Rhetorical Focus 1A (Nature and Elements of Communication)

Communication has evolved due to technological advancements and globalization, resulting in increased interdependence among people. Social media facilitates easy communication and enhances efficiency in personal and professional tasks, although face-to-face interaction remains significant.

Definitions of Communication

  • Jones (2013): A process of generating meaning through verbal and nonverbal symbols influenced by various contexts.

  • Bryski & Brown (2018): A transactional process of creating, sending, and receiving messages to interpret meaning.

  • Sipacio & Balgos (2016): An exchange of thoughts and emotions across various channels and cultures.

Characteristics of Communication

  • Symbolic Nature: Relies on symbols representing ideas, understood through shared experiences.

  • Process-Oriented: A dynamic exchange with feedback rather than a one-way transmission.

  • Contextual and Situational: Interaction is influenced by the context and setting.

  • Purposive Communication: Each interaction has a specific purpose.

Elements of Communication

  • Sender: Source of the message.

  • Message: Information or feelings communicated.

  • Encoding: Converting the message for transmission.

  • Channel: Medium used for transmission.

  • Decoding: Interpreting the message by the receiver.

  • Receiver: The individual who interprets the message.

  • Feedback: Response from the receiver.

  • Context: Environment impacting communication.

  • Barrier: Factors disrupting communication.
