Anthropometry Definition: The study of human body measurements, particularly on a comparative basis.
Purpose: Valuable for assessing nutritional status and developmental milestones in populations, notably children and athletes.
Anthropometric Measurements: Invasive quantitative measurements of the body including:
Head circumference
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body circumferences (waist, hip, limbs)
Skinfold thickness
Diagnostic criteria for obesity.
Helps assess risk for health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes.
Portable, applicable, inexpensive, and non-invasive.
Abnormal Measurements: In pediatric populations indicate the need for further evaluation.
Athlete Assessment:
Body composition evaluation to enhance performance.
Helps in identifying issues like eating disorders.
Drives fitness programs improving cardiorespiratory strength.
Pregnant Women: Assess nutritional status and body composition.
Standard Ranges for Indicators:
Weight-for-length: 45 to 110 cm
Weight-for-height: 65 to 120 cm
Multiple measurements for BMI, head circumference, arm circumference, and skinfolds for age.
Equipment Calibration: Regular calibration essential for accuracy.
Training: Personnel should adhere to recommended protocols and standardizations.
Child Measurement Protocol:
For children under 24 months: recumbent length measurement
For 24 months and older: standing height
Record if the child has edema.
Re-measure Extreme Values: Any extreme results trigger immediate re-measurement.
Gross Motor Milestones: Important in tracking child development
Sitting without support
Standing with assistance
Hands-and-knees crawling
Walking with assistance
Standing alone
Walking alone
Weight Measurements: In kilograms with two decimal points; length and height in centimeters.
Indicators for Children: Length for children under 2; height for 2 and older.
Classification System: z-scores for nutritional status evaluation.
Cut-off Lines for Classification:
Weight-for-age, length/height-for-age, various fat measurements.
Percentile classifications 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, 97th.
Visualization: Graphing assists in visualizing growth against standard curves and discussing outcomes with caregivers.
Indicators Visualized: Weight-for-length, length-for-age, etc., structured based on WHO standards.
Definition: Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.
Purpose: Screening for body fatness but not a direct measure of health.
Age Considerations: BMI-for-age important for children.
Calculations for IBW:
Men: 50kg + 2.3kg for each inch over 5 feet.
Women: 45.5kg + 2.3kg for each inch over 5 feet.
Purpose: Used for nutritional requirements, particularly when overweight.
Calculation: AjBW = IBW + 0.4(ABW - IBW)
Definition: Energy expenditure at rest over 24 hours.
Calculating BMR:
Men: BMR = 10xweight + 6.25xheight – 5xage + 5
Women: BMR = 10xweight + 6.25xheight – 5xage - 161
Determination: Includes BMR, physical activity, stress, and temperature factors.
Activity Levels: Defined from bed-ridden to heavily active, each with respective values for calculations.
Anthropometric data provides critical insights for health assessment across various demographics.