Psych Exam 4 (copy)

Albert bandura


walter mischel

Learning principles must account for

  • Thinking and regulating behavior

  • Interaction with others

Accounts for Self regulation and thinking

Cognitive structure

  • Reference mechanism

Cognitive socal person variables


  • Behavior-outcome, stimulus-outcomes, self-efficacy

Self regulatory systems and plans

Stimulus outcome expectancy

Behavior outcome expectancy

People get along better if they have similar outcome expectancies

Self efficacy vs perceived self efficacy

Self efficacy = What you are actually capable of doing

Perceived self efficacy = What you think you are capable of doing

Using yourself as a standard of evaluation helps to balance self efficacy with perceived self efficacy

Banduras says that comparing yourself to others starts very young but tells us very little about ourselves

Ideally you will strive to do better than your previous performances

External reinforcement

Internal reinforcement creates actual investment

Competencies OL (observational learning)


Can learn to do something by watching

Pay attention

Capable of reproducing it

Physically able to do what you are learning

If you cannot physically do what you are watching you are not learning it

If you cannot reproduce it you are not capable of truly learning it


Representation of future outcomes


What you think will happen in the future

Importance of goal setting

Observational learning


Vicarious reinforcement/punishment

Process governing observational thinking

  • attentional 

  • Retentional

  • Motor reproduction

  • Motivational

People pay attention to people who talk either really loud or really quiet (extremes)

Self regulated behavior and moral conduct

Performance standards

Modeling influence

  • Best modified by own accomplishments/failures

Goals and plans

Development of psychopathology

Depression oftentimes is a product of incorrect expectancies

Phobias can be learned through observation (not always direct)

Aggressive behaviors are learned from observation

Aggression is not inborn

Goal - self regulation - self efficacy

Study 1

Participant modeling (first model then participant)

Simple modeling (just observe)


Participant model is most effective

First me then you

Study 2

Symbolic modeling (film with models and snake)

Live modeling (with participation)

Systematic desensitization (think- decrease anxiety)

Live modeling is most effective

Doing something with your patient


Delayed gratification

Marshmallow experiment

Delinquents prefer immediate though smaller gratification

George kelly

Personal construct theory

You do things based on how you think about them

How you construe/ think about things

Very narrowly focused

Wasn't initially fond of psych

Against S>R radical behaviorism and psychoanalysis

Interested in stimulus eliciting response (why)


Radical explanations

Logic or correctness irrelevant

Teach discussing student

Perception issue

Just made things up in therapy

If he can convince the client that there is truth in his fabrications the client starts to feel better

If he can convince the client that it is true then the client and their relationships got better

He realized that what mattered most is what you think

If you can get out of your head and see something from a different perspective it gives you a break and you get better

He noticed teachers and parents upset about child behavior and if he could convince the teacher or parent to see a different perspective if he could explain the behavior in a different way the relationship got better

Classification of theory


Views (subjective) and thoughts about reality


Intact conscious experience

Just what you think (not repressed, preconscious, or collective consciousness)


Present and future

Control destiny/teleological

Teleology = the explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than of the cause by which they arise


Stresses human creativity and capacity for improvement

Philosophical position

Basic fundamental postulate: We all function as scientists

We all behave in the world based on how we function as scientists

We are experimenting all of the time

We do this with constructs

We develop ideas about things

We like predictive efficiency

Like to know what to expect and how to behave

Personal constructs

Tool used to anticipate future and how you will react

Interpret explain, give meaning, predict

Template–when interpreting experience

Miniscienific theories

Make predictions

construct system personality

A product of every single construct you have about everything that exists

Collection of constructs

Importance of corresponding o reality


Control destiny based on changing constructs

“Two men looked up from prison bars, one saw mud and the other saw stars”

Same exact environment but experiences are different based on what they are thinking and focused on

People can be in the same circumstances and have really different experiences and outcomes

From a kellian perspective true reality doesn't matter only constructed personal reality

 Personal construct theory

Constructive alternativism

You can construe things any way you want to

You can change your mind

Whether Flexible or rigid – is a personal choice

Reduce uncertainty – any way you want

Freedom and determinism

You can construe things any way you choose to but once you choose constructs they define your behavior

Personality is a construct system

Rigid constructs are Not flexible or applicable to a lot of different things

malleable/permeable constructs modulate nicely


Rigid vs malleable personality types

Moderates nicely

Supporting corollaries

Fundamental postulate

Everyone functions as a scientist


Construction corollary

You create  constructs based on previous experiences

Individuality corollary 

Everybody views/construes things differently

Organization corollary

Constructs are organized

Organizdd in complicated ways

That help us to communicate well

Superidnent and subordinate structures

Modulation corrolary

How permeable

Flexible vs inflexible

Commonality corralary

We construe things in similar ways sometimes based on



Sociality corrolary

We hav eto understand each other and each other’s contrsucts in order to get along and form meaningful relationships

Allows us to play social roles

CPC cycle for novel situations:

  1. Circumspection phase

See something and go through all of your constructs to try to understand it

Mill thru sonstructs (for best interpretation)

Considering phase

  1. Preemption phase

Choose best construct

Cant ponder forever

  1. Control phase

Relevant pole

Experience will validate or invalidate prediction

Every construct has two poles

Ex: One pole is good and the other pole is evil

People can have different poles

Ex: good and bad or good and liar

Creativity cycle for new solutions:

  1. Loosened construction phase

Cognitive experimentation

Preposterous ideas

Kelley said the more preposterous the better since you dont have any previous experience with it

