Every species has its role in taxonomy, utilizing traits for classification.
Similar trait clusters define taxonomic groups.
Hominoid Superfamily: Includes humans, African apes, and Asian apes.
Hominoids + Old World monkeys = Catarrhines.
Catarrhines are distinct from New World monkeys, or Platyrrhines.
Anthropoids: Formed from the combination of Platyrrhines and Catarrhines.
Proscenians: Include lemurs and lorises; these are less developed in terms of primate traits.
Parsiers: An intermediate group separate from Proscenians.
Three Major Taxonomic Groups:
Taxonomic classifications may differ; some textbooks categorize into Haplorrhini and Strepsirrhini based on phylogenetic relationships.
Current recognition of approximately 500 primate species indicating significant variation.
Focus should be on understanding traits that characterize higher taxonomic groups, such as anthropoids and hominoids.