Answer Key
1: B
2: D
3: D
4: A
5: C
6: D
7: B
8: D
9: B
10: A
11: B
12: C
13: A
14: C
15: A
16: A
17: A
18: A
19: C
20: B
21: D
22: D
23: A
24: B
25: C
26: B
27: C
28: B
29: D
30: A
31: D
32: B
33: A
34: B
35: B
36: C
37: B
38: B
39: D
40: D
Definition: Premium for obtaining goods/resources earlier and for deferring consumption (1 mark)
Example: Amy receives interest (1 mark)
Free private tutorial lessons in Biology are Amy’s compensation for deferring consumption of an Economics textbook (1 mark)
Lateral Integration
Producing related but not competing goods (2 marks)
Possible motives include:
Improving corporate image
Enjoying economies of scale
Efficient use of resources for higher returns
Spreading risk through product diversification
Any reasonable answer(s) (2 marks)
Demand Fall for Japanese Tuna
Event: Release of radioactive water from Fukushima led to decreased demand for Japanese tuna (1 mark)
Result: Both price and quantity transacted fell (1 mark)
Outcome: Total revenue for sellers decreased; does not relate to elasticity (1 mark)
Diagram: Demand falls leading to decreased Price and Quantity (1 mark), Total Revenue also falls (1 mark)
4a. Supply and Demand Diagram
Statement 1: Correct (1 mark)
Explanation: Supply falls (1 mark), Consumer Surplus (CS) increases (old CS > new CS) (1 mark), Producer Surplus (PS) also increases (old PS > new PS) (1 mark)
4b. Supply and Demand Changes
Statement 2: Incorrect (1 mark)
Diagram: Supply rises (1 mark), total subsidy > increase in CS + PS (2 marks)
At Q2, Marginal Benefit < Marginal Cost (1 mark)
Concept of Deadweight loss explained (1 mark)
Negative Externality from Loud Students
Explanation: Loud students disturb others, imposing costs without compensation (1 mark)
Result: Divergence between private and social costs, indicating a negative externality (1 mark)
Conclusion: Marginal social cost exceeds marginal social benefit; overproduction occurs (1 mark)
Solutions to Negative Externality
Compensate affected passengers (1 mark)
Pay students to lower voices (1 mark)
Encourage students to be quieter (1 mark)
6a. Income Inequality Analysis
Conclusion: More uneven / less even distribution noted (1 mark)
Reason: Gini coefficient increased (1 mark)
6b. Equalization of Income
Concept: Equalises income distribution (1 mark)
Findings: Disposable income of the rich remains unchanged, while that of the poor increases (1 mark)
Result: Income gap narrows (1 mark)
6c. Cost Calculation
No, full cost includes money and non-money costs (1 mark)
Money cost is zero, while non-money cost (time cost) is positive (1 mark)
7a. Labour Market Analysis
Shortage occurs when wages are set below equilibrium (1 mark)
Result: Marginal Benefit > Marginal Cost leads to underproduction (1 mark)
Supply of labour rises and output increases (1 mark)
Gap between MB and MC reduces (1 mark)
7b. Capital and Robots
ii. Advantages
Improved productivity in construction
Enhanced safety by doing dangerous jobs
iii. Disadvantages
Potential job losses for construction workers
Decreased incomes for affected workers (1 mark)
7c. WiFi Network Usage
Yes, non-rival in consumption; multiple passengers can use simultaneously (2 marks)
Or: No, rivalry as usage may reduce connection speed for others (2 marks)
7d. GDP Inclusion of Imported Labor
Remuneration paid to imported labor is included in GDP (1 mark)
If employed in HK for more than a year, included in GNP (1 mark)
8a. Preference for Scarce Resources
No, more of them are preferred (1 mark)
Explanation: Produced from scarce resources (1 mark)
8b. Demand Impact on HKEAA Past Papers
Demand rises (1 mark)
Outcomes: Equilibrium price and quantity transacted rise, increasing total revenue (1 mark)
Diagram: Demand rises leading to increased price and quantity (1 mark), TR rises (1 mark)
8c. Current Production Status
No; no current production exists (1 mark)
8d. Market Structure
Monopoly: Sole seller in Hong Kong (1 mark)
9a. Positive Externality of Education
Education generates positive externality due to divergence between private and social benefits (1 mark)
Subsidy reduces marginal private cost (1 mark)
Potential to address underproduction (1 mark)
9b. Lorenz Curve Analysis
New Lorenz curve will be left of the old curve (2 marks)
9c. Impact of Education on Opportunities
Education equalizes opportunities, raising future productivity and income for the poor (1 mark)
Narrowing of the income gap results (1 mark)
9d. Investment Expenditure in GDP
Disagreement: Total production value in 2023 included in investment expenditure of GDP (1 mark)
Diagram: Cumulative percentage of income displayed showing changes before and after subsidy.