  1. Tightened construction phase

Discovery of idea–experimentation must stop

  1. Test phase


If not, creativity cycle revisited

Traditional concepts revisited


In the past discussed as

Push (drive, motive, stimulus)

Pull (value, purpose, need)

Kelly believes that humans are born motivated


Kelly defines anxiety in constructs

Predictive efficiency important

Prediction invalid → anxiety

Events outside range of convenience

Sign of failed construction system

You can have a failed personality

This creates anxiety


(not give up ineffective CS)

Hostility is refusing to give up ineffective constructs

Narrowly applying a single construct

Extorting validation evidence for a prediction proven false

Refusing to accept (anxiety)

Opposite of aggression

It doesn't matter if it is positive or negative it only matters that you are misapplying a construct despite contrary evidence


(expand to ever increasing range)

Extending rather than defining CS (see choice corollary)

Adventure rather than security

Applying constructs too liberally

Prejudice and stereotype

Opposite of hostility


Displodged from core role structure

Person thinks about what they did and what they could have done differently to change the situation

The only power they have is to look back on what they did

Carl rogers – Reflective listening (repeating back)

Psychologists job to create a space to explore and understand feelings


Core structures (make sense of life) not validated (and/or imminent change probable)

Can be caused by positive events

Lack of predictive efficiency


(similar to threat but less severe)

peripheral (ex. Friendly dog growls)


Altering CS for better predictive efficiency

Change a construct for one that works better

Some people dont learn well

Pathology is the result of misconstrual



Predict event and confirmed

You applied a construct and it was validated

Could be for positive things or negative things

Abnormal development

In terms of:





Construe things in ways that don't work for you

Kelly was focused on cognitive processes

Didn't like psychotherapy

Preferred the rep test

George Kelly’s Role Construct Repertory Test is not used in clinic anymore

Clinics still use constructs and re construal

Identify constructs


Write a name on every single element line

To identify construal

Decide which two people are most similar out of the first three bubbles

Write what makes us most similar on the similarity pole

Look at the person who is different and then write what makes them different on the contrast pole

Carl rogers

Person centered

Answers really lied in the client for the reasons they were struggling

People come because somebody sent them or they dont know what else to do

Clients serve the ball to the clinician

Client continues to need you

Clinician needs to serve the ball back to the client

Personal reflection

Super optimistic view of human nature

Everyone has the ability to judge for themselves whats working and whats not

Trust our informed gut and evaluate

Reflective listening

“I think what I hear you saying is…”

“How does that make you feel”


No judgement

Give unconditional positive regard

Make care not contingent on behavior

Allowing other people to hear themselves

Allows them to think about what they really mean

You have to be okay with someone elses discomfort to be a good clinician

Okay with other peoples frustration

Clinician has to insert themselves in order to reflect

“Thats not what I said” should not be met with “yes it is what you said”

because people say things they dont mean

You need to give them an opportunity and believe them in order to get to what they meant

As a clinician you get in someones corner and look in the same direction

Most schools of thought today adopt a significant portion of carl rogers’ work/theory

If you get upset your client will stop and try to comfort you

Your client comforting you is a red flag

Dont think about what that person went through

Think about what you can do to help this individual in this situation

Basic assumptions

Vies of human nature: optimistic

Phenomenological reality: your own subjective experience matters

Impact of subjective world


Was not a believer in psychoanalysis

Believed that humans innate tried to improve ourselves and become our best selves


Actualizing tendency

We are born with an innate drive to grow, maintain, and enhance ourselves

Master motive

Innate need to survive (maintain) grow (actualize) and enhance

Great differentiation and complexity

Organismic valuing process (OVP): your valuing process

Uses actualizing tendency

Method of evaluating all experiences

Frame of reference is actualizing tendency

Trust feelings

If you listen to it you will self actualize

Impotant concepts

Emergence of self

None initially

Verbal labels

Manifestation of actualizing tendency

Applied self as well

Universal need for positive regard

Not necessarily innate

We all have the need to be appreciated/valued by someone

Need for positive self regard

Unconditional positive regard

Avoid interfering with actualizing tendency

Affirmation and limits

Rogers doesnt mean never say no

He means dont make love contingent on behavior

The behavior is the problem not the child

If you dont say no the world will

Conditional positive regard

Positive regard contingent on behavior

Internalization of parental values

Only way to see self positively–compliance

Conditions of worth

Override OVP → incongruency


Between yourself/who you are and ()

Conditions of worth replace OVP

Self denial

Is actualization stilted

Universal experience

Severity is the issue



Eliminate incongruency

Enable OVP

Rogers on therapist

There is noone more vigilant than a broken person

Rogers didnt believe in being directive


I am all in one piece in the relationship


Feelings on the inside match the outside behavior

Doesnt want to pretend

Constructive change

Therapeutic processes

Can occur

Real spontaneous prizing of this person as a separate individual

Necessary conditions:

Conselor congruence

Empathic listening

Unconditional positive regard

Client feels unconditional positive regard

Only after therapeutic movement

Trust and confidence

Can the client then say “no, thats not what I mean”


Process if conditions met:

Expression of true feelings

Stop prefacing things “before I tell you this I want you to know”

Start to detect the incongruence between the self and the experience

If given unconditional positive regard, will abandon conditions of worth

Sometimes unconditional positive regard is enough for healing

Rogers called Healthy people “the person of tomorrow”


Trust their own gut

Open to experiences

Live in the moment (Not the past)

Harmonious relations (good relationships with other people)


Behavior is consistent with who they are

Trust human nature (and are trustworthy themselves)

Experience a richness in life
