Night Vocabulary – Lesson 4 (Sections 7-9)
The list below is from sections seven, eight, and nine of Night along with words from an SAT word list. Directions: Review the following vocabulary words and highlight them in your reading as you read. Vocabulary Activity: For each word, list its part of speech and then create a sentence using the word. Please type your work in red.
Apathy (99) – lack of emotion or passion.
Mauling (101) – wounding by scratching or tearing
Prostrate (108) – lying stretched out, often face down, overcome with distress or exhaustion
Unprecedented (113) – never heard of or done before
Vying – striving; competing
Vapid – dull, uninteresting; without liveliness or spirit
Sophistry – deceptive reasoning; false argument
Scintillating – lively, animated, effervescent
Effervescent – bubbly, vivacious, lively
Repugnant – offensive, disgusting
Recalcitrant – stubborn; hard to deal with; resist authority
Grandeur – splendor; impressiveness
Crucible – severe test or trial
Deluded – deceived; fooled
Emaciated – thin; gaunt; haggard
Diminished – make or become less
Poignant – evoking a keen sense of sadness; emotionally moving
Automatons – those who behave or respond in a mechanical way (robot)
Amenable – yielding; cooperative; complaint
Fallacious – deceitful, incorrect
Esoteric – understood only by a few
Inherent – intrinsic, natural
Inane - senseless, stupid