Any questioning intended to elicit incriminating information for criminal prosecution.
Statement by a subject acknowledging they committed a crime.
Persuasiveness of Evidence
Confessions are considered more powerful than eyewitness accounts or DNA.
False Confession
A statement made by a subject admitting to a crime they did not commit.
Reid Technique
A guilt-presumptive model using confrontation and stress to obtain confessions.
Components of the Reid Technique
Factual analysis.
Behavioral analysis.
Interrogation process.
Key Interview Model Steps
Preparation and planning.
Engage and explain.
Closure and evaluation.
Basic Ingredients of Productive Investigation
Control of the interrogation.
Understanding of case facts.
Familiarity with the suspect’s background.
Method to Reduce False Confessions
Peace Model: emphasizes respect for the truth.
Strategy to Elicit Suspect Confessions
Utilizes deception.
Persuaded False Confession
Confession given after being convinced one committed the crime.
Stress Complaint Confession
Given to end stress from the interrogation.
Factors Increasing False Confessions
Claims of scientific proof of guilt by interrogator.
Demand for acceptance of the interrogator's version of events.
Inducing fear of consequences for repeated denials.
Voluntary False Confession
Given without coercion due to personal motivations.
Handling False Confessions
Police awareness of reasons behind false confessions.
Indications of Verbal Deception
Sentence structure and grammar issues.
Premature excuses or explanations.
Delays in answering basic questions.
Guilty Knowledge Technique
Uses multiple-choice questions in polygraph tests.
Most Frequently Used Polygraph Examination Method
Control Question Technique.
Relevant-Irrelevant Test
Involves asking relevant and irrelevant questions; usage has declined.
Types of Profiling in Behavioral Evidence Analysis
Criminal profiling, geographic profiling, linguistic analysis.
Burner Phone
Inexpensive cell phone with no internet connection, easily disposable.
Legal Access to Smartphones
Requires a warrant, consent, or exigent circumstances.
Gray Key
Device to unlock smartphones by guessing passcodes.
IP Address
Unique identifier for devices accessing the internet.
Tip Line
Allows public to submit crime information via phone or internet.
Amber Alerts and Family Abductions
97% involve family.
Code Adam
Alert system for missing children in stores.
Limitations in Public Information Gathering
Awareness of crimes may be low among the public.
Police may be overwhelmed with leads.
False information can mislead investigations.
Limitations with Video Evidence
Time-consuming to locate relevant videos.
Quality of footage may limit usefulness.
Factors in Determining Manner of Death
Nature of injuries.
Characteristics of the deceased.
Circumstances surrounding death.
Suicide Considerations
Weapons or means of death.
Self-inflicted wounds.
Homicide Victim Age Range
Largest proportions are ages 20-24.
Most Common Drug in Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults
Challenges in Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Investigations
Victim consent issues.
Evidence of drug ingestion.
Victim’s inability to provide details.
Most Traumatic Assault Type
Sexual assault.
Contact Rapist
Offender known to victim, motivated by sexual pleasure.
Characteristics of Sexual Aggressors
Power reassurance.
Power assertive.
Anger retaliatory.
Anger excitation.