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Lecture Slide 4

Page 1:

  • Lecture on Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Function & Measurement

  • Lecturer: Ts. Dr. Khairul Najmy Abdul Rani

Page 2:

  • Chapter Outline:

    • Usage of Low-Noise Amplifier

    • Transmission Measurement: Gain, Isolation, Group Delay, P1dB

    • Reflection Measurement: Return Loss, Impedance, SWR

    • Distortion Measurement: OIP3, IIP3

    • Noise Figure Measurement: Definitions, Y-factor Method, Calibration and Measurement, Impact of Losses, Cold Source Method

    • Example of LNA Specifications

    • Appendix: NF in Cascaded System

Page 3:

  • Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) determines overall system noise level

  • LNA has low noise figure (e.g., 2 dB) and high gain (e.g., 25 dB)

  • LNA is the first active device in the receiver, reducing the noise of subsequent stages

  • LNA's noise is injected directly into the received signal

Page 4:

  • LNA is a special type of amplifier used in communication systems to amplify weak signals captured by an antenna

  • LNA boosts desired signal power while adding minimal noise and distortion

  • LNA is often located close to the antenna to minimize losses in the feedline

Page 5:

  • LNA Measurement includes:

    • Return loss

    • Impedance

    • Isolation

    • Gain

    • Group delay

    • P1dB (gain compression)

    • Noise figure

    • Intermodulations (OIP3, IIP3)

  • Measurement categories: Reflection, Transmission, Distortion

Page 6:

  • Gain is the ratio of an amplifier's output power to input power at a particular frequency

  • Small signal gain is the difference in dB between output and input power levels

  • Small signal gain (dB) = Pout (dBm) - Pin (dBm)

Page 7:

  • Small Signal Gain Measurement:

    • Transmission measurements using S21 in magnitude or logarithmic (dB)

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Input power level set to minimum to avoid damage and compression

    • Receiver port attenuators can be used if necessary

Page 8:

  • Isolation is a measure of transmission from output to input

  • Isolation measurement is similar to small signal gain measurement, but stimulus is applied to the amplifier's output

  • Good reverse isolation means the signal from the output is prevented from reaching the input

  • Isolation (dB) = P2 (dBm) - P1 (dBm)

Page 9:

  • Reverse Isolation Measurement:

    • Measure of transmission from output to input using S12 in magnitude or dB

    • Measurement similar to small signal gain, but stimulus is applied to the amplifier's output

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Noise floor of the analyzer can be lowered for amplifiers with high isolation

Page 10:

  • Group delay is a measure of the transit time through an amplifier at a particular frequency

  • Group delay is also a measure of amplifier distortion

  • Group delay can be viewed in delay format in the network analyzer

Page 11:

  • P1dB is the input power level where the amplifier gain drops 1 dB relative to the small signal gain

  • P1dB indicates the amplifier's output capability

  • P1dB is typically specified as an output power level (e.g., 20 dBm)

Page 12:

  • Gain Compression Measurement with Network Analyzer:

    • Transmission measurements using S21 in magnitude or logarithmic (dB)

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Input power source calibrated with power meter

    • Optional receiver calibration depending on the instrument used

Page 13:

  • Swept Power Gain Compression with Vector Network Analyzer (VNA):

    • Swept power test done at a CW frequency

    • Input power increased with a step sweep to observe 1 dB gain reduction

    • Input power at P1dB is recorded

Page 14:

  • Swept Power Gain Compression with Spectrum Analyzer (SA):

    • Requires good RF source spectral purity

    • Scalar offset normalization required for accuracy

    • Same setup as gain test with manual input power sweep and readout

    • Pin vs. Pout plotted manually to determine P1dB

Page 15:

  • Reflection Measurements:

    • Input/Output Return Loss/SWR measures the match quality of the amplifier's input and output

    • Reflection coefficient includes magnitude and phase information of reflected signals

    • Return loss and SWR examine the magnitude portion of the reflection coefficient

    • Input/Output Impedance can be displayed in complex format mapped onto the Smith Chart

