

The Universal Law of Gravity:

  • The circular motion of heavenly bodies used to be considered natural; not-requiring any explanation.

  • When an apple fell from a tree and struck Isaac Newton, he considered that a force may have pulled it down.

    • He considered that this force might’ve been what pulls everything in the universe (moons, planets, etc).

  • This led to the notion that there are two sets of natural laws:

    • One for earthly events

    • One for motion in the heavens

  • This union of territorial and cosmic laws is called Newtonian Synthesis.

How Newton tested his hypothesis:

  • He compared the fall of an apple with the fall of the Moon.

  • He realized that the Moon falls away from the straight line it would’ve followed if there were no forces acting on it.

  • It falls “around” the Earth.

    • Reason → Tangential velocity

  • The Moon’s distance of fall person second is comparable to the distance the apple falls in one second.

    • This didn’t align with Newton’s calculations.

  • Years later, Newton corrected his experimental data and got results.

    • He then published the Law of Universal Gravitation.

  • According to Newton, everything pulls on everything else in a way that involves only mass and distance.

  • Every body attracts every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

  • Force ~ (mass1 x mass2)/(distance)^2


The Universal Gravitational Constant, G:

  • The proportionality in the universal law of gravitation can be expressed as G.

  • F = G((m1 x m2)/d^2)

  • Magnitude of G = gravitational force between two 1 kg masses 1m apart.

    • G = 6.67 x 10^Nm^2/kg^2

  • We feel gravitational force as weight.

    • We feel it due to the massive number of atoms on Earth pulling at us.

  • Newton could calculate the product of G and Earth’s mass, but couldn’t calculate them individually.

  • G was first calculated by Henry Cavendish in 1798.

    • He measured forces between lead masses with a sensitive torsion balance.

  • Philip von Jolly developed a simpler method.

    • He attached a spherical flask of mercury to one arm of a sensitive balance.

    • When the balance was put in equilibrium, a 6-ton lead sphere was rolled beneath the mercury flask.

    • Force of gravity between the masses = weight needed to restore equilibrium on the other end of the balance.

  • G = F/((m1 x m2)/d) = 6.67x 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2

  • Value of G shows that gravity is the smallest of the four fundamental forces.

    • Gravity is sensed only when masses like Earth’s are involved.

  • Force of attraction between you and Earth → your weight

    • Weight depends on your mass and your distance from the center of the Earth

    • Your weight on a mountain would be slightly less than at ground level.

      • Reason → distance from Earth’s center lesser on ground

  • Mass of Earth was easily calculated after value of G was found.

  • Earth exerts a force of 9.8N (rounded off to 10N) on a mass of 1kg at its surface.

  • F = G((m1 x m2)/d^2)

    • 9.8N = 6.67 X 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2 ((1kg x m1)/(6.4 x 10^6m)^2)

    • m1 = 6 x 10^24 kg


Gravity and Distance: The Inverse Square Law:

  • Gravity weakens with distance.

  • Compare to: paint from a spray can spreading as the distance increases.

    • Position a spray paint can at the center of a radius 1m sphere.

    • Let a burst of spray paint travel 1m to produce a 1mm thick patch.

    • If the same is done with a 2m radius sphere, the height and width of the patch will be twice the initial value.

  • Thickness of the paint decreases as square of the distance increases. This is the inverse square law.

  • Inverse square law holds for gravity as well.

    • It applies to all phenomena where the effect from a localized source spreads uniformly through the surrounding space.

  • Newton’s law of gravity applies to particles, spherical bodies, and non-spherical bodies sufficiently far apart.

    In Newton’s equation, d → distance between the centers of masses of the objects

  • For objects on Earth:

    • As the distance between the object and Earth’s surface increases, Earth’s gravitational force approaches zero

    • The force never actually reaches zero.

  • Gravitational field of every material object extends through all of space.


Weight and Weightlessness:

  • Gravity can produce acceleration.

  • Objects influenced by gravity accelerate towards each other.

  • Since we’re always in contact with Earth, we feel gravity as something that presses against us instead of accelerating us.

    • This sensation is weight.

  • Consider a weighing scale on the floor.

    • Earth’s gravitational force pulls you towards the scale and the floor.

    • At the same time, the scale and the floor push up towards you. (Newton’s third law)

    • Inside the scale, there’s a spring like device to calibrate weight.

  • Consider weighing yourself on a scale in a moving elevator.

    • Elevator accelerates upwards → scale and floor push up harder against your feet.

      • Spring compression in the scale is greater.

      • Scale shows increase in weight.

    • Elevator accelerates downwards → opposite happens

      • Scale shows a decrease in your weight.

  • Weight experienced by an object is the force it exerts against a supporting surface.

  • If the elevator were in free fall, the scale would read zero.

    • In this case, you are weightless.

    • Even when weightless, gravity acts on a body.

