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Driver's Education Midterm

Study Questions #1

  1. You must always have your license with you when you drive. What can happen if you don't?
    Answer: If you do not have your license, you may be fined, ticketed, have your vehicle impounded, and possibly face jail time.

  2. What can happen if you let an unlicensed person drive your car?
    Answer: Your vehicle may be impounded for 30 days.

  3. With a Class C license, you may not tow more than ______ vehicle(s).
    Answer: You may not tow more than one vehicle.

  4. Once you get your permit, it is not valid until [blank]. When is it legal to drive alone with your permit?
    Answer: Your permit is not valid for solo driving. It is never legal to drive alone with your permit—you must always be accompanied by a licensed driver (for example, a parent/guardian or a certified driving instructor).

  5. (If there is a Question 10 in your materials, please refer to your class notes or textbook.)

  6. You must practice driving with a California-licensed driver, such as:
    Answer: Typically, this would be your parent or guardian or a licensed driving instructor. For provisional permits, the accompanying driver is usually required to be at least 25 years old unless otherwise specified.

  7. How long must you have your permit before you can apply for a driver's license?
    Answer: You must hold your permit for at least 6 months before applying for a driver's license.

  8. You must also have practiced a minimum of 50 hours. How many of those hours must be at night?
    Answer: At least 10 hours of the 50-hour practice must be at night.

  9. What are the 2 driving restrictions during the first 12 months after you get your license?

    • You cannot drive between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

    • You cannot drive with passengers under 20 years old (unless accompanied by a qualifying adult).

  10. Referring to #15, you are allowed to drive under those restrictions if you are accompanied by:
    Answer: An adult who is at least 25 years old (such as a parent/guardian or another California-licensed driver 25 or older).

  11. If you get into collisions or commit traffic violations (e.g., speeding) within the first 12 months, what may the DMV do to your driving privilege?
    Answer: The DMV may restrict or suspend your driving privileges and take additional actions regarding your permit.

  12. If you get a ticket and fail to appear (FTA) in court, what will the DMV do to your driving privilege?
    Answer: The DMV may suspend your driving privileges until you appear in court.

  13. What happens if you have one "at fault" collision or conviction in a 12-month period?
    Answer: A first at-fault incident may result in a warning from the DMV.

  14. What happens if you have a second "at fault" collision or conviction within 12 months?
    Answer: Your driving privileges may be suspended for 30 days.

  15. Worse case scenario: You have a third "at fault" collision or conviction within 12 months. Now what?
    Answer: Your driving privileges may be suspended for 6 months and you could be placed on probation for 1 year.

  16. If you are between 13 and 21 years old and are convicted of using alcohol and/or a controlled substance, what will the court order the DMV to do with your driving privilege?
    Answer: The court may order the DMV to either suspend your driving privileges for 1 year or delay your eligibility to apply for a driver’s license.

  17. What is the one exception for minors using a cell phone while driving?
    Answer: The only exception is in an emergency.

ADDITIONAL NOTES (in Question Format)

  1. Once you pass your knowledge test, how long is your driving permit valid?
    Answer: Your driving permit is valid for 12 months.

  2. If you fail your knowledge test, how many days must you wait before retaking it?
    Answer: You must wait 7 days before retaking the knowledge test.

  3. If you fail your behind-the-wheel test, how many days must you wait before retaking it?
    Answer: You must wait 14 days before retaking the behind-the-wheel test.

  4. What happens if you fail either the knowledge test or the driving test three times in one year?
    Answer: If you fail either test three times in one year, you must reapply and pay all applicable fees.

  5. When you sign your driver's license application, what do you agree to?
    Answer: When you sign your driver's license application, you agree to follow the rules of the road, pay all required fees, and comply with any additional conditions (such as consenting to chemical tests like a breathalyzer if you are suspected of driving under the influence).

Study Questions #2

  1. If you move, how many days do you have to notify the DMV?
    Answer: You must notify the DMV within 10 days.

  2. When is it legal to wear a headset while driving?
    Answer: It is not legal to wear a headset that covers both ears while driving, because it can prevent you from hearing important sounds (such as sirens or horns). (Some jurisdictions may allow a single earbud, but always check local laws.)