Page 16:

  • Reflection measurements use the same setup and full two-ports calibration as transmission measurements

  • Return loss and SWR are usually specified for the amplifier's input and output ports

  • Input and output complex impedances can be viewed in Smith Chart format in the analyzer

  • Rule of thumb: 20 dB difference between noise level and reflected signal

Page 17:

  • Distortion caused by interaction of input signals inside the DUT (Device Under Test)

  • Extra tones at the output besides the two input tones are undesirable distortion terms

  • 3rd order terms (2f1 - f2) and (2f2 - f1) are the most significant and hard to filter, hence OIP3 is measured

Page 18:

  • Plotting the 3rd Order Response:

    • 3rd order product versus input power predicts a 3:1 response

    • OIP3 = Gain + IIP3

    • OIP3 typically ranges from 10 to 20 dB for every dB increase in input power

Page 19:

  • OIP3 Calculation for the amplifier

  • TOI point is never obtained due to compression

  • OIP3(dBm) = S(dBm) + D(dB)/2

Page 20:

  • OIP3 Measurement setup

  • Signal sources, LPF, attenuators, power combiner, DUT, LPF

  • Additional attenuation improves isolation and minimizes interaction

  • Low pass filters minimize generation of harmonics

  • Attenuators and isolators improve matching to DUT

  • Three sources of error: interaction between test equipment, dynamic range of spectrum analyzer, quality of test equipment

  • Power levels should be set such that 3rd order products are at least 10 dB over the noise

  • OIP3 = (S + loss at output) + D/2

Page 21:

  • Definition of noise

  • Undesirable signal present with wanted signal

  • Important as system has limited bandwidth

Page 22:

  • Types of noise

  • External noise (interference) and internal noise (produced by internal components)

  • Reduction methods for external noise: reduce external source or increase screening

  • Reduction methods for internal noise: improve design or better components

Page 23:

  • Internal noise types: thermal/Johnson/Nyquist noise, shot noise, flicker noise

  • Thermal noise arises from random motion of electrons

  • Shot noise due to current flowing across potential barrier in PN junction

  • Flicker noise significant at audio frequencies, amplitude inversely proportional to frequency

Page 24:

  • Thermal noise calculation

  • Max available noise power, PN = V^2 / R = kTB

  • Voltage (rms) = 4kTB/R

Page 25:

  • Noise figure definition

  • Measure of noise added by device, no concern for external noise

  • Noise figure quantifies degradation in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

  • Lowest possible value of NF is 0 dB

Page 26:

  • Noise figure IEEE definition

  • Noise figure measurement equation

  • N = G + N_in + N_a + N_o

  • G = DUT associated gain, N_in = input noise, N_a = added noise, N_o = output noise

Page 27:

  • Noise figure measurement methods

  • Y-Factor Method with Noise Figure Meter/Spectrum Analyzer

  • Cold Source (or Direct Source) Method using Vector Network Analyzer with Built-in Noise Figure Receiver

Page 28:

  • Y-Factor (Hot/Cold Source) Method Measurement

  • Using Spectrum Analyzer with Personality Software Option or Noise Figure Meter/Analyzer

  • Require low noise preamplifier to improve sensitivity

Page 29:

  • Y-Factor Method of Computation

  • Temperature of Source, Impedance, Noise Power Output

  • ENR table defined

  • Measured by NF meter/analyzer

Page 30:

  • Using NF Meter/Analyzer or SA

  • Noise source, DUT, LNA, low-noise power supply, Faraday cage

Page 31:

  • NF Instrument Calibration and Measurement

  • Noise source, DUT, NF instrument

  • 2-stage NF measurement

Page 32:

  • Impact of Losses on Noise Figure

  • Attenuation degrades NF dB-for-dB if placed before an LNA

Page 33:

  • Example of LNA Specification

  • Frequency range, small signal gain, gain flatness, 1 dB compression, 3rd order intercept, noise figure, input match, group delay

