-relationship between the partner institutions and the school
-Be a good team player with your collegues in work place
- help one another
-keeping secret or not disclosing information.
-need to submit your work early on time
-always come early at work
Conflict Resalution
-art of addressing differences common ground enable curyune and finding to work pecefully
Security Tenure
- Every employee shall be assured security of tenure
-no employee can be dismissed except for just or authorized cause
Workplace Immersion Venue
-the place where work immersion conducted
-telling truth at all times and never attempt stealing nor theft
- amount of paid to an employee in exchange for the service
Commitment of Excellence
- Do not only work just for compliance but work hard to produce the best output
Work Immersion Teacher
- school prsonal assigned to supervise learners at the work immersion venue
- accomplish more within the specific time
Biological Hazard
-workers infected with the disease or illness
Ex: fungi viruses, molds, bacteria
Psychological Hazard
- brought by too much stress from work that may cause depression losing on one's work
Physical Hazard
- brought by unhealthy working condition like poor lightning and poor ventilation
Ergonomic Hazard
-brought by poor posture when working long period like standing, bending and lifting.
OSHS (occupational safety and Health Standard)- to safeguard the worker social and economic well being as well as their health and physical.
(1978) -safety protection
-ability to communicate in a clear and affecient way
-teamwork exist, individuals diverse set of skills to work together, to work a common goal
Female Employers
-Women are prohibited from engaging night work unless the work is allowed by the following rules:
10 pm to 6 am - industrial
12 to gam - non industrial
-welfare facilitres such separate dressing room
Partner Institutions.
-public or private institution that willing to lend expertise, enter to an agreement with any if the DepEd
-brief summary of personal and professional experience, skills, and educational hostory
Part of Resume
-header, profession / career objective, qualification summary, education, experiences, references
Police clearance
-to prove that the applicant has no criminal records
Medical clearance
- proof of an employees health and wellness and fitness for their job.
Work Immersion.
-subject of the senior high school carriculum
Active Listening
- dig deeper into what they are communicating
Employment of children.
-The minimum employment age is 15
-any worker below 15 should under the sole responsibility of guardians
Safe Working Condition
-employers must provide workings with every kind on the job protection against injury, sickness ir death through safe and healtful