Abstract- theoretical; not concrete
Abstruse- hard to understand
Acclaim- praise; applaud
Accolade- an award, or praise
Acquiescent- reluctantly agreeable; compliant
Acrimony- words or behavior filled with harshness or anger
Adamant- refusing to change; stubborn, unyielding
Advocate- support; plead for; speak on behalf
Affable- friendly; easygoing
Affirmation- positive statement; assertion; agreement
Alienate- to push someone away, or cause him to separate from people
Aloof- detached; apart; indifferent
Altruistic- unselfish; caring
Ambidextrous- able to use both hands with equal skill
Ambiguous- unclear; vague; having several possible interpretations
Ambivalence- indecision; feeling of being pulled in two directions
Ameliorate- to make an unpleasant situation better; to improve
Amity- friendship
Amorphous- without form or shape
Analogous- similar
Anarchy- a lack of order; chaos
Anathema- a religious curse, or the thing or person being cursed
Antagonistic- in hostile competition; opposing
Antiquated- too old to be useful; outdated; obsolete
Antithesis- opposite
Apathy- lack of interest or concern
Apex- top; highest point; summit
Appease- calm; pacify
Arbitrary- selected by random choice and without solid reason
Arcane- secret; mysterious
Archaic- old; antiquated
Arrogant- acting superior, obnoxious, smug, or rude
Articulate- able to speak clearly
Ascendance- domination; controlling power
Ascetic- person who rejects physical comfort and luxury for self-discipline
Asperity- roughness; harshness; irritability
Assail- attack with words or force
Assiduous- persistent; hard-working; diligent; attentive to detail
Assuage- relieve; ease; pacify
Astute- wise; insightfully clever; shrewd
Atrophy- waste away; wither
Augment- make larger; increase
Auspicious- taking place under promising conditions; likely to succeed
Austere- stern; plain; without luxuries
Averse- feeling repelled; wanting to avoid
Avarice- greed
Baleful- harmful; menacing
Banal- boring; trite; insipid
Belie- to give an impression that is the opposite of the way things really are; to misrepresent
Belligerent- having a strong tendency to argue and fight
Benediction- good wishes; a blessing
Benevolent- kindhearted; good natured; generous
Benign- gentle; kind-hearted; mild
Bequeath- to leave behind or hand down through will; transmit
Blight- decay; disease; widespread death
Bolster- to support; to reinforce
Bombast- speech or writing intended to impress the audience; pompous
Brevity- briefness; conciseness
Bumptious- pushy; obnoxiously self-assertive
Cacophony- harshness of sound; opposite of harmony
Cajole- to fool with flattery or false promises; coax; deceive
Candor- honesty; frankness
Capacious- large; roomy; spacious
Capitulate- surrender; yield
Capricious- unpredictable
Castigate- scold; punish
Caustic- burning; either with chemicals or sarcasm
Celerity- speed
Censure- to criticize
Chasten- scold; punish; castigate
Choler- anger
Circumscribe- draw a line around; define limits; confine; restrict
Circumspect- cautious
Clemency- mercy
Coalesce- write; grow together
Coerce- to force someone by threatening or physically overpowering him
Cloister- secluded or isolated from the outside world; also a place of seclusion
Complacent- self-satisfied; unconcerned
Compliant- following someone else’s demands; conforming; obeying
Composure- calmness, equanimity