proteins PROH-teenz | p. 228 Long, coiled complex polypeptides made of amino acids. | |
ringed hair | p. 237 Variety of canities characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand. | |
salt bond | P. 228 | A weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide Chains. |
scutula SKUCH-ul-uh | p. 240 | Dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crusts on the scalp in tinea favosa or tinea favus. |
sebaceous glands | p. 225 The oil glands in the skin that are connected to the hair follicles. | |
sebum | p. 225 | A fatty or oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands that lubricates the skin. |
side bonds | p. 228 | Bonds that cross-link the polypeptide chains together and are responsible for the extreme strength and elasticity of human hair. |
telogen phase TEL-uh-jen FAYZ | p. 233 | Also known as resting phase; the final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed. |
terminal hair TUR-mih-nul HAYR | p. 240 | Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms, and bodies of males and females. |
tinea TIN-ee-uh | р. 240 | Technical term for ringworm-a contagious condition caused by fungal infection and not a parasite; characterized by itching, scales, and, sometimes, painful lesions. |
tinea favosa TIN-ee-uh fah-VOH-suh | p. 240 | Also known as tinea favus; fungal infection characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crusts on the scalp called scutula. |
trichology trih-KAHL-uh-jee | p. 224 | Scientific study of hair and its diseases and care. |
trichoptilosis trih-kahp-tih-LOH-sus | p. 238 Technical term for split ends. | |
trichorrhexis nodosa trik-uh-REK-sis nuh-DOH-suh | p. 238 | Technical term for knotted hair; it is characterized by brittleness and the formation of nodular swellings along the hair shaft. |
vellus hair VEL-US HAYR | р. 232 | Also known as lanugo hair; short, fine, unpigmented, and downy hair that appears on the body, with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. |
wave pattern | p. 230 The shape of the hair strands; described as straight, wavy, curly, and extremely curly. | |
whorl WHORL | p. 246 Hair that forms in a circular pattern on the crown of the head. |