants war desperately

  • Eventually gave people what they wanted because of a lack of faith in Spanish promises to end reconcentration camps in Cuba

  • Teller Amendment and war declared

    • Teller amendment stated that the USA would give Cuba freedom when they won

The territory gained from war

  • Gained Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam from Spain

  • King of Hawaii (annexed )

  • Purchased Philippines for 20 million

  • shows the US becoming a world power

TR’s Roughriders

  • Made of polo players, college buddies, cowboys hunters, and native Americans

  • Walked for a weak ‘

  • 17000

  • Lots of confusion upon disembarkment for Cuba

  • Participated in 2 major battle