Formulations- paints, fertilisers, fuels and alloys
Chromatography separating mixture
paper chromotography
Lighter particles are drawn higher up by the mobile phase
Rf value = distance substance moved over distance solvent moved
Lit splint causes a squeaky pop
glowing splint relights
Carbon dioxide
Limewater (aqueous calcium hydroxide) goes cloudy
Bleaches blue litmus paper white
C9 - Chemistry of the atmosphere
Composition of gases most likely carbon dioxide and nitrogen and water increasing because of volcanic activity
The carbon dioxide was likely dissolved into the oceans formed, then into sediment
Plants and algae then converted carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis
Greenhouse effect- water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane absorb long wavelength radiation which keeps the earth warm and now contributes to global warming due to the increase in CO2
Carbon footprint is the measure of how much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere as a result of your actions
Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing the oxygen they are able to transport around the body. Its odourless and colourless, making it very hard to detect
Caused by combustion engines:
Sulphur dioxide causes acid rain, which corrodes metals and erodes stone.
Nitrogen Oxides cause respiratory/ breathing problems (when nitrogen reacts with Oxygen.
Soot/Carbon particulates
Can cause health issues
C10 Using resources
Resources needed for
Some natural resources include:
Wood for building
Fuels for burning, energy
Materials for fabrics/ clothing e.g. silk, cotton
We supplement these through Agriculture, but we are also trying to Replace them with synthetic materials.
Sustainability: using natural materials in a way that does not compromise future generations’ ability to do the same
Potable Water
Water which has low enough salt and microbes that is safe to drink.
The most effective way of obtaining this is by taking it from a freshwater source e.g. river, as this will have very little salt dissolved in it.
It is then filtered to remove large insoluble particles, then sterilised using Chlorine, Ozone or UV
Desalination : remove salt e.g. saltwater by distillation or Reverse Osmosis so it is safe to drink. Disadvantage: requires a lot of energy
Treating Waste water
Waste water is produced when we go to the toilet; Also from industrial processes
Harmful chemicals and organic matter must be removed before it is released back into the environment.
Screening/grit removal Liquid effluent treated by aerobic respiration
or ----→
sedimentation Sludge (solid):
treated by Anaerobic Respiration
Extracting metals
Most metals extracted from their ores by electrolysis or displacement reactions
Phyto mining- Plants absorb copper ions into their roots from copper rich soil. These plants are then burnt and the copper is obtained form the ashes
Bioleaching- Bacteria produce leachate solutions that contain copper ions that can be extracted
disadvantage is both have very low yields (produce very little copper)
Life cycle assessment
Carried out to predict the impact of a new product on the environment
What is considered:
-Extraction and processing of raw materials
-manufacturing and packaging
-use over its lifetime
We can reduce the impact by:
Using products less
Reducing Materials and energy needed to male