  3. (Drawing) As seen from the rear, draw a vehicle with a driver indicating a right turn, left turn, and slowing down.

    • For a right turn: Your hand is pointing up.

    • For a left turn: Your hand is pointing to the left.

    • For slowing down: Your hand is pointing down.

  4. How far in advance must you signal before making a turn?
    Answer: At least 100 feet before you make a turn.

  5. How many seconds before changing lanes on the freeway must you signal?
    Answer: At least 5 seconds before changing lanes.

  6. Why should you signal even when you don’t see other vehicles around you?
    Answer: Signaling informs anyone nearby of your intentions, which can help prevent unexpected collisions even if you believe you’re alone.

  7. When should you begin to signal if you plan to turn after crossing an intersection, and why?
    Answer: You should begin signaling as you are about to exit the intersection—not too early—so that other drivers are not misled into thinking you will turn before the intersection.

  8. Regardless of the time of day, when should you turn your headlights on?
    Answer: Turn your headlights on if you cannot see clearly at least 1,000 feet ahead.

  9. In the evening, when should you turn your headlights on?
    Answer: In the evening, you should turn your headlights on 30 minutes after sunset (or whenever visibility is reduced so you cannot clearly see pedestrians or other hazards).

  10. In the morning, when should you turn your headlights off?
    Answer: Turn your headlights off 30 minutes before sunrise if you no longer need them.

  11. If you need to use your windshield wipers, what else must you do?
    Answer: You must also turn on your headlights.

  12. If you see a collision or hazard ahead, how can you warn drivers behind you?
    Answer: You can warn drivers by:

    • Turning on your emergency flashers,

    • Lightly tapping your brake pedal 3–4 times, and/or

    • Using a hand signal to indicate that you are slowing or stopping.

  13. What does a single solid YELLOW line indicate?
    Answer: It indicates the center of a road with two-way traffic.

  14. What do two sets of solid double yellow lines separated by two or more feet mean?
    Answer: They indicate that no passing is allowed in either direction.

  15. What does a broken yellow line indicate?
    Answer: It indicates that you may pass if the broken line is on your side of the road.

  16. What do a single solid white line or broken white lines indicate?
    Answer: They indicate that traffic moving in the same direction may change lanes or pass.

  17. What are “shark’s teeth”?
    Answer: “Shark’s teeth” are triangular pavement markings that indicate a lane is ending or signal that drivers must yield or merge.

  18. The fast lane is referred to as Lane #____.
    Answer: It is typically referred to as Lane #1 (the leftmost lane used for passing).
    (Note: Lane numbering may vary by region.)

  19. What is a center left turn lane used for, and how is it marked?
    Answer: It is used exclusively for making left turns or U-turns. It is typically marked with broken lines (and may include a diamond or arrow symbol).
    (For the drawing, refer to your instructor’s diagram.)

  20. How far are you allowed to drive in a center left turn lane?
    Answer: Up to 200 feet.

  21. What is a turnout?
    Answer: A turnout is a designated area on the side of the road where you may merge to allow other vehicles to pass safely.

  22. What are sharrows?
    Answer: Sharrows are pavement markings that indicate a shared lane between bicycles and motor vehicles, guiding bicyclists to a safe position on the roadway.

  23. When is it legal to drive in a bike lane?
    Answer: It is illegal to drive in a bike lane unless you are parking, turning, or entering/exiting the roadway.

  24. When stopping at an intersection, where should you stop?
    Answer: Stop behind the limit line and before the crosswalk.

  25. When is it legal to turn right at a red light?
    Answer: It is legal to turn right at a red light after you come to a complete stop—provided there is no sign prohibiting a right turn on red—and you yield to pedestrians and other traffic. (If there is a limit line or crosswalk, stop before reaching them.)

