Ankit Singh - Full Stack Developer Resume Notes
- Name: Ankit Singh
- Position: Full Stack Developer II at Neki
- Contact:
- Mobile: +91-9340091267
- Email:
- LinkedIn: codeantik
- GitHub: codeantik
- LeetCode: codeantik_099
- C/C++
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Golang
- Frontend:
- React
- Next.js
- Vue.js
- React Native
- Redux, Zustand, Tanstack, Headless React
- Backend:
- Node.js
- Express
- Django
- Flask
- Fastify
- Kong API
Design Libraries
- Material UI
- Tailwind CSS
- Bootstrap
- Ant Design
- Lucide React
- MongoDB
- Firebase
- Elastic Search
- PostgreSQL
Other Skills
- Tools: Markdown, Git, Bitbucket, VS Code, Android Studio
- Cloud: AWS EC2, Amazon LightSail, AWS S3
- Design: Figma
- DevOps: Docker, Jenkins
- B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
- University: Lovely Professional University
- CGPA: 8
- High School:
- 10th: 10 CGPA
- 12th: 92%
- Holy Cross School, Ambikapur
Professional Experience
Full Stack Developer II
- Company:
- Duration: July 2023 - Present
- Responsibilities: Led development and release of Phase 2 of, ensuring feature enhancement and platform management using React, Next.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, EC2, Lightsail.
Full Stack Developer Intern
- Company: Signzy
- Duration: Jan 2023 - June 2023
- Responsibilities: Worked on enhancing API Gateway, developed new APIs to improve performance and scalability using Fastify, Kong API, Docker, Jenkins, K8, Web Scraping, Node.js.
Software Engineer Intern
- Company: Yukti
- Duration: Nov 2021 - Feb 2022
- Responsibilities: Developed admin panel for web app and built mobile app screens, focused on enhancing user experience using Reactjs, ReactNative, Redux, Firebase, Firestore.
- Deep Learning: Udemy - Completed June 2023
- Machine Learning: Udemy - Completed May 2023
- Coding: Solved over 2,000+ coding challenges on various platforms.
- Hacks: Participated and won in Devsnest Hackathon 2021.
- Competitions: Cleared first round of Meta Hacker Cup 2021.
Billing System
- Description: An invoice generator for tracking payments, emailing clients, and integrated with Stripe for payments.
- Technologies: React, Stripe, Nodemailer, Kendo-react-to-pdf, QR code.
- Description: An Android news application that fetches real-time news from an API using the Volley library.
- Technologies: API, Volley, Glide, ChromeCustomTabs.
Catalog App
- Description: E-commerce mobile application listing various items with shopping cart functionality.
- Technologies: Android, Dart, Flutter, Web.