Page 34: Summary of Measurement Solutions

  • Gain and Flatness

    • Gain Compression

    • Phase

    • Group Delay

  • Isolation

  • Return Loss/SWR

  • Input Impedance

  • Output Impedance

  • Output Power

  • Noise Figure

  • Intermod Distortion

  • Scalar Network Analyzer

  • Noise Figure Meter/Analyzer

  • Spectrum Analyzer

  • Power Meter

  • Vector Network Analyzer

Page 35: Summary

  • Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is the first active device in a receiver

    • LNA has low noise and high gain characteristics

    • The NF of the entire receiver is determined by the NF of only the LNA

  • OIP3 or TOI is a 2-tone linearity test of the LNA measured for in-band operation

    • Higher TOI value indicates a more linear LNA

  • Noise is an undesirable addition to an ideally pure signal

  • Different types of noise: thermal noise, shot noise, and flicker noise

  • Thermal noise density: kTo = -174 dBm/Hz (in a 1 Hz bandwidth)

  • NF is the degradation in SNR in dB as signal-and-noise pass through a DUT

  • Popular method of measuring NF is the Y-factor method using Hot/Cold source

  • NF of an attenuator by itself equals its losses in dB

  • Losses degrade NF dB-for-dB if placed before an LNA

    • 10 dB of attenuation before an LNA will degrade overall NF by 10 dB, but not at all if placed after the LNA

Page 36: Reference

  • Keysight Technologies, “PNA Microwave Network Analyzers - Amplifier Linear and Gain Compression Measurements”, AN 1408-7

  • Keysight Technologies, “PNA Microwave Network Analyzers - Amplifier and CW Swept Intermodulation-Distortion Measurements”, AN 1408-9

  • Keysight Technologies, “A Seminar on RF Measurement”, 2001, Spectrum Analysis Basics

  • Keysight Technologies, “Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements”, AN 57-1

  • Keysight Technologies, “Noise Figure Measurement Accuracy – The Y-Factor Method”, AN 57-2

  • Rohde & Schwarz, “Performing Amplifier Measurements with the Vector Network Analyzer ZVB”, ZVB VNA AN

  • Anritsu, “Fast, Flexible, and Accurate IMD Measurements Using a Vector Network Measurement System”, IMD Scorpion Option 13 AN

  • David Ballo, “Making Source-Corrected Noise Figure Measurement ”, September 2007, Microwave & RF Magazine

Page 37: Appendix: NF in Cascaded System

  • F1,G1 F3 ,G3 F2 ,G2 Noiseless amplifiers

  • Amp added noise referred back to input

  • G N (F 1)N 1 N G N F N G N N G F a in in a in a in

  • in 1 in 1 2 in N (F 1)N G (F 1)N

  • in 1 2 1 2 1 in 1 2 in 1 2 1 2 in sys F G (F 1 ) (F 1 ) 1 G (F 1 ) N (G G ) (G G ) (F 1)N (G G ) N (G G ) G (F 1)N F

Page 39: Use of a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)

  • LNA is usually used as the 1st stage amplifier for a receiving circuit

  • LNA amplifies the weak signal from the antenna without contributing too much noise

  • Larger signal is then fed to the mixer, which generally has a higher NF

  • This improves the overall NF at the IF output

Page 40: Use of Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) (cont’d)

  • If the power gain of the 1st stage is around 10 or more, the signal will be sufficiently large at the output of the 1st stage

  • Additional noise contributed by the following amplifier stages or mixer will have a small degrading effect on the overall SNR

  • Minimum noise requirement is more important than the maximum power gain or VSWR in the design of the 1st stage

Page 41: Use of Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) (cont’d)

  • Architecture with high NF of the mixer suffers from lower sensitivity

  • Designing a mixer with low noise and sufficient conversion gain is generally avoided

Page 42: Another Reason for Including a LNA in the Receiver Stage

  • LNA provides isolation against the leakage of the local oscillator (LO) signal

  • LNA has a small |S12|

  • Prevents the power from the LO going into the antenna and radiate out, causing unwanted radiation

Lecture Slide 4

Page 1:

