outward or overt actions and reactions (visible)
Mental Processes
internal, covert activity of our minds (hidden) that influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
the structure of the mind and the consciousness of the mind (awareness)
focused on behavior in addition to the mind or consciousness
behaviors are acquired through conditioning
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the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
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aims to explore and understand the unconscious mind
stresses on human capacity for self-fulfillment, roles of consciousness, self-awareness, and decision making
behaviorism cannot explain everything
Nervous System Divisions
central and peripheral
when the spinal cord meets the brain (medulla, pons, cerebellum)
largest and most complex brain region does higher functions (cerebrum and thalamus)
part where the hindbrain and forebrain meet (controls basic functions like movement, hearing, vision)
Limbic System
a group of several brain structures located under the cortex and involved in learning, emotion, memory, and motivation
Absolute Threshold
the minimum intensity of stimulation that must occur before you experience a sensation
Conductive Deafness
due to damage of the middle ear (hearing aids)
Sensorineural Deafness
damage to inner ear and auditory nerve (cochlear implants may help)
Basic Tastes
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, brothy, 'oleogustus'
detection of external stimuli
detection of external stimuli
a person's awareness
Waking Consciousness
state in which thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear and organized and the person feels alert
Altered State of Consciousness
state in which there is a shift in the quality or pattern of mental activity
Consequences of Lack of Sleep
increased tension, irritability, depression, confusion, reduced life satisfaction
Functions of Sleep
rejuvenates the body, helps one recover from stress, helps consolidate learning, promotes development
memory consolidation and mood regulation, process a little like overnight therapy
Differences in Dreaming by Gender
Boys- outdoor and unfamiliar settings, weapons, and sexual dreams with unknown partners; Girls- people they know, personal appearance, issues
Substance Use
act of consuming substances
Substance Abuse
someone uses these substances in a harmful way
Dependence upon Drugs
when a person's body becomes unable to function normally without a particular drug
drugs that raise your nervous system
drugs that lower your nervous system
relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, skills or attitude that results from experience
Behaviorist Perspective of Learning
think about behavioral change
Cognitive Perspective of Learning
think about how we think, process, and store information
Classical Conditioning in Learning
learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus that naturally produces a behavior
Extinction in Learning
process by which stimuli lose their ability to evoke learned responses
Spontaneous Recovery in Learning
recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of time
Taste Aversion in Learning
a type of learning that occurs when a person associates a taste with a negative experience and avoids that taste in the future
Flooding in Learning
exposing people to their fear in a controlled environment
Operant Conditioning in Learning
organisms learn to do things, or avoid doing things because of the consequences of their behavior
The Law of Effect
a principle that says behaviors are more likely to be repeated if they have positive outcomes
Shaping in Learning
technique used in operant conditioning to gradually reinforce behaviors that get closer to a desired behavior
Behavior Modification in Learning
reinforce positive behavior or extinguish negative behavior by ignoring it
Programmed Learning
does not punish errors, instead rewards correct responses
Observational Learning
when you learn by watching others
Kinds of Memory
explicit and implicit
Explicit Memory
the ability to consciously recall events, ideas, and concepts that have happened in a person's life
Implicit Memory
type of memory that is expressed unconsciously or automatically
Retrospective Memory
ability to recall events or information from the past
Prospective Memory
ability to remember to perform an action or recall an intention in the future
Iconic Memory
a short-term memory that stores visual information for a few milliseconds after a visual image has disappeared
Echoic Memory
sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli
The Serial-Position Effect
a cognitive bias that describes how people tend to remember the first and last items in a list than the middle items
Elaborative Rehearsal
memories endure when information is processed deeply
the mental process of actively processing information, forming concepts, reasoning, making decisions, and manipulating ideas within the mind
mental activity involved in understanding, processing, and communicating information
Problem Solving
a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing and solving problems
Seven Steps to Problem Solving
understanding or defining the problem, setting a realistic achievable goal or goals, generating multiple solutions, evaluating the pros and cons of each possible solution, selecting a promising solution, implementing a plan of action to test the solution, evaluating the result (was the problem solved)