Culture: a set of beliefs and practices that define a group of people
Music culture: a set of musical practices that define a group of people
Enculturation: the way infants learn culture
Acculturation: two or more cultures meet and exchange ideas
Appropriation: the way we pick up ideas in life and incorporate them into who we are
Cultural exchange
Eurocentric bias
Organology: the study of musical instrument
Aerophones: wind instruments
Chordophones: string instruments
Membranophones: percussion
Idiophones: mallet instruments
Electronophones & mechanical instruments: electronic means of creating the sound
Sound & perception: the scientific definition of a sound
Frequency = pitch
Amplitude = volume
Spectrum = timbre
Rhythm: a set of patterns
Meter: time signatures
Rubato: the lack of a steady beat, out-of-time moments
Melody: what we hear on the top of the music
Scale: a set of notes
Ornamentation: different styles
Syllabic, melismatic singing
Harmony: what happens underneath the melody, gives music its richness, notes sounding at the same time
Chord: three or more harmonies
Texture: the relationship between the different instruments
Monophony: single-voice
Heterophony: two or more voices playing the same thing
Polyphony: two or more separate parts going on
Form: how the music is constructed