Unit 3: personality
Personality: a pattern of thoughts, feelings, behaviors that make us unique
Nature v nurture
Studying personality:
Idiographic method: case studies
Nomothetic method: surveys, assumes all people share the same basic traits
Freudian theories:
Focuses on uncovering and understanding the influence of unconscious conflicts, especially those rooted in early childhood
Free association: when you say a word you say the 1st thing that comes to mind (follows unconscious mind)
Freud’s iceberg metaphor
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory:
Eros: instinctual life drive directed by sexual energy (libido)
Thanatos: death drive which accounts for our aggressive and self-destructive thoughts
Id: primitive drives, based on pleasure principal
Ego: balance, based on reality
Superego: based on morality
Id: take the cake, Ego: ask if you can have some cake, Superego: do not take or have any cake
Id: look at the answers, Ego: look at the answers to prepare a study guide, Superego: do not look at the answers
Defense mechanisms: unconsciously used by the ego to protect itself from pain & anxiety
Denial: ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety
Displacement: ego shifts feeling towards an unacceptable object to a more acceptable object, angry at a person/object
Projection: ego attributes problems & faults to others, angry at yourself
Rationalization: ego replaces a less acceptable motive w/ an acceptable one
Reaction formation: ego transforms an unacceptable motive into its opposite
Regression: ego seeks security of an earlier developmental period in times of stress
Repression: ego pushes unacceptable impulses out of awareness
Sublimation: ego replaces unacceptable impulse w/ a socially acceptable one
Intellectualization: people reason about a problem to avoid uncomfortable feelings
Freud’s phsycosexual stages: people go through 5 psychosexual stages of development. In each stage the child’s libido is focused on a different area of the body. If conflicts are not resolved appropriately at each stage the child becomes FIXATED on certain stage
Oral stage:
birth -> 18 months
pleasure is derived from mouth
(ex: drinking, excessive eating)
Anal stage:
18 months to 3 years
if parents are too hard during this stage the child may be “anal retentive”
(ex: uptight, controlling)
overindulgent parents may have “anally impulsive” kids
(ex: messiness, impulsive)
Phallic stage:
3-> 6 years old
Pleasure from genital stimulation
Child identifies w/ thier same sex parent
Development of superego
Latency period:
Middle childhood to adolescence
Sexual energy is hidden, chanelled into socially acceptable activities
Genital stage:
Final stage of adult sexuality
Critics of Frued theory:
Male centered
Small number of case studies
Lack of scientific validity
Neo freudians
Carl jung
Collective unconscious:
Set of common themes (archetypes) inherited from human experience & shared by all people
Karen horney
Womb envy:
Males jealous of female ability to have children
Basic anxiety:
We all have a feeling of unease in dangerous world
Alfred adler:
Focused on role of social factors in personality development
Inferiority complex:
We strive for superiority to consequate for our inadequacies
Projective personality tests:
Rorschach inkblot test:
Seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpreting of the ink blot
Thematic apperception test:
Person views an ambiguous image and make up a story about it
Behaviorist theory: who you are is a reflection of your childhood, you learn behaviors & traits
Nurture focused
John watson
B.F. skinner
Humanistic theory:
Carl rogers: person can reach goals in relationships characterized by unconditional positive regard (UPR). Unfortunately, many relationships are built upon “conditions of worth”. Emphasized role of self concept (how one thinks of oneself) in happiness. Believed most contented people had smallest gap between real self and ideal self.
Through relationship where someone thinks well of you no matter what
Abraham maslow: self actualization
Cardinal trait: overriding trait
Factor analysis statistical grouping
Grouping traits tg into 16
Paul costa and
Big 5 trait theory-
Know the definitions
Stable over time after 30
Type a: ambitious
Type B: laid back
Personality inventories
Barnum effect: not accuare
Locus of control
Internal: can control your own fate
External: outside world controls fate
Reciprocal determinism: people choose to go to certain environments
We choose certain environments
These environments change us
Personal constructs: your understanding of how the world works
Explamnatory styles:
We fall into one of 2 basic categories
Optimistic: bad events as temporary, good events as permanent, good is the usual
Pesimistic: something bad is bound to happen, bad is the usual
Spotlight effect: we overestimate how much people are looking at us
Self esteem
Self ethicacy: feeling of capability
Narcissism: excessive self love
Apply something from those theories
Psychodynamic apply to id, superego
25 mc 1 frq