  • Lecture on Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Function & Measurement

  • Lecturer: Ts. Dr. Khairul Najmy Abdul Rani

Page 2:

  • Chapter Outline:

    • Usage of Low-Noise Amplifier

    • Transmission Measurement: Gain, Isolation, Group Delay, P1dB

    • Reflection Measurement: Return Loss, Impedance, SWR

    • Distortion Measurement: OIP3, IIP3

    • Noise Figure Measurement: Definitions, Y-factor Method, Calibration and Measurement, Impact of Losses, Cold Source Method

    • Example of LNA Specifications

    • Appendix: NF in Cascaded System

Page 3:

  • Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) determines overall system noise level

  • LNA has low noise figure (e.g., 2 dB) and high gain (e.g., 25 dB)

  • LNA is the first active device in the receiver, reducing the noise of subsequent stages

  • LNA's noise is injected directly into the received signal

Page 4:

  • LNA is a special type of amplifier used in communication systems to amplify weak signals captured by an antenna

  • LNA boosts desired signal power while adding minimal noise and distortion

  • LNA is often located close to the antenna to minimize losses in the feedline

Page 5:

  • LNA Measurement includes:

    • Return loss

    • Impedance

    • Isolation

    • Gain

    • Group delay

    • P1dB (gain compression)

    • Noise figure

    • Intermodulations (OIP3, IIP3)

  • Measurement categories: Reflection, Transmission, Distortion

Page 6:

  • Gain is the ratio of an amplifier's output power to input power at a particular frequency

  • Small signal gain is the difference in dB between output and input power levels

  • Small signal gain (dB) = Pout (dBm) - Pin (dBm)

Page 7:

  • Small Signal Gain Measurement:

    • Transmission measurements using S21 in magnitude or logarithmic (dB)

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Input power level set to minimum to avoid damage and compression

    • Receiver port attenuators can be used if necessary

Page 8:

  • Isolation is a measure of transmission from output to input

  • Isolation measurement is similar to small signal gain measurement, but stimulus is applied to the amplifier's output

  • Good reverse isolation means the signal from the output is prevented from reaching the input

  • Isolation (dB) = P2 (dBm) - P1 (dBm)

Page 9:

  • Reverse Isolation Measurement:

    • Measure of transmission from output to input using S12 in magnitude or dB

    • Measurement similar to small signal gain, but stimulus is applied to the amplifier's output

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Noise floor of the analyzer can be lowered for amplifiers with high isolation

Page 10:

  • Group delay is a measure of the transit time through an amplifier at a particular frequency

  • Group delay is also a measure of amplifier distortion

  • Group delay can be viewed in delay format in the network analyzer

Page 11:

  • P1dB is the input power level where the amplifier gain drops 1 dB relative to the small signal gain

  • P1dB indicates the amplifier's output capability

  • P1dB is typically specified as an output power level (e.g., 20 dBm)

Page 12:

  • Gain Compression Measurement with Network Analyzer:

    • Transmission measurements using S21 in magnitude or logarithmic (dB)

    • Calibration (SOLT, TRM, TRL) required to remove systematic errors

    • Input power source calibrated with power meter

    • Optional receiver calibration depending on the instrument used

Page 13:

  • Swept Power Gain Compression with Vector Network Analyzer (VNA):

    • Swept power test done at a CW frequency

    • Input power increased with a step sweep to observe 1 dB gain reduction

    • Input power at P1dB is recorded

Page 14:

  • Swept Power Gain Compression with Spectrum Analyzer (SA):

    • Requires good RF source spectral purity

    • Scalar offset normalization required for accuracy

    • Same setup as gain test with manual input power sweep and readout

    • Pin vs. Pout plotted manually to determine P1dB

Page 15:

  • Reflection Measurements:

    • Input/Output Return Loss/SWR measures the match quality of the amplifier's input and output

    • Reflection coefficient includes magnitude and phase information of reflected signals

    • Return loss and SWR examine the magnitude portion of the reflection coefficient