  26. When is it legal to turn right at a red arrow?
    Answer: It is never legal to turn right at a red arrow.

  27. When making a left turn, why should you keep your wheels pointed straight ahead?
    Answer: Keeping your wheels pointed straight ahead helps ensure that if you’re struck, your vehicle will travel straight rather than turning unexpectedly into oncoming traffic.

  28. When can you make a left turn at a red light?
    Answer: You may turn left on red only when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street—after coming to a complete stop and yielding to traffic and pedestrians.

Study Questions #3

  1. Where is it legal to make a U-turn?

    • It is legal to make a U-turn when you are crossing a double yellow line provided you use the far left lane (or the center left turn lane, if provided), or in a residential district—assuming no signs prohibit it and you are at a safe location (for example, not within 200 feet of an intersection).

  2. Where is it NOT legal to make a U-turn?
    Answer: A U-turn is not legal:

    1. Where a “No U-turn” sign is posted.

    2. At or on a railroad crossing.

    3. On a curve or hill where you cannot see clearly at least 200 feet ahead (i.e., when visibility is limited by the road’s curvature or fog).

    4. At an intersection controlled by traffic signals (unless there is a designated opening for safe U-turns).

    5. On a divided highway.

    6. When other vehicles are too close or approaching.

    7. In front of a fire station.

    8. In business districts.
      (Always be sure that a U-turn is both safe and permitted by signage before proceeding.)

  3. Who has the right of way at a T-intersection?
    Answer: Traffic going straight through the intersection has the right of way.

  4. When you enter a highway, what should your speed be relative to the flow of traffic?
    Answer: You should be moving at or near the speed of the traffic—typically about 65 mph (or the prevailing highway speed).

  5. Under what condition is it advisable to stop when merging into traffic?
    Answer: You should only stop when merging if it is absolutely necessary for safety (for example, if there isn’t enough space to merge safely).

  6. When merging, how should you check for vehicles around you?
    Answer: Quickly turn your head over your shoulder to check your blind spot before merging.

  7. If you need to cross several lanes on the freeway, how should you do so?
    Answer: Cross one lane at a time while checking your blind spots, and only move into a new lane when there is a large enough gap in traffic to merge safely.

  8. Under what circumstances may you pass a vehicle on the right?
    Answer: You may pass on the right when:

    • You are on an open highway with two or more lanes in your direction, and

    • The vehicle ahead is making a left turn, provided you have enough space and it is safe to do so.
      (Also, do not attempt this within 100 feet of an intersection, bridge, tunnel, or railroad crossing.)

  9. When is it legal to drive off the paved part of the road to pass another vehicle?
    Answer: It is never legal to drive off the paved part of the road to pass another vehicle.

  10. What should you NOT do if another vehicle is attempting to pass you?
    Answer: Do not speed up; maintain your speed so the passing vehicle can complete its maneuver safely.

  11. When parking downhill with a curb, which way should you turn your front wheels?
    Answer: Turn your front wheels toward the curb so that if your vehicle rolls, it will roll into the curb rather than into traffic.

  12. When parking uphill with a curb, which way should you turn your front wheels?
    Answer: Turn your front wheels toward the shoulder of the road (away from the curb) so that the vehicle will roll away from traffic if it moves.

  13. After curbing your wheels, what must you always do?
    Answer: Always set the parking brake and leave the vehicle in gear (if manual) or in park (if automatic).

  14. What do the following curb colors indicate?

    • White: Stopping is permitted only for loading and unloading passengers.

    • Green: Parking is allowed for a limited time (time restrictions are posted).

    • Yellow: The curb is designated for commercial loading/unloading only.

    • Red: No stopping is permitted (often reserved for fire lanes or emergency vehicles).

    • Blue: Parking is reserved for disabled persons only.

  15. Misuse of a disabled parking placard is punishable by:

    • Loss of parking privileges,

    • A fine (up to approximately $1,000), and/or

    • Imprisonment in county jail.

  16. What does the crosshatched (diagonal lines) area next to a disabled parking space mean?
    Answer: It indicates that parking or stopping is prohibited in that area.

