Jean Piaget: Stages of Cognitive Development
sensorimotor → learn about the world through the senses, object permanence
primary circular
secondary circular
coordination of secondary circular
tertiary circular
symbolic thought
preoperational → symbolic thought, egocentrism, animism, conservation, centration
concrete operational → logical thought, conservation
formal operational → inductive, deductive reasoning, abstract thought
Erik Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development (5 stages)
trust vs. mistrust
autonomy vs. doubt
initiative vs. guilt
industry vs. inferiority
identity vs. role confusion
Vygotsky: Scaffolding, Zone of Proximal Development
the duck and the pool and floaties
open-ended questions, listing answers
what level is the child at and how can you get them to be independent
Bowlby: Attachment Theory
secure attachment - childs needs are tended to, able to explore the world
insecure attachment - childs needs are not tended to, fear of the world and people
home base for safety
Write the Mission, Values, Vision Statement (2 points each x 3)
support a child through therapeutic play
making sure they support their developmental milestones
respect the family’s missions
stay up to date with research
use theoretical foundations in care
Write 2 competencies (extra credit)
Matching ethical principles (2 points each x13)
do not follow patients or their family on social media
paramount welfare (of children and families)
objectivity, integrity, and competence
obligation to serve
privacy, confidentiality
promote effectiveness, improve services
continually seek knowledge
scholarly inquiry, ethical practice
appropriate referals, professional competencies
respect, professionalism, and integrity
assess and amend any personal relationships
precedence of services > financial gain
training others, teach professional values ethically, optimal learning experiences
refrain from illegal conduct