    • Input/Output Impedance can be displayed in complex format mapped onto the Smith Chart

Page 16:

  • Reflection measurements use the same setup and full two-ports calibration as transmission measurements

  • Return loss and SWR are usually specified for the amplifier's input and output ports

  • Input and output complex impedances can be viewed in Smith Chart format in the analyzer

  • Rule of thumb: 20 dB difference between noise level and reflected signal

Page 17:

  • Distortion caused by interaction of input signals inside the DUT (Device Under Test)

  • Extra tones at the output besides the two input tones are undesirable distortion terms

  • 3rd order terms (2f1 - f2) and (2f2 - f1) are the most significant and hard to filter, hence OIP3 is measured

Page 18:

  • Plotting the 3rd Order Response:

    • 3rd order product versus input power predicts a 3:1 response

    • OIP3 = Gain + IIP3

    • OIP3 typically ranges from 10 to 20 dB for every dB increase in input power

Page 19:

  • OIP3 Calculation for the amplifier

  • TOI point is never obtained due to compression

  • OIP3(dBm) = S(dBm) + D(dB)/2

Page 20:

  • OIP3 Measurement setup

  • Signal sources, LPF, attenuators, power combiner, DUT, LPF

  • Additional attenuation improves isolation and minimizes interaction

  • Low pass filters minimize generation of harmonics

  • Attenuators and isolators improve matching to DUT

  • Three sources of error: interaction between test equipment, dynamic range of spectrum analyzer, quality of test equipment

  • Power levels should be set such that 3rd order products are at least 10 dB over the noise

  • OIP3 = (S + loss at output) + D/2

Page 21:

  • Definition of noise

  • Undesirable signal present with wanted signal

  • Important as system has limited bandwidth

Page 22:

  • Types of noise

  • External noise (interference) and internal noise (produced by internal components)

  • Reduction methods for external noise: reduce external source or increase screening

  • Reduction methods for internal noise: improve design or better components

Page 23:

  • Internal noise types: thermal/Johnson/Nyquist noise, shot noise, flicker noise

  • Thermal noise arises from random motion of electrons

  • Shot noise due to current flowing across potential barrier in PN junction

  • Flicker noise significant at audio frequencies, amplitude inversely proportional to frequency

Page 24:

  • Thermal noise calculation

  • Max available noise power, PN = V^2 / R = kTB

  • Voltage (rms) = 4kTB/R

Page 25:

  • Noise figure definition

  • Measure of noise added by device, no concern for external noise

  • Noise figure quantifies degradation in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

  • Lowest possible value of NF is 0 dB

Page 26:

  • Noise figure IEEE definition

  • Noise figure measurement equation

  • N = G + N_in + N_a + N_o

  • G = DUT associated gain, N_in = input noise, N_a = added noise, N_o = output noise

Page 27:

  • Noise figure measurement methods

  • Y-Factor Method with Noise Figure Meter/Spectrum Analyzer

  • Cold Source (or Direct Source) Method using Vector Network Analyzer with Built-in Noise Figure Receiver

Page 28:

  • Y-Factor (Hot/Cold Source) Method Measurement

  • Using Spectrum Analyzer with Personality Software Option or Noise Figure Meter/Analyzer

  • Require low noise preamplifier to improve sensitivity

Page 29:

  • Y-Factor Method of Computation

  • Temperature of Source, Impedance, Noise Power Output

  • ENR table defined

  • Measured by NF meter/analyzer

Page 30:

  • Using NF Meter/Analyzer or SA

  • Noise source, DUT, LNA, low-noise power supply, Faraday cage

Page 31:

  • NF Instrument Calibration and Measurement

  • Noise source, DUT, NF instrument

  • 2-stage NF measurement

Page 32:

  • Impact of Losses on Noise Figure

  • Attenuation degrades NF dB-for-dB if placed before an LNA

Page 33:

  • Example of LNA Specification

  • Frequency range, small signal gain, gain flatness, 1 dB compression, 3rd order intercept, noise figure, input match, group delay

