AP PSYCH 3.3 Visual Anatomy

The Process

  • In bottom-up processing, the ‘bottom’ of the process is the stimulus

    • In visual processing, that is light waves

  • Light waves enter the eye through the thin outer covering of the cornea

    • The first line of defense against debris, also does some rudimentary focusing

  • The light then passed through the hole in the iris, the colored muscle that contracts and flexes to let in the appropriate amount of light

  • The hole is the pupil

  • The light goes through the hole then through the lens, which flips the image onto the retina

    • The lens is always shifting shape to focus on what you’re looking at

    • If the lens flips the image too late or too early, vision problems can occur

  • The whole back lining of the eye is the retina

    • The retina is covered in rods and cones

    • Cones are clustered near the fovea (like ‘focus’), where the optic nerve exits, and they detect well-lit colors the best

    • Rods cover most of the outer retina, and detect dark, black-and-white best

    • Once the rods and cones are stimulated, they transmute that light stimulus into neural impulses

      • These impulses travel down the optic nerve and are processed accordingly

  • The image is flipped by the lens and isn’t flipped upright until it reaches the brain

    • The occipital lobe, where visual processing occurs, is actually not right behind the eyes, but at the furthest point from the eyes at the back of the brain

    • The tow optic nerves cross each other and the images from each eye are processed in the opposite hemisphere

  • Feature detectors detect…

    • Light and color

    • Lines

    • Shapes

    • Angles

    • Motion

    • These help piece together what is being seen and how to react

Color Vision

  • In vision, the stimuli for our receptor cells lining the retina are light waves

  • Light waves have two properties

  • Wavelength

    • Determines hue (color)

    • Wavelength is the distance from one point on a light wave to the same point on the next wave

      • The peaks or troughs are used most often because the points are distinct, but any point can determine wavelength

    • Short wavelengths create cool colors

    • Long wavelengths create warm colors

  • Amplitude

    • The height of a wave from its trough to peak

    • Determines intensity/saturation

Color Theories

  • Some consider these two theories to be two steps in a single process

Trichromatic Theory

  • Developed by Young and Helmholtz

  • Photoreceptors work in teams of three (tri → three, chromatic → color)

    • Red, green, and blue

    • Like some TV displays

  • Combinations of cones firing make up all colors in the visual spectrum

  • Strength of the signal determines how the brain interperets the colors

  • As light hits the retina, these cones are stimulates to create a sensation of color

Opponent-Process Theory

  • Visual information is transferred from the photoreceptors to the ganglion cells

    • As this occurs, some neurons are excited while others are inhibited

  • Hence, they work in an ‘opponent-process’

  • Neurons turn ‘on’ and ‘off’ during this process

  • Explains the phenomenon of inverted afterimages

Color Blindness

  • Color blindness is the result of a lack of functioning photoreceptors for color

  • People who are color-blind cannot distinguish excitatory from inhibitory signals or may have unresponsive cones

  • Monochromat

    • Can only see black, white, and grey

  • Dichromat

    • Red and green or yellow and blue color blindness

    • Most common type of color blindness

  • Trichromat

    • Able to see all colors in visual spectrum
