Focus on how psychologists apply the scientific method through data collection techniques and research designs.
Measurement of Variables
A challenge in psychology; requires careful operational definitions.
Operational Definition:
Specifies how a variable was measured, making abstract concepts concrete.
Examples include:
Motivation: how a person’s drive is gauged.
Racial Bias/Discrimination: measurable differences in behavior towards various races.
Importance of precise definitions to ensure reliable and valid results.
Assesses whether a study measures what it intends to measure.
Types of Validity:
Internal Validity:
The degree to which a study accurately tests a hypothesis and rules out alternates.
External Validity:
Confidence that results relate to real-world behaviors outside the study.
Consistency of observations and measurements.
A technique that involves observing subjects in their natural environment without interference.
Operational Definition in Naturalistic Observation:
Develop a coding scheme based on how the variable is defined in context.
Provides realistic insights into behavior.
Challenges in remaining unobtrusive can affect the accuracy of observations.
Measure moods, attitudes, and behaviors through self-reports.
Types of Questions:
Close-Ended Questions:
Provide quantitative data and limited response options.
PCL-5 survey for post-traumatic stress assessment with scale ratings.
Open-Ended Questions:
Allow for qualitative responses; require coding for analysis.
Example questions include those about emotions and personal heroes.
Potential Issues:
Data may not reflect actual behaviors due to social desirability bias and self-report inaccuracies.
Types of Interviews:
Oral responses gathered through structured or semi-structured formats.
Flexibility and depth of data collection.
Time-consuming and potential for interviewer bias.
Focus Group Interviews:
Conducted in groups to gather diverse views more efficiently.
Involves observing and recording behaviors as they naturally occur, enhancing internal validity.
Archival Data:
Utilizes existing data with no control over original measures or context; can reveal trends (e.g., song lyrics).
Content Analysis:
Analyzes written or spoken material for patterns, language use, and gender differences without direct interaction.
Construct Validity:
Measures whether a survey assesses the intended variable.
Reliability Analysis:
Consistency evaluated through test-retest reliability and internal consistency.
Case Studies
In-depth exploration of rare behaviors with 1-3 participants; findings may not generalize.
Correlational Studies
Assess the relationship between behaviors; correlation does not imply causation.
Investigate cause-effect relationships by manipulating independent variables and observing effects on dependent variables.
Used where IV cannot be manipulated; often based on existing group characteristics.
Upcoming lab practice will focus on identifying different data collection techniques and research designs.