“Roaring Twenties” - period of economic growth/indulgence/excess
1929 - Stock Market Crash that caused a huge recession
Response to recession was decreased spending/production and more job cuts (made things worse)
Pursing isolationism
Great Depression
Most nations had decreased nationalism after the war → lots of blame on others which eventually led to increases in nationalism
Xenophobia - Prejudice against people from other countries
Emergence of Ultranationalism
Extreme nationalism that supports hostility towards others that emerges after a social/economic crisis and a charismatic leader comes to power
Large emphasis on national myths that support superiority
Can lead to extremism/fascism (eg. Nazi Germany, Japan, Italy)
Ultranationalism Factors
Economic/Social crisis
Charismatic/Authoritarian leader
National traditions emphasized
National myths that promote superiority
Political ideologies that support extremism
Aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles
German resentment towards West b/c of economic crisis caused by sanctions
Rise of ultranationalism in Germany
Adolf Hitler creates Nazi Party
Blamed Jewish/communist Germany minorities for social crisis (scapegoating)
Believed in an ethnically pure Germany
Wanted to gain power thought election before installing self as dictator
Formed minority gov (1932) → Appointed Chancellor - mini president (1933) → Declared self as Fuhrer (dictator) when President Hindenburg died (1934)
Was able to become dictator b/c of new democracy in Germany that didn’t have checks/balances
Violating Treaty of Versailles (ToV)
Hitler slowly began violating the ToV
Expansion of army/conscription, development of new forces
Lebensraum - Idea of ethnic Germans deserving a state for exclusively ethnically pure Germans
Annexed territory with ethnic Germans
Conquered territory with other ethnicities and deported minorities/genocide of original people
Foreign policy of pacifying a country in hopes of preventing war
World leaders (eg. Neville Chamberlain) were desperate to avoid war so appeased Germany
Landmarks of Appeasement
Leaving the League of Nations/Arming in secret (1933)
Angle-German Naval Agreement (1935)
Abyssinian Crisis (1935)
Remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936)
Anschluss (1938)
Munich Agreement/Sudetenland (1938)
Invasion of Poland (Sept. 1, 1939) - Start of WWII
Causes of WWII
MR FIN - underlying
Rise of dictatorships
Failure of Appeasement
G - immediate
Germany’s invasion of Poland
Beginnings of the War
Invasion of Poland - UK/France declared war on Germany
Non-aggression pact between USSR and Germany → Kept USSR out of war until Germany violated/invaded USSR
US practicing isolationism → “Neutrality Acts”
Lend-lease system with UK
Canada waited a week to demonstrate independence
Allied Powers - UK, US, Canada, (USSR - initially had non-aggression pact that prevented action), (France - invaded and conquered for most of war)
Axis Powers - Germany, Italy, Japan
Global affair that involved 70+ nations w/ 55 million casualties, $4T in damages
Fought on multiple fronts
Early War
Blitzkrieg - “Lightning War” German tactic of attempting to overwhelm UK (Britain) with ariel attacks
Battle for Britain - Attempt to decrease British patriotism but had opposite effect
RAF vs Luftwaffe - first major military campaign fought in the air
“The Blitz” - July 10 - Oct 31 1940
“Phony War” - Little actual action in terms of battles, action occurred economically
Invasion of France (1940)
Vichy Government - Puppet government of Nazis in Southern France after the German takeover
Charles de Gaulle - French general who had to flee to London who tried to lead resistance forces from exile
Evacuation of British forces in France that hindered Allied operations
Large participation from civilians to evacuate troops’
Major Axis victory
War Fronts
Eastern Europe - Germany vs USSR
Western Europe - Germany vs UK, US, Fr, etc
Pacific Theater/Front - Japan vs US, Australia
North Africa - Germany, Italy vs France, UK
Pearl Harbor
US attempting to stop Japanese expansionism by stopping trade of oil, steel, rubber
Japanese retaliation of bombing military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Pulls US into the war (no more lend-lease, actual fighting)
Major industrial center in USSR → Wanted by Hitler but Soviets didn’t back down
Siege lasted 6 months before Hitler’s surrender
Amphibious operation from Allies to take back France
Normandy, France divided into 5 beaches
Key factor in liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Timeline to the End of the War
1944 - Battle of the Bulge
Germans trying to break American line but defeated
Allied invasion of Germany to take Berlin
Hitler commits suicide
Concentration camps liberated
Victory in Europe Day - May 8, 1945 - Official end of the war
Atomic Warfare
Japan didn’t surrender with Europe → Manhattan Project to develop atomic bombs
Japan warned in July 1945 but culture that associated shame with surrender prevented surrender
August 6/9
Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Led to Japanese surrender (Aug 14/15 1945) with documents signed Sept 2 (Victory over Japan Day)
Japan becomes constitutional monarchy
Consequences of WWII
6 million displaced/didn’t want to return to home country
Decreased power in Europe → increased power in US/USSR (leads to Cold War)
Decolonization - colonies pursue self-determination
“Germany Problem'“
June 1945 - Berlin Declaration
Stripped Germany of autonomy
July/August 1945 - Postdam Conferences
Allied division of Germany into blocks
Establishment of East/West Berlin (divided between USSR and US)
Berlin Wall built to keep sections separate
Nuremberg Trials (Nov 1945 - Oct 1946)
Trials to hold Nazis accountable for crimes that weren’t necessarily written in laws as crimes
Crimes against humanity
Contributed to 4th Geneva Convention for treatment of civilians during wartime
United Nations
Better League of Nations → peace-keeping force, wider range of diplomatic/economic sanctions
More effective b/c 193 countries
Developed w/ Harry S Truman (US President)
Not very nationalistic → collective good of humanity vs nation → start of internationalism
Systematic attempt to spread specific opinions/beliefs with a biased perspective
Glittering Generalities
Card Stacking
Plains Folk Appeal
Bandwagon Effect
Nazi Propaganda - took advantage of stereotypes against Jewish people
Ministry of Public Enlightenment & Propaganda
Disseminated all types of media to desensitize Germans to measures taken by Nazis against Jewish/minorities
British Propaganda - Focused on idea of resistance/victory/doing your part
Ministry of Information
Deliberate, state-supported extermination of a race/class/group by another
Holocaust - Genocide of Jewish population in Europe
Typically occurs with authoritarian governments → planned/publicized
Stages of Genocide