Ions with +1 Charge
K- Potassium
H- Hydrogen
Na- Sodium
NH4- Ammonium
Li- Lithium
Cu- Cuperous
Ag- Silver
Ions with +2 Charge
Ba- Barium
Cd- Cadmium
Ca- Calcium
Cr- Chromous
Co- Cobaltous
Cu- Cuperic
Fe- Ferrous - Iron 2
Pb- Plumbous - Lead 2
Mg- Magnesium
Mn- Manganese
Hg- Mercuric
Hg2- Mercurous
Ni- Nicklous
Sr- Strontium
Sn- Stannous
UO2- Uranyl
VO- Vanadyl
Zn- Zinc
Ions with a +3 Charge
Al- Aluminium
As- Arsenic
Cr- Chromic
Co- Cobaltic
Fe- Ferric- Iron iii
Mn- Manganic
Ions with a +4 Charge
Pb-Plumbic- Lead IV
Sn- Stannic- Stannic IV
Ions with a + 5 charge
V- Vanadium V
As- Arsenic V
Ions with a -1 Charge
C2H3O2- Acetate
Br- Bromine
ClO3- Chlorate
Cl- Chloride
CN- Cyanide
F- Flourine
OH- hydroxide
H- Hydride
ClO- Hypochlorite
I- Iodide
NO3- nitrate
NO2- Nitrite
ClO4- perchlorate
IO4- periodate
MnO4- Permanganate
Ions with a -2 Charge
O- oxide
Cr2O7- Dichromate
CrO4- Chromate
CO3- Carbonate
SiO4- Silicate
C2O4- Oxalate
O2- Peroxide
SO4- Sulfate
SO3- Sulfite
S- Sulfide
S2O3- Thiosulfate
Ions with a -3 charge
N- Nitride
PO4- Phosphate
PO3- Phosphite
P- Phosphide
BO3- Borate
AsO4- Arsenate
AsO3- Arsenite