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South Asia

Sepoy- Indian Soldiers

Sepoy rebellion- in 1857, insult of pork caused the sepoy rebellion which Sepoys refused to accept the cartridges and were jailed by Brits leading Britian to take india as a direct colony

After WWII countries began to question colonization

The Mughal Dynasty limited European influence that began in the 1500s however was weakened

The British India Company gained greater Influence in many parts of India

The British ruled india for two centuries

Muslim League- founded in 1906 in India to protect Muslim Interests

Muhammad Ali Jinnah- the leader of the Muslim League, insisted that all muslims resign from the congress party

Amritsar Massacre 1919- 10,000 people gathered at the Jallianwalla Baghand protested against being banned from public meetings

The Salt March 1930- Marched for 23 days straight in protest of the high salt tax

1939- Britain committed Indias armed forces to WWII without first consulting with the colonys elected representatives which intensified Indian Resistance

Mohandas Ghandi- Indian leader who launched a nonviolent campaign of noncooperation with the British

1940s- India had approximately 350 million Hindus and about 100 million Muslims

The congress Party- The Indian National Congress(INC) was Indias national Political Party which most were hindus

Civil Disobedience- refusal to obey laws considered to be unjust

After WWII Britian found itself with enormous war debts
Muslims resisted having a government dominated by Hindus

August 1946, four days of clashes in Calcutta left more than 5000 people dead and more than 15000 hurt

Partition- was a term given to the division of India to separate Hindus and Muslims

The northwest and eastern regions of India would be considered Pakistan and where Muslims would live

July 16,1947 -The British House of Commons passed an act that granted two nations, India and Pakistan, Independence in one months time '

Millions of Indian Citizens such an Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs had to decide where to go

Summer of 1947- 10 million people were on the move in India in which violence amongst the different religious groups errupted

A Hindu extremist shot and killed Gandhi on January 30,1948

The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) Indias largest Party has dominated the government since 2014 and believes india should have a stronger Hindu Identity

Kashmir has been partitioned between India and Pakistan since 1947 which has brought India and Pakistan to war on a number of occasions due to the failure to agree on the status of the territory

Interim- Standstill agreement

oct. 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims

Instrument of accession- ceding control over foreign and defense policy to India.

Line of control in Simla agreement

Britain set up India so that it couldnt have its own economy. Cash crops left many sufficient on gov. Many schools were based on western life

South Africa

racial conflict was a result of colonial rule

South Africa was racially divided which the small white minority ruled a large Black Majority

1651- Dutch settlers arrive in South Africa establishing the dominance of European people over African people

1867- Dutch and British settlers begin diamond mining in South Africa

1899-1902- The Boer War

1910- The Boer republics were joined into self governing union of South Africa

1910-south africa gained self rule as a dominion of the British Empire

1912-The African National Congress(ANC) was formed to fight for their rights

1913- The Native Lands Act gives less than 10% of countrys land to Black South Africans.The minority government banned social contacts with Black and White people which established segregation in schools, public spaces, hospitals and neighborhoods

1931- South Africa became an independent member of the British Commonwealth

1934- South Africa becomes an independent country

1946- Black South Africans mine workers are paid twelve times less than their white counterparts and are forced into dangerous jobs. over 75000 Black South Africans go on a strike in support of higher wages. 1000 workers were injured or killed.

1948- The National Party came to power in South Africa which promoted Afrikaner, or dutch South African nationalism

Apartheid- complete separation of races

1956 Womens March, Pretoria- African Women actively opposed the pass laws which could tear families apart and they encouraged a larger democratic movement

1959- the white or minority government set up homelands, for the countries Black groups. Black people were forbidden from living in white areas unless they were servants or laborers. Although Black individuals made up 75% of the population, the white minority set aside only 13% of land for them. Whites had the best land.

The ANC organized strikes and boycotts to protest racist policies

Nelson Mandela- An ANC leader

sharpeville Massacre 1960- The PAC organized a countrywide demonstration for the abolishment of south africas pass laws. 20000 Black people gathered near a police station at sharpeville

1976- Riots over school policies broke out in the Black township of Soweto, leaving 600 students dead.

In the 1980s Desmond Tutu, a Black South African Bishop had led an economic campaign against apartheid .

