Carefully Read Assignment Instructions
Read multiple times for full understanding.
Break down the instructions into sections to clarify what is required.
Understand the task, purpose, and audience.
Purpose: To explain a topic, issue, or process within the word limit of 750-1000 words (approx. 3-4 pages).
At least one academically credible source with in-text citation and reference page.
Follow one of the three structures: sequential, cause and effect, or problem and solution.
Include a thesis statement that indicates the essay's structure and key points.
Relation to Career/Major: Choose a topic relevant to your career or field of study.
Make it specific enough to allow for detailed explanations and research but not so narrow that research is difficult.
Example: Instead of "World War II", focus on "Causes of World War II".
Example Topic: Preparing for a Job Interview.
Introduction: Use a hook, provide background, and present the thesis.
Body Paragraphs:
Explain each sequential step.
Paragraph 1: Researching the company (topic sentence, explanations, how it ties to the job).
Paragraph 2: Reviewing job descriptions (topic sentence, importance).
Paragraph 3: Preparing answers to questions (topic sentence, significance).
Conclusion: Restate thesis, summarize key points, and provide final thoughts.
Example Topic: Effects of Social Media.
Introduction: Hook, background, and thesis relevant to causes and effects.
Body Paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Discuss the causes (e.g., proliferation of social media).
Paragraph 2: Effects on communication dynamics (topic ticket, explanation).
Paragraph 3: Effects on face-to-face interactions (topic sentence, explanation).
Conclusion: Restate thesis and summarize points.
Example Topic: Rising Student Loan Debt.
Introduction: Hook, background information, and thesis.
Body Paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Problem (topic sentence discussing rising debt).
Paragraph 2: First solution (e.g., enhancing financial literacy).
Paragraph 3: Second solution (e.g., reducing higher education costs).
Conclusion: Restate thesis and summarize solutions.
Introduction: Attention-grabbing hook, background, and thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs: Each dedicated to a single main point with topic sentences, evidence, and explanations, including transitions to follow points logically.
Conclusion: Summarize main ideas and restate thesis with a closing thought.
Choose a Focus Topic: Specific aspect related to career/major.
Ensure a well-defined topic for a focused essay.
Develop a Clear Thesis Statement:
Guide the reader on the main purpose and direction of the essay.
Organize Effectively: Ensure introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion structure are adhered to.
Use Evidence: Support claims with relevant examples and credible sources.
Require at least one credible academic source.
Revise and Proofread: Review your essay for clarity, organization, and grammatical accuracy.
Read aloud to catch mistakes.
Seek Feedback: Ask peers or use writing centers for review.
Not following assignment instructions.
Incorrect APA title page format.
Missing or unclear thesis statement.
Incorrect structural organization.
Underdeveloped paragraphs without topic sentences or evidence.
Not citing sources or using credible academic resources.
Failure to meet length requirements (750-1000 words).
Library Research:
Utilize library website for keyword searches and resources.
Search Techniques:
Apply filters (peer-reviewed, recent publications) to narrow searches.
Using LibGuides: Access helpful resources and example papers.
Getting Help: Reach out to librarians via chat or email.
In-text citations: Include author's last name and year of publication.
For direct quotes, include page number (Smith, 2019, p. 29).
Reference Page: Cite all sources correctly and include all required bibliographic information.
Use complete, formal academic sentences. Avoid slangs, fragmented sentences, and conversational language.
Utilize objective third-person language. Avoid personal pronouns like "I" and conversational phrases.