  17. Within how many feet of a fire hydrant or fire station driveway is it illegal to park?
    Answer: It is illegal to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire station driveway.

  18. When is it legal to double park?
    Answer: It is never legal to double park.

  19. If you must stop on the freeway, how far must your vehicle be visible?
    Answer: Your vehicle must be visible for at least 200 feet.

  20. If you are pulled over by a police officer, what safety guidelines should you follow?

    1. Signal: Turn on your right turn signal to acknowledge that you see the officer.

    2. Position: Do not completely pull onto the right shoulder; remain in your lane (or in the HOV lane if applicable).

    3. Cellphone: End any cellphone conversations and turn off your phone.

    4. Hazards: Turn on your hazard lights.

    5. Window: Roll your window down after stopping and before the officer approaches.

    6. Hands: Keep your hands visible (preferably on the steering wheel) until the officer contacts you.

Study Questions #4

  1. You can turn RIGHT at a RED stop light when:
    Answer: You may turn right on red if you do not see a “NO TURN ON RED” sign posted and you come to a complete stop before turning.

  2. What does a RED arrow mean?
    Answer: A red arrow means you must stop and are not allowed to turn in that direction. You must wait until the arrow turns green before making the turn, and you must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles that have the right-of-way.

  3. What does a flashing RED light mean?
    Answer: A flashing red light means you must come to a complete stop. After stopping, proceed only when it is safe to do so, just as you would at a stop sign.

  4. What does a SOLID yellow light mean?
    Answer: A solid yellow light warns you that the signal is about to turn red. You should slow down and prepare to stop.

  5. What does a GREEN arrow mean?
    Answer: A green arrow means you have the right-of-way to turn in the direction indicated. You must turn in the direction of the arrow.

  6. What do you do at an intersection where the signal lights are not working?
    Answer: Treat the intersection as a four-way stop: come to a complete stop, then yield to traffic (and pedestrians) that arrived before you or is already in the intersection, and proceed only when it is safe.

  7. If there is no limit line or crosswalk at an intersection, what should you do?
    Answer: Stop before entering the intersection and check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

  8. What does a YIELD sign mean?
    Answer: A yield sign means you must slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. You must yield the right-of-way to vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians already in or approaching the intersection.

  9. What should you do if you find you are driving the wrong way (against traffic)?
    Answer: Safely pull over to the side of the road and stop. Then, carefully back up or turn around (using a safe method such as a U-turn in an appropriate location) to correct your direction. Exercise extra caution, especially at night.

  10. What does a RED circle with a diagonal line through it mean?
    Answer: It means “NO” – the action or maneuver depicted (such as turning, parking, etc.) is prohibited.

  11. Should you assume other drivers will yield the right-of-way to you?
    Answer: No. Never assume other drivers will yield. Always proceed with caution and do not rely on others to give you the right-of-way.

  12. If two vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, who has the right-of-way?
    Answer: The driver on the right has the right-of-way.

  13. At a T-intersection without STOP or YIELD signs, who has the right-of-way?
    Answer: Traffic on the through (continuing) road has the right-of-way.

  14. In which direction do vehicles travel in a roundabout?
    Answer: Vehicles travel in a counterclockwise direction in a roundabout.

  15. Why is it unsafe to pass another vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk?
    Answer: Because a pedestrian may be crossing behind the stopped vehicle, and your view might be obstructed.

  16. Is giving verbal directions to a blind person a good idea? (Yes/No)
    Answer: No. It is generally not advisable to give unsolicited verbal directions to a blind person, as it can be confusing or unhelpful.

  17. How helpful is it to honk your horn at a blind pedestrian?
    Answer: It is not helpful. Honking your horn may startle or confuse a blind pedestrian.

  18. When two vehicles meet on a narrow mountain road where neither can pass, who has the right-of-way and what must the other vehicle do?
    Answer: The vehicle traveling uphill has the right-of-way. The vehicle going downhill must yield—if necessary, by backing up—to allow the uphill vehicle to pass safely.

