Untitled Flashcards Set

George’s 5 Dimensions of Authenticity

  • Purpose

  • Values

  • Heart

  • Relationships

  • Self-discipline

George’s Role of Crucibles

  • Everyone will face a crucible—a transformative experience that shapes their authentic leadership.

Avolio and Gardner’s Dimensions of Authenticity

  • Self-awareness

  • Internalized moral perspective

  • Balanced processing

  • Relational transparency

Illies et al. Article

  • Eudemonic vs. Hedonistic Approaches to Life

    • Eudemonic: Living with excellence in character or virtue.

    • Hedonistic: Motivated by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.

Antecedents and Consequences

  • Internal vs. External Locus of Control

    • Internal: Belief that outcomes are determined by personal actions.

    • External: Belief that outcomes are influenced by external factors like luck or fate.

  • Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

    • Intrinsic: Doing something for personal satisfaction.

    • Extrinsic: Doing something for an external reward or to avoid punishment.

  • Self-efficacy: Belief in one’s ability to achieve goals.

  • Self-monitoring: Observing and recording one’s own behavior.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your own and others' emotions.

  • Learning vs. Mastery Orientation:

    • Mastery: Focus on developing competence and improving skills.

    • Performance: Focus on demonstrating competence to others.

  • Self-developing vs. Self-validating:

    • Self-developing: Focus on growth and improvement.

    • Self-validating: Focus on acknowledging one’s own thoughts and emotions.

  • Unconditional Trust: Complete belief in someone or something without conditions.

General Leadership: Greenleaf, Komives, Woolley et al.

Logic of Servant Leadership

  • Emphasizes serving others first, then leading.

Liden’s Model of Servant Leadership

  • Focuses on leader behaviors and their outcomes.

Avolio et al.’s Model of Authentic Leadership Development

  • Describes the stages and factors that develop authentic leaders.

  • Connects to Woolley’s article and Harter's model.

Komives et al.’s Relational Leadership Model

  • Focuses on collaboration, ethics, and inclusion.

Woolley’s Study

  • Identifies variables that impact leadership relationships and implications for leadership development.

Authenticity: Harter

False Behavior

  • Actions that don’t reflect true self, often for validation or role experimentation.

‘A Cacophony of Multiple Selves’

  • Describes the complexity of expressing authenticity in a world of shifting roles.

Cognitive Development and Language in Adolescents' Authenticity

  • Adolescents develop authenticity as they gain language skills and cognitive growth.

Parental Influence on Authenticity

  • Parents imposing ways to process emotions may hinder authenticity.

Relationships Among Authenticity, Voice, and Self-esteem

  • Strong authenticity supports confident self-expression and higher self-esteem.

Spousal Relationships

  • Research identifies optimal types for enhancing authenticity.

Self-focused Autonomy vs. Other-focused Connectedness vs. Mutuality

  • Autonomy: Prioritizing individual independence.

  • Connectedness: Emphasizing relationship bonds.

  • Mutuality: Balancing independence and connection.

The Protean Self

  • Authenticity is achieved by embracing adaptability and change.

Honesty vs. Truth

  • Honesty: Expressing what one believes to be true.

  • Truth: Objective fact.

Engaging in False Behavior

  • Can be appropriate in professional settings to maintain composure.

Best Practices for Parents Developing Authenticity in Children

  • Encourage self-expression, good values, and independence.

Prescription Drugs and Therapy

  • Harter discusses their complex role in shaping authenticity.

Positive Psychology: Rogers, Maslow

Humanistic Psychology

  • Focuses on individual potential and self-actualization.

Unhappiness and Self-perception

  • Rooted in gaps between actual, ideal, and perceived selves.

Balance Theory and Cognitive Dissonance

  • Describes how people strive for consistency in beliefs and actions.

  • Dissonance creates discomfort when beliefs or actions conflict.


  • Unconditional Positive Regard: Accepting individuals without judgment.

  • Client-Centered Therapy: Emphasizes empathy and understanding.

  • ‘The Mask’: Hiding true emotions to fit social norms.

6 Conditions for the Fully Functional Person:

  1. Increasing openness to experience

  2. Increasing trust in one’s organism

  3. Increasing existential living

  4. Increasing internal locus of evaluation

  5. Increasing willingness to be a process

  6. Increasing the process of functioning more fully


  • Self-actualization: Fulfilling one’s potential.

  • Hierarchy of Needs:

    • Physiological (Body)

    • Safety (Security)

    • Love & Belonging (Social)

    • Esteem (Ego)

    • Self-actualization (Fulfillment)

Desacralization vs. Resacralization

  • Desacralization: Losing sight of meaning in something once seen as sacred.

  • Resacralization: Restoring that meaning.

8 Behaviors for Self-Actualization:

  1. Experiencing fully and selflessly

  2. Making conscious life choices

  3. Recognizing one's individuality

  4. Being honest

  5. Embracing responsibility

  6. Listening to oneself

  7. Making growth-oriented decisions

  8. Valuing peak experiences

Peak Experiences

  • Brief moments of profound personal growth and fulfillment.

Psychopathology and Self-Discovery

  • Finding one’s identity through self-exploration and authenticity.