      • Since there is no supporting force, the gravity is not felt.

  • Astronauts in orbit don’t have a supporting force.

    • They are always in a state of weightlessness.

      • Until they become accustomed to the weightlessness, they experience space sickness.

    • They are in continuous free fall.

[add some stuff here]


Ocean Tides:

  • Ocean tides are caused by differences in the gravitational pull between the Moon and the Earth on opposite sides of Earth.

    • On the side of Earth nearer to the Moon → the force between Moon and Earth is stronger

    • On the side farther from the Moon → the force is weaker

      • Reason → gravitational force is weaker with increased distance

  • Consider a ball of Jell-O:

    • If the same force is applied on every part of the ball, it stays perfectly round, as if accelerated.

    • If one side is pulled harder than the other, different pulls stretch at it, it isn’t uniform.

  • The ball is Earth.

  • Different pulls of the Moon stretch Earth. We see this in ocean tides.

    • Ocean bulges happen on opposite sides of Earth.

      • This is why there are two sets of tides: high tides, and low tides.

  • Ocean bulges are 1m above surface level.

  • Earth spins once a day.

  • Conclusion: A fixed point on Earth passes both bulges each day.

    • This produces two sets of ocean tides.

  • When a part of Earth passes beneath one of the bulges, the part has a high tide.

  • 6 hours later (quarter turn completed), water level of the same part of the ocean is 1m below sea level.

    • This is low tide.

  • After another quarter turn, another tidal bulge occurs.

  • This is how there are two high tides and low tides a day.

  • Tides don’t occur at the same time every day.

    • Reason → When Earth spins, the Moon moves in orbit and appears at the same position in the sky every 24 hours and 50 minutes.

    • High tide cycles are thus 24h 50min.

  • The Sun contributes to ocean tides.

    • Sun’s pull on Earth is 180 times the Moon’s pull.

    • Still, the Sun is less than half as effective as the Moon in raising tides.

    • Reason → Sun’s great distance from the Earth.

      • The difference in gravitational pull on opposite sides of the Earth becomes very small.

  • Tides due to the Sun and Moon coincide when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned.

    • This leads to high and low tides that are higher and lower than average respectively.

    • These are called spring tides.

      • They aren’t related to spring as a season.

      • They occur during a full Moon or new Moon.

    • Full Moon → Earth is between Sun and Moon. (perfect alignment: lunar eclipse)

    • New Moon → Moon is between Sun and Earth. (perfect alignment: solar eclipse)

  • All spring tides aren’t equally high.

    • Reason → distance between the Earth and the Moon and between the Earth and the Sun vary.

      • Orbital paths of Earth and Moon are elliptical, not circular.

    • Moon’s distance from Earth varies by 10%, effect in raising tides varies by 30%.

  • Highest spring tides occur when the Moon and the Sun are closest to Earth.

  • Neap tides: when the high tides are lower than average, and the low tides aren’t as low as they usually are.

    • Occur when the Moon is halfway between a new Moon and a full Moon, in either direction.

    • Tides due to the Sun and the Moon partially cancel each other.

  • Tides are affected by the tilt of the Earth’s axis.

  • Opposite tidal bulges are theoretically equal.

  • Earth’s tilt makes the two daily high tides unequal.

  • Tides don’t occur in ponds.

    • Reason → no part of a pond is significantly closer than the rest of the pond to the Sun/Moon.

  • The same logic applies to the fluids in your body.

  • Humans aren’t tall enough for tides.

    • The Moon produces micro-tides in our bodies.

      • These are 1/200th of the tides produced by a 1kg melon held 1m above your head.

  • Landmasses and friction with the ocean floor complicate tidal motions.

  • Eg: Tides break up into smaller “basins of circulation” in many places.

    • What that means → tidal bulge travels like a circulating wave in a small tilted basin of water

    • These cause high tides to occur hours after the Moon is overhead.

  • In mid ocean, the range between high and low tides is about 1m.

    • Variations in this range occur in different parts of the world.

    • Range is greatest in Alaskan fjords.

    • Range is most noticeable in the basin of the Bay of Fundy.

Tides in the Earth and Atmosphere:

  • Earth is a semi-molten liquid covered by a thin, solid, pliable crust.

  • So, Moon-Sun tidal forces produce Earth tides and ocean tides.

  • Surface of Earth rises and falls by 1/4m twice a day.

  • Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have a higher chance of occurring when Earth is experiencing a spring tide.

  • We live at the bottom of an ocean of air.

    • This ocean of air also experiences tides.

    • We don’t notice them.

  • Tidal effects occur in the ionosphere.

  • These produce electric currents that alter the magnetic field that surrounds Earth.

    • These are magnetic tides.

      • They regulate the degree to which cosmic rays penetrate into the lower atmosphere.

