Genetics: study of heredity
Genes: Chuck of DNA
Alleles: different forms of the same gene.
Evolution: change in allele frequency in a population over time.
How do Populations Evolve?
Mutation: change in DNA sequence.
Advantageous- Codes for a new trait that increases fitness
Deleterious- Codes for new trait that reduces fitness
Neutral: Neither change nor affect fitness
*Creates genetic diversity in a population.
Gene flow: introduces new individuals with different allele frequencies.
Genetic drift: Randomness in gametes and survival.
Natural selection: some traits help survival and increase in frequency.
Evolutionary adaptation: a population increase in frequency of traits to suit the environment. Slow process.
What is a Species?
Group of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Speciation: one species splits into two species
*Needs reproductive isolation.
Gametic: Species whose gametes cannot fuse.
Mechanical: species whose genital openings cannot align.
The Fossil Record
Transitional forms: link the past and present.
Biogeography: the study of the geographic distribution of species
Comparative anatomy: the comparison of body structure between different species.
Comparative embryology: early stages of development are similar