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Driver's Education Midterm

Study Questions #1

  1. You must always have your license with you when you drive. What can happen if you don't?
    Answer: If you do not have your license, you may be fined, ticketed, have your vehicle impounded, and possibly face jail time.

  2. What can happen if you let an unlicensed person drive your car?
    Answer: Your vehicle may be impounded for 30 days.

  3. With a Class C license, you may not tow more than ______ vehicle(s).
    Answer: You may not tow more than one vehicle.

  4. Once you get your permit, it is not valid until [blank]. When is it legal to drive alone with your permit?
    Answer: Your permit is not valid for solo driving. It is never legal to drive alone with your permit—you must always be accompanied by a licensed driver (for example, a parent/guardian or a certified driving instructor).

  5. (If there is a Question 10 in your materials, please refer to your class notes or textbook.)

  6. You must practice driving with a California-licensed driver, such as:
    Answer: Typically, this would be your parent or guardian or a licensed driving instructor. For provisional permits, the accompanying driver is usually required to be at least 25 years old unless otherwise specified.

  7. How long must you have your permit before you can apply for a driver's license?
    Answer: You must hold your permit for at least 6 months before applying for a driver's license.

  8. You must also have practiced a minimum of 50 hours. How many of those hours must be at night?
    Answer: At least 10 hours of the 50-hour practice must be at night.

  9. What are the 2 driving restrictions during the first 12 months after you get your license?

    • You cannot drive between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

    • You cannot drive with passengers under 20 years old (unless accompanied by a qualifying adult).

  10. Referring to #15, you are allowed to drive under those restrictions if you are accompanied by:
    Answer: An adult who is at least 25 years old (such as a parent/guardian or another California-licensed driver 25 or older).

  11. If you get into collisions or commit traffic violations (e.g., speeding) within the first 12 months, what may the DMV do to your driving privilege?
    Answer: The DMV may restrict or suspend your driving privileges and take additional actions regarding your permit.

  12. If you get a ticket and fail to appear (FTA) in court, what will the DMV do to your driving privilege?
    Answer: The DMV may suspend your driving privileges until you appear in court.

  13. What happens if you have one "at fault" collision or conviction in a 12-month period?
    Answer: A first at-fault incident may result in a warning from the DMV.

  14. What happens if you have a second "at fault" collision or conviction within 12 months?
    Answer: Your driving privileges may be suspended for 30 days.

  15. Worse case scenario: You have a third "at fault" collision or conviction within 12 months. Now what?
    Answer: Your driving privileges may be suspended for 6 months and you could be placed on probation for 1 year.

  16. If you are between 13 and 21 years old and are convicted of using alcohol and/or a controlled substance, what will the court order the DMV to do with your driving privilege?
    Answer: The court may order the DMV to either suspend your driving privileges for 1 year or delay your eligibility to apply for a driver’s license.

  17. What is the one exception for minors using a cell phone while driving?
    Answer: The only exception is in an emergency.

ADDITIONAL NOTES (in Question Format)

  1. Once you pass your knowledge test, how long is your driving permit valid?
    Answer: Your driving permit is valid for 12 months.

  2. If you fail your knowledge test, how many days must you wait before retaking it?
    Answer: You must wait 7 days before retaking the knowledge test.

  3. If you fail your behind-the-wheel test, how many days must you wait before retaking it?
    Answer: You must wait 14 days before retaking the behind-the-wheel test.

  4. What happens if you fail either the knowledge test or the driving test three times in one year?
    Answer: If you fail either test three times in one year, you must reapply and pay all applicable fees.

  5. When you sign your driver's license application, what do you agree to?
    Answer: When you sign your driver's license application, you agree to follow the rules of the road, pay all required fees, and comply with any additional conditions (such as consenting to chemical tests like a breathalyzer if you are suspected of driving under the influence).

Study Questions #2

  1. If you move, how many days do you have to notify the DMV?
    Answer: You must notify the DMV within 10 days.

  2. When is it legal to wear a headset while driving?
    Answer: It is not legal to wear a headset that covers both ears while driving, because it can prevent you from hearing important sounds (such as sirens or horns). (Some jurisdictions may allow a single earbud, but always check local laws.)