      • Highs and lows of magnetic tides are greatest when atmosphere is experiencing spring tides.

Ionosphere → upper part of the atmosphere, called so because it consists of ions

Ions → electrically charged atoms that are the result of UV light and cosmic ray bombardment.

Tidal Bulges on the Moon:

  • There are two tidal bulges on the Moon.

    • Reason → near and far sides of each body are pulled differently.

  • The Moon is pulled into a football shape with the long axis pointing to Earth.

  • Unlike on Earth, the tidal bulges are in fixed locations.

    • There’s no daily rising and falling of tides on the Moon.

  • Moon takes 27.3 days to revolve on its axis.

    • So, the same lunar hemisphere faces Earth constantly.

    • Reason → center of gravity of the elongated moon is slightly displaced from its center of mass.

    • Earth exerts a small torque on the Moon when the Moon’s axis isn’t lined up toward Earth.

    • This twists the Moon and aligns it with Earth’s gravitational field.

    • This is why the Moon always shows us the same face.

  • This tidal lock works on Earth too.

  • Our days are getting longer.

    • Increase of 2ms per century.


Gravitational Fields:

  • Earth and the Moon pull on each other.

    • Action at a distance → interact without being in contact

  • Moon is in contact with and interacts with the gravitational field of the Earth.

  • Properties of space surrounding any massive body alter so the body in this region experiences a force.

    • This alteration of space is a gravitational field.

Rockets and space probes are influenced by the gravitational fields at their locations in space, not Earth’s.

  • Gravitational field is a force field.

    • Reason → any body with mass experiences force in the field.

  • A magnetic field is another force field.

    • Iron filings line up in patterns around a magnet.

    • Pattern of filings at different points shows strength and direction of the field.

    • Where filings closest together, field is the strongest.

    • Direction of filings shows direction of field.

  • Pattern of Earth’s gravitational field can be represented by field lines.

    • Where the lines are closer together, the field is stronger.

    • At each point on the line, direction of field is along the line.

    • Arrows show the direction of the field.

    • Any body/particle in the vicinity of Earth will be accelerated in the direction of the field line at that location.

  • Strength of Earth’s gravitational field follows inverse-square law.

  • Gravitational field at Earth’s surface varies slightly from location to location.

    • Above large caverns → field weaker

    • Above large subterranean lead deposits → field stronger

Gravitational Field Inside a Planet:

  • Gravitational field exists inside Earth too.

  • Imagine a hole drilled through Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole.

    • If you started to fall at the North Pole, you’d gain speed down the way to the center, then lose speed “up” to the South Pole.

    • If you didn’t grab onto something at the South Pole, you’d fall back to the North Pole.

  • Acceleration reduces on moving towards Earth’s center.

    • Reason → less mass pulling you towards the center, more mass pulling you back up

  • Net force at Earth’s center is zero.

    • Reason → Pull down balanced by the pull up

  • Maximum velocity, minimum acceleration at Earth’s center.

  • Gravitational field at Earth’s center is zero.

  • Earth is most dense at its core and least dense at its surface.

  • Consider a hypothetical planet with uniform density.

    • The field inside increases linearly.

      • 0 at the center to g at the surface.

    • Gravitational field intensity inside and outside a solid planet of uniform density.

  • Imagine a spherical cavern at the center of a planet:

    • Cavern would be cavity free.

      • Reason → gravitational forces in all directions cancel each other out.

      • This doesn’t depend on the size of the planet.

  • A hollow planet wouldn’t have any gravitational field inside it.

    • All the gravitational forces inside would cancel out.

  • Consider this figure:

  • According to inverse square law, particle P should only be attracted to the left side by 1/4th the times it’s attracted to the left side.

  • This isn’t the case in reality.

    • Reason → Gravity doesn’t depend only on distance. It also depends on mass.

  • Region A has 4 times the area and thus 4 times the mass of B.

    • P is 4 times closer to B than A.

    • A is 4 times heavier than B.

    • Thus, P is equally attracted to both A and B with the same force.

    • The forces cancel out.

  • Cancellation happens anywhere inside a planetary shell with uniform density and thickness.

  • A gravitational field exists within the shell and outside it.

  • The gravitational field of a planet acts like all the mass of a planet is concentrated at its center.

    • This applies to the field at the outer surface and beyond that.

  • Anyone inside the hollow part would be weightless.

    • Reason → zero gravitational field.

  • Gravity can be cancelled inside a body or between bodies.

  • Gravity can’t be shielded.

    • Electric forces can be.

    • Reason → they repel and attract.

  • Gravity only attracts. Thus, no shielding.

  • Evidence of this: Eclipses.

    • The Moon is in the gravitational field of the Sun and the Earth.

    • Shielding of the Sun’s field by Earth would deviate the Moon’s orbit during a lunar eclipse.

