Review for Test I► Basic Terms:► Unit Goals, simple and straight-forward► Tommy is introduced to 8 neighbors at a block party, moments later he only remembers the names of the first three and the last two neighbors. His experience best illustrates► Source amnesia► Misinformation effect► Implicit memory► Serial position effect► Make sure you can apply the terms to real life situations.Review for Test II► HM:► Includes, Freeman, Scoville, but most important Brenda Milner, her test and the consequences for the idea of memory► Results: Episodic, Semantic & Procedural memory► Memory Qs 1-7 and 1-4► Basic terms like cerebellum and hippocampus(related to memory), flashbulb memory, etc.► Do not forget add on: Gorden Bower, Godden & Baddeley, Lewinson and Rosenbaum, Luchins & Luchins, Ebbinghaus, Von Restorff effect, Encoding, Forgetting (porn), Korsakoff’s Syndrome, etc.Review for Test III► Elizabeth Loftus:► The study► Presupposition, the results, new model of memory, Kebbell and Giles, French, reasons for why people remember traumatic events, etc.► My add on: Hyman and Pentland, why false memory, ecological validity, etc.