Nations imposed trade restrictions and banned South Africa from Olympic Games

1989- F.W de Klerk was elected as South Africas new president

Aug. 1989- De Klerk replaced P.W Botha as president and made promises to end white domination

Klerks goal was to transform South Africa and end its isolation

Feb. 1990- he legalized the ANC and also released Nelson Mandela

over the next 18 months the South Africa Parliament repealed apartheid laws that had segregated public facilities and restricted land ownership by Black people.

April 1994- all people could vote in elections

Inkatha Freedom Party- rival of the ANC threatened to disrupt the process of the election of de Klerk and Nelson Mandela

Mandela was elected President but stepped down in 1999

1996- South African Law makers passed a new constitutional democratic government which guaranteed equal rights for all

1999- Thabo Mbeki was elected president and faced challenged such as increased crime rates, rape, murder

South Africa faced AIDS epidemic

In South Africa Mandela is everywhere and theres even a Mandela day

Many believe that mandela caused unemployment and water shortages and isnt truly a hero


1918- The former German colony of Rwanda Urundi is made a league of nations protectorate to be governed by belgium. The two territories are administered separately under two different Tutsi monarchs

The minority Tutsi(14%) are favored over the Hutus(85%) and given privileges and western style education. The belgians used the Tutsis to enforce their rule.

1926- Belgians introduce a system of ethnic identity cards differentiating Hutus from Tutsis

1948- Genocide was defined as a crime by the United Nations under internstional law in the 1948 Genocide prevention Convention

\1957- Parmehutu(Party for the Emancipation of the Hutus)js formed while Rwanda is still under Belgian control

1959- Hutus rebel against the Belgian colonial power and the tutsi elite; 150000 Tutsis flee to Burundi

1960- Hutus win municipal electorals organized by Belgian colonial rulers.

1961-62- Belgians withdraw. Rwanda and Burandi become independent nations . A Hutu revolution installs a new president , Gregoire Kaybibanda;violent fighting continues and thousands of tutsis are forced to flee

following independece there were many outbreaks of violence by Hulu extremists against Tutsis, and many Tutsi refugees fleed to neighboring countries

1993- Rwandan Gov. signed a peace accord that allowed for the return of Tutsi refugees

April 1994- the plane of Hutu president Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down

Hutu extremists who had been planning for a genocidal campaign, seized control of the gov. and blamed Tutsis for the presidents death

between april and July 800000 Tutsis were murdered



South Asia

Sepoy- Indian Soldiers

Sepoy rebellion- in 1857, insult of pork caused the sepoy rebellion which Sepoys refused to accept the cartridges and were jailed by Brits leading Britian to take india as a direct colony

After WWII countries began to question colonization

The Mughal Dynasty limited European influence that began in the 1500s however was weakened

The British India Company gained greater Influence in many parts of India

The British ruled india for two centuries

Muslim League- founded in 1906 in India to protect Muslim Interests

Muhammad Ali Jinnah- the leader of the Muslim League, insisted that all muslims resign from the congress party

Amritsar Massacre 1919- 10,000 people gathered at the Jallianwalla Baghand protested against being banned from public meetings

The Salt March 1930- Marched for 23 days straight in protest of the high salt tax

1939- Britain committed Indias armed forces to WWII without first consulting with the colonys elected representatives which intensified Indian Resistance

Mohandas Ghandi- Indian leader who launched a nonviolent campaign of noncooperation with the British

1940s- India had approximately 350 million Hindus and about 100 million Muslims

The congress Party- The Indian National Congress(INC) was Indias national Political Party which most were hindus

Civil Disobedience- refusal to obey laws considered to be unjust

After WWII Britian found itself with enormous war debts
Muslims resisted having a government dominated by Hindus

August 1946, four days of clashes in Calcutta left more than 5000 people dead and more than 15000 hurt

Partition- was a term given to the division of India to separate Hindus and Muslims

The northwest and eastern regions of India would be considered Pakistan and where Muslims would live

July 16,1947 -The British House of Commons passed an act that granted two nations, India and Pakistan, Independence in one months time '

Millions of Indian Citizens such an Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs had to decide where to go

Summer of 1947- 10 million people were on the move in India in which violence amongst the different religious groups errupted

A Hindu extremist shot and killed Gandhi on January 30,1948

The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) Indias largest Party has dominated the government since 2014 and believes india should have a stronger Hindu Identity

Kashmir has been partitioned between India and Pakistan since 1947 which has brought India and Pakistan to war on a number of occasions due to the failure to agree on the status of the territory

Interim- Standstill agreement

oct. 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims

Instrument of accession- ceding control over foreign and defense policy to India.