    • Even the slightest shielding effect would have accumulated over the years and disrupted the timing of eclipses.

    • No such discrepancies have been found thus far.

Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation:

  • Einstein presented a model for gravitation in the early 20th century.

  • He thought of gravitational fields as geometrical warpings of 4-dimensional spacetime.

  • According to him, bodies dent space and time.

    • The more the mass, the bigger the dent.

  • Imagine rolling a marble across a bed with a ball on it.

    • The marble rolls in a straight line when it’s away from the ball.

    • The marble rolls in a curve when it’s rolled closer to the ball, because the surface dents.

    • The closer the marble gets to the ball, the more circular the path gets.

    • Eventually, the marble ends up circling the ball in an orbit.

  • By Newton’s theory, the marble curves because it’s attracted to the ball.

  • By Einstein’s theory, the marble curves because the surface it moves on is curved.


Black Holes:

  • Imagine being indestructible and traveling to the center of a star in a spaceship:

    • Your weight on the star would depend on your mass, the star’s mass, and the distance between the center of the star and your center of mass.

    • The more the star shrinks, the stronger the gravitational field becomes.

      • Eg: If the star collapsed to 1/10th its radius, your weight would go up 100 times.

    • The velocity needed to escape the star, escape velocity, increases.

      • (It becomes harder to leave the star.)

  • The Sun is a star.

  • If it’s radius reduced to less than 3km, the escape velocity of its surface would become greater than the speed of light.

    • Not even light would be able to escape.

  • The Sun would be invisible. It would become a black hole.

  • The Sun itself has too little mass to experience this collapse.

    • Some stars with greater mass than the Sun collapse like this when they reach the end of their nuclear resources.

    • If the stars don’t rotate fast enough, the collapse continues until they reach infinite densities.

    • As the stars keep collapsing, the gravitational force on their surface keeps increasing until it becomes so massive that light can’t escape.

    • Black holes get formed.

  • Black holes are completely invisible.

  • Black holes are as big as the stars they’re formed from.

  • The gravitational field is enormous in the vicinity of a blackhole.

    • Anything which passes too close is drawn into it.

    • Any object that falls into a blackhole will be torn into pieces.

    • Any object in a black hole disappears from the observable universe.

  • Black holes are detected by their gravitational influence on nearby matter and stars.

Wormholes are a speculative notion. They open up the possibility of time travel.

  • According to evidence, there are binary star systems that have a luminous star and a companion similar to a black hole.

  • According to stronger evidence, there are more massive black holes at the centers of many galaxies.

  • In a young galaxy (called a quasar), the central black hole sucks in matter than emits a large amount of radiation.

  • In an older galaxy, stars circle in powerful gravitational fields around centers that are apparently empty.

  • The center of our galaxy holds a black hole with a mass of 4 million solar masses.


Universal Gravitation:

  • Earth is round because of gravity.

  • Everything attracts everything.

    • Earth has attracted itself together as far as it can.

    • All the “corners” of Earth have been pulled together.

    • Every point on the surface is equidistant from the center of gravity.

    • Earth is thus a sphere.

Rotational effects make the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth slightly ellipsoidal.

  • The planets are pulled by the Sun.

  • They also pull each other.

  • The effect of the planets pulling each other is minimal compared to the pulling of the Sun.

    • When the planets pull each other, they wobble.

    • Perturbations - the interplanetary forces that cause the wobbling.

  • When Uranus was discovered, it showed deviations from its orbit that perturbations could not explain.

  • Possible reasons:

    • The law of gravitation was failing at this distance from the Sun

    • (or) There was an eighth planet perturbing Uranus’ orbit.

  • The efforts that came from this speculation resulted in Neptune being discovered that very night.

  • Pluto was then discovered by the tracking of Uranus’ and Neptune’s orbits.

    • Pluto was discovered at the Lowell Observatory, Arizona.

  • Pluto → dwarf planet

    • Dwarf planet → a category that includes certain astroids in the Kuiper belt

  • Pluto takes 248 years to make a single revolution.

    • Meaning → its discovered position won’t be seen again till 2178.

  • The universe is expanding.

  • The universe is accelerating outwards.

    • It is pushed by an antigravity dark energy that makes up 73% of the universe.

  • 23% of the universe is made of dark matter.

    • Dark matter → this is invisible matter that also pulls at stars.

      • We see this from the rate at which stars circle galaxies → it’s not just the masses of visible stars pulling on them.

  • 4% of the universe is made of ordinary matter.

  • Newton’s insights on the working of the universe brought in the Age of Reason.

  • Newton uncovered that people could uncover the workings of the universe.

  • This formula given by Newton's is major reason for success in science.

  • John Locke → English philosopher, argued that observation and reason should always guide humanity.

  • He used Newtonian physics to model a system of government.

    • There found adherents in 13 British colonies.

    • These ideas results in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