Page 34: Summary of Measurement Solutions

  • Gain and Flatness

    • Gain Compression

    • Phase

    • Group Delay

  • Isolation

  • Return Loss/SWR

  • Input Impedance

  • Output Impedance

  • Output Power

  • Noise Figure

  • Intermod Distortion

  • Scalar Network Analyzer

  • Noise Figure Meter/Analyzer

  • Spectrum Analyzer

  • Power Meter

  • Vector Network Analyzer

Page 35: Summary

  • Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is the first active device in a receiver

    • LNA has low noise and high gain characteristics

    • The NF of the entire receiver is determined by the NF of only the LNA

  • OIP3 or TOI is a 2-tone linearity test of the LNA measured for in-band operation

    • Higher TOI value indicates a more linear LNA

  • Noise is an undesirable addition to an ideally pure signal

  • Different types of noise: thermal noise, shot noise, and flicker noise

  • Thermal noise density: kTo = -174 dBm/Hz (in a 1 Hz bandwidth)

  • NF is the degradation in SNR in dB as signal-and-noise pass through a DUT

  • Popular method of measuring NF is the Y-factor method using Hot/Cold source

  • NF of an attenuator by itself equals its losses in dB

  • Losses degrade NF dB-for-dB if placed before an LNA

    • 10 dB of attenuation before an LNA will degrade overall NF by 10 dB, but not at all if placed after the LNA

Page 36: Reference

  • Keysight Technologies, “PNA Microwave Network Analyzers - Amplifier Linear and Gain Compression Measurements”, AN 1408-7

  • Keysight Technologies, “PNA Microwave Network Analyzers - Amplifier and CW Swept Intermodulation-Distortion Measurements”, AN 1408-9

  • Keysight Technologies, “A Seminar on RF Measurement”, 2001, Spectrum Analysis Basics

  • Keysight Technologies, “Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements”, AN 57-1

  • Keysight Technologies, “Noise Figure Measurement Accuracy – The Y-Factor Method”, AN 57-2

  • Rohde & Schwarz, “Performing Amplifier Measurements with the Vector Network Analyzer ZVB”, ZVB VNA AN

  • Anritsu, “Fast, Flexible, and Accurate IMD Measurements Using a Vector Network Measurement System”, IMD Scorpion Option 13 AN

  • David Ballo, “Making Source-Corrected Noise Figure Measurement ”, September 2007, Microwave & RF Magazine

Page 37: Appendix: NF in Cascaded System

  • F1,G1 F3 ,G3 F2 ,G2 Noiseless amplifiers

  • Amp added noise referred back to input

  • G N (F 1)N 1 N G N F N G N N G F a in in a in a in

  • in 1 in 1 2 in N (F 1)N G (F 1)N

  • in 1 2 1 2 1 in 1 2 in 1 2 1 2 in sys F G (F 1 ) (F 1 ) 1 G (F 1 ) N (G G ) (G G ) (F 1)N (G G ) N (G G ) G (F 1)N F

Page 39: Use of a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)

  • LNA is usually used as the 1st stage amplifier for a receiving circuit

  • LNA amplifies the weak signal from the antenna without contributing too much noise

  • Larger signal is then fed to the mixer, which generally has a higher NF

  • This improves the overall NF at the IF output

Page 40: Use of Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) (cont’d)

  • If the power gain of the 1st stage is around 10 or more, the signal will be sufficiently large at the output of the 1st stage

  • Additional noise contributed by the following amplifier stages or mixer will have a small degrading effect on the overall SNR

  • Minimum noise requirement is more important than the maximum power gain or VSWR in the design of the 1st stage

Page 41: Use of Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) (cont’d)

  • Architecture with high NF of the mixer suffers from lower sensitivity

  • Designing a mixer with low noise and sufficient conversion gain is generally avoided

Page 42: Another Reason for Including a LNA in the Receiver Stage

  • LNA provides isolation against the leakage of the local oscillator (LO) signal

  • LNA has a small |S12|

  • Prevents the power from the LO going into the antenna and radiate out, causing unwanted radiation