Mac Mangan, associate lecturer in the School of Psychology.
Focuses on several fields, including cultural and environmental psychology.
Research interests include the science and philosophy of cognition and memory.
The theme of this week's lecture is factors affecting well-being.
Key questions to explore:
What is well-being?
Is it happiness, health, or something else?
Introduction of different concepts and models of well-being.
Examination of research and theories that define the full scope of well-being.
Discussion on factors that contribute to a sense of well-being, including:
Research and theories will be presented to provide insights.
Exploration of positive psychology interventions aimed at boosting well-being.
These interventions have been designed and tested for effectiveness.
Lecture materials uploaded as three separate videos.
Each section concludes with a review and a reflective question or quote.
Invitation to engage further after the lecture through email or in-person on campus.