  3. (Drawing) As seen from the rear, draw a vehicle with a driver indicating a right turn, left turn, and slowing down.

    • For a right turn: Your hand is pointing up.

    • For a left turn: Your hand is pointing to the left.

    • For slowing down: Your hand is pointing down.

  4. How far in advance must you signal before making a turn?
    Answer: At least 100 feet before you make a turn.

  5. How many seconds before changing lanes on the freeway must you signal?
    Answer: At least 5 seconds before changing lanes.

  6. Why should you signal even when you don’t see other vehicles around you?
    Answer: Signaling informs anyone nearby of your intentions, which can help prevent unexpected collisions even if you believe you’re alone.

  7. When should you begin to signal if you plan to turn after crossing an intersection, and why?
    Answer: You should begin signaling as you are about to exit the intersection—not too early—so that other drivers are not misled into thinking you will turn before the intersection.

  8. Regardless of the time of day, when should you turn your headlights on?
    Answer: Turn your headlights on if you cannot see clearly at least 1,000 feet ahead.

  9. In the evening, when should you turn your headlights on?
    Answer: In the evening, you should turn your headlights on 30 minutes after sunset (or whenever visibility is reduced so you cannot clearly see pedestrians or other hazards).

  10. In the morning, when should you turn your headlights off?
    Answer: Turn your headlights off 30 minutes before sunrise if you no longer need them.

  11. If you need to use your windshield wipers, what else must you do?
    Answer: You must also turn on your headlights.

  12. If you see a collision or hazard ahead, how can you warn drivers behind you?
    Answer: You can warn drivers by:

    • Turning on your emergency flashers,

    • Lightly tapping your brake pedal 3–4 times, and/or

    • Using a hand signal to indicate that you are slowing or stopping.

  13. What does a single solid YELLOW line indicate?
    Answer: It indicates the center of a road with two-way traffic.

  14. What do two sets of solid double yellow lines separated by two or more feet mean?
    Answer: They indicate that no passing is allowed in either direction.

  15. What does a broken yellow line indicate?
    Answer: It indicates that you may pass if the broken line is on your side of the road.

  16. What do a single solid white line or broken white lines indicate?
    Answer: They indicate that traffic moving in the same direction may change lanes or pass.

  17. What are “shark’s teeth”?
    Answer: “Shark’s teeth” are triangular pavement markings that indicate a lane is ending or signal that drivers must yield or merge.

  18. The fast lane is referred to as Lane #____.
    Answer: It is typically referred to as Lane #1 (the leftmost lane used for passing).
    (Note: Lane numbering may vary by region.)

  19. What is a center left turn lane used for, and how is it marked?
    Answer: It is used exclusively for making left turns or U-turns. It is typically marked with broken lines (and may include a diamond or arrow symbol).
    (For the drawing, refer to your instructor’s diagram.)

  20. How far are you allowed to drive in a center left turn lane?
    Answer: Up to 200 feet.

  21. What is a turnout?
    Answer: A turnout is a designated area on the side of the road where you may merge to allow other vehicles to pass safely.

  22. What are sharrows?
    Answer: Sharrows are pavement markings that indicate a shared lane between bicycles and motor vehicles, guiding bicyclists to a safe position on the roadway.

  23. When is it legal to drive in a bike lane?
    Answer: It is illegal to drive in a bike lane unless you are parking, turning, or entering/exiting the roadway.

  24. When stopping at an intersection, where should you stop?
    Answer: Stop behind the limit line and before the crosswalk.

  25. When is it legal to turn right at a red light?
    Answer: It is legal to turn right at a red light after you come to a complete stop—provided there is no sign prohibiting a right turn on red—and you yield to pedestrians and other traffic. (If there is a limit line or crosswalk, stop before reaching them.)