Line of control in Simla agreement

Britain set up India so that it couldnt have its own economy. Cash crops left many sufficient on gov. Many schools were based on western life

South Africa

racial conflict was a result of colonial rule

South Africa was racially divided which the small white minority ruled a large Black Majority

1651- Dutch settlers arrive in South Africa establishing the dominance of European people over African people

1867- Dutch and British settlers begin diamond mining in South Africa

1899-1902- The Boer War

1910- The Boer republics were joined into self governing union of South Africa

1910-south africa gained self rule as a dominion of the British Empire

1912-The African National Congress(ANC) was formed to fight for their rights

1913- The Native Lands Act gives less than 10% of countrys land to Black South Africans.The minority government banned social contacts with Black and White people which established segregation in schools, public spaces, hospitals and neighborhoods

1931- South Africa became an independent member of the British Commonwealth

1934- South Africa becomes an independent country

1946- Black South Africans mine workers are paid twelve times less than their white counterparts and are forced into dangerous jobs. over 75000 Black South Africans go on a strike in support of higher wages. 1000 workers were injured or killed.

1948- The National Party came to power in South Africa which promoted Afrikaner, or dutch South African nationalism

Apartheid- complete separation of races

1956 Womens March, Pretoria- African Women actively opposed the pass laws which could tear families apart and they encouraged a larger democratic movement

1959- the white or minority government set up homelands, for the countries Black groups. Black people were forbidden from living in white areas unless they were servants or laborers. Although Black individuals made up 75% of the population, the white minority set aside only 13% of land for them. Whites had the best land.

The ANC organized strikes and boycotts to protest racist policies

Nelson Mandela- An ANC leader

sharpeville Massacre 1960- The PAC organized a countrywide demonstration for the abolishment of south africas pass laws. 20000 Black people gathered near a police station at sharpeville

1976- Riots over school policies broke out in the Black township of Soweto, leaving 600 students dead.

In the 1980s Desmond Tutu, a Black South African Bishop had led an economic campaign against apartheid .

Nations imposed trade restrictions and banned South Africa from Olympic Games

1989- F.W de Klerk was elected as South Africas new president

Aug. 1989- De Klerk replaced P.W Botha as president and made promises to end white domination

Klerks goal was to transform South Africa and end its isolation

Feb. 1990- he legalized the ANC and also released Nelson Mandela

over the next 18 months the South Africa Parliament repealed apartheid laws that had segregated public facilities and restricted land ownership by Black people.

April 1994- all people could vote in elections

Inkatha Freedom Party- rival of the ANC threatened to disrupt the process of the election of de Klerk and Nelson Mandela

Mandela was elected President but stepped down in 1999

1996- South African Law makers passed a new constitutional democratic government which guaranteed equal rights for all

1999- Thabo Mbeki was elected president and faced challenged such as increased crime rates, rape, murder

South Africa faced AIDS epidemic

In South Africa Mandela is everywhere and theres even a Mandela day

Many believe that mandela caused unemployment and water shortages and isnt truly a hero


1918- The former German colony of Rwanda Urundi is made a league of nations protectorate to be governed by belgium. The two territories are administered separately under two different Tutsi monarchs

The minority Tutsi(14%) are favored over the Hutus(85%) and given privileges and western style education. The belgians used the Tutsis to enforce their rule.

1926- Belgians introduce a system of ethnic identity cards differentiating Hutus from Tutsis

1948- Genocide was defined as a crime by the United Nations under internstional law in the 1948 Genocide prevention Convention

\1957- Parmehutu(Party for the Emancipation of the Hutus)js formed while Rwanda is still under Belgian control

1959- Hutus rebel against the Belgian colonial power and the tutsi elite; 150000 Tutsis flee to Burundi

1960- Hutus win municipal electorals organized by Belgian colonial rulers.

1961-62- Belgians withdraw. Rwanda and Burandi become independent nations . A Hutu revolution installs a new president , Gregoire Kaybibanda;violent fighting continues and thousands of tutsis are forced to flee

following independece there were many outbreaks of violence by Hulu extremists against Tutsis, and many Tutsi refugees fleed to neighboring countries

1993- Rwandan Gov. signed a peace accord that allowed for the return of Tutsi refugees

April 1994- the plane of Hutu president Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down

Hutu extremists who had been planning for a genocidal campaign, seized control of the gov. and blamed Tutsis for the presidents death

between april and July 800000 Tutsis were murdered