  26. When is it legal to turn right at a red arrow?
    Answer: It is never legal to turn right at a red arrow.

  27. When making a left turn, why should you keep your wheels pointed straight ahead?
    Answer: Keeping your wheels pointed straight ahead helps ensure that if you’re struck, your vehicle will travel straight rather than turning unexpectedly into oncoming traffic.

  28. When can you make a left turn at a red light?
    Answer: You may turn left on red only when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street—after coming to a complete stop and yielding to traffic and pedestrians.

Study Questions #3

  1. Where is it legal to make a U-turn?

    • It is legal to make a U-turn when you are crossing a double yellow line provided you use the far left lane (or the center left turn lane, if provided), or in a residential district—assuming no signs prohibit it and you are at a safe location (for example, not within 200 feet of an intersection).

  2. Where is it NOT legal to make a U-turn?
    Answer: A U-turn is not legal:

    1. Where a “No U-turn” sign is posted.

    2. At or on a railroad crossing.

    3. On a curve or hill where you cannot see clearly at least 200 feet ahead (i.e., when visibility is limited by the road’s curvature or fog).

    4. At an intersection controlled by traffic signals (unless there is a designated opening for safe U-turns).

    5. On a divided highway.

    6. When other vehicles are too close or approaching.

    7. In front of a fire station.

    8. In business districts.
      (Always be sure that a U-turn is both safe and permitted by signage before proceeding.)

  3. Who has the right of way at a T-intersection?
    Answer: Traffic going straight through the intersection has the right of way.

  4. When you enter a highway, what should your speed be relative to the flow of traffic?
    Answer: You should be moving at or near the speed of the traffic—typically about 65 mph (or the prevailing highway speed).

  5. Under what condition is it advisable to stop when merging into traffic?
    Answer: You should only stop when merging if it is absolutely necessary for safety (for example, if there isn’t enough space to merge safely).

  6. When merging, how should you check for vehicles around you?
    Answer: Quickly turn your head over your shoulder to check your blind spot before merging.

  7. If you need to cross several lanes on the freeway, how should you do so?
    Answer: Cross one lane at a time while checking your blind spots, and only move into a new lane when there is a large enough gap in traffic to merge safely.

  8. Under what circumstances may you pass a vehicle on the right?
    Answer: You may pass on the right when:

    • You are on an open highway with two or more lanes in your direction, and

    • The vehicle ahead is making a left turn, provided you have enough space and it is safe to do so.
      (Also, do not attempt this within 100 feet of an intersection, bridge, tunnel, or railroad crossing.)

  9. When is it legal to drive off the paved part of the road to pass another vehicle?
    Answer: It is never legal to drive off the paved part of the road to pass another vehicle.

  10. What should you NOT do if another vehicle is attempting to pass you?
    Answer: Do not speed up; maintain your speed so the passing vehicle can complete its maneuver safely.

  11. When parking downhill with a curb, which way should you turn your front wheels?
    Answer: Turn your front wheels toward the curb so that if your vehicle rolls, it will roll into the curb rather than into traffic.

  12. When parking uphill with a curb, which way should you turn your front wheels?
    Answer: Turn your front wheels toward the shoulder of the road (away from the curb) so that the vehicle will roll away from traffic if it moves.

  13. After curbing your wheels, what must you always do?
    Answer: Always set the parking brake and leave the vehicle in gear (if manual) or in park (if automatic).

  14. What do the following curb colors indicate?

    • White: Stopping is permitted only for loading and unloading passengers.

    • Green: Parking is allowed for a limited time (time restrictions are posted).

    • Yellow: The curb is designated for commercial loading/unloading only.

    • Red: No stopping is permitted (often reserved for fire lanes or emergency vehicles).

    • Blue: Parking is reserved for disabled persons only.

  15. Misuse of a disabled parking placard is punishable by:

    • Loss of parking privileges,

    • A fine (up to approximately $1,000), and/or

    • Imprisonment in county jail.

  16. What does the crosshatched (diagonal lines) area next to a disabled parking space mean?
    Answer: It indicates that parking or stopping is prohibited in that area.

  17. Within how many feet of a fire hydrant or fire station driveway is it illegal to park?
    Answer: It is illegal to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire station driveway.

  18. When is it legal to double park?
    Answer: It is never legal to double park.

  19. If you must stop on the freeway, how far must your vehicle be visible?
    Answer: Your vehicle must be visible for at least 200 feet.

  20. If you are pulled over by a police officer, what safety guidelines should you follow?

    1. Signal: Turn on your right turn signal to acknowledge that you see the officer.

    2. Position: Do not completely pull onto the right shoulder; remain in your lane (or in the HOV lane if applicable).

    3. Cellphone: End any cellphone conversations and turn off your phone.

    4. Hazards: Turn on your hazard lights.

    5. Window: Roll your window down after stopping and before the officer approaches.

    6. Hands: Keep your hands visible (preferably on the steering wheel) until the officer contacts you.

Study Questions #4

  1. You can turn RIGHT at a RED stop light when:
    Answer: You may turn right on red if you do not see a “NO TURN ON RED” sign posted and you come to a complete stop before turning.

  2. What does a RED arrow mean?
    Answer: A red arrow means you must stop and are not allowed to turn in that direction. You must wait until the arrow turns green before making the turn, and you must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles that have the right-of-way.

  3. What does a flashing RED light mean?
    Answer: A flashing red light means you must come to a complete stop. After stopping, proceed only when it is safe to do so, just as you would at a stop sign.

  4. What does a SOLID yellow light mean?
    Answer: A solid yellow light warns you that the signal is about to turn red. You should slow down and prepare to stop.

  5. What does a GREEN arrow mean?
    Answer: A green arrow means you have the right-of-way to turn in the direction indicated. You must turn in the direction of the arrow.

  6. What do you do at an intersection where the signal lights are not working?
    Answer: Treat the intersection as a four-way stop: come to a complete stop, then yield to traffic (and pedestrians) that arrived before you or is already in the intersection, and proceed only when it is safe.

  7. If there is no limit line or crosswalk at an intersection, what should you do?
    Answer: Stop before entering the intersection and check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

  8. What does a YIELD sign mean?
    Answer: A yield sign means you must slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. You must yield the right-of-way to vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians already in or approaching the intersection.

  9. What should you do if you find you are driving the wrong way (against traffic)?
    Answer: Safely pull over to the side of the road and stop. Then, carefully back up or turn around (using a safe method such as a U-turn in an appropriate location) to correct your direction. Exercise extra caution, especially at night.

  10. What does a RED circle with a diagonal line through it mean?
    Answer: It means “NO” – the action or maneuver depicted (such as turning, parking, etc.) is prohibited.

  11. Should you assume other drivers will yield the right-of-way to you?
    Answer: No. Never assume other drivers will yield. Always proceed with caution and do not rely on others to give you the right-of-way.

  12. If two vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, who has the right-of-way?
    Answer: The driver on the right has the right-of-way.

  13. At a T-intersection without STOP or YIELD signs, who has the right-of-way?
    Answer: Traffic on the through (continuing) road has the right-of-way.

  14. In which direction do vehicles travel in a roundabout?
    Answer: Vehicles travel in a counterclockwise direction in a roundabout.

  15. Why is it unsafe to pass another vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk?
    Answer: Because a pedestrian may be crossing behind the stopped vehicle, and your view might be obstructed.

  16. Is giving verbal directions to a blind person a good idea? (Yes/No)
    Answer: No. It is generally not advisable to give unsolicited verbal directions to a blind person, as it can be confusing or unhelpful.

  17. How helpful is it to honk your horn at a blind pedestrian?
    Answer: It is not helpful. Honking your horn may startle or confuse a blind pedestrian.

  18. When two vehicles meet on a narrow mountain road where neither can pass, who has the right-of-way and what must the other vehicle do?
    Answer: The vehicle traveling uphill has the right-of-way. The vehicle going downhill must yield—if necessary, by backing up—to allow the uphill